From the Higher Dimensions
Channelings from B.Nijboer
Jesus Immanuel Sananda and His message on the Mother Energies of Source I-SON and Asherah …and more Part 1: New Revelations My first words to you all my friends are these: Returning to balance and wholeness…is what is to come for us…a message of myself, my higher self and Jesus Immanuel Sananda. In the year 2013 I received numerous channelings by Jesus Immanuel Sananda on the Hebrews, Jews and Israel, or Canaan-ite / Semitic peoples, from JIS, in the Hebrew language. Also from my own memories of one of my Hebrew lives, where I was Shimon, the Maccabeus (the Hammer), High priest and ruler, after the Maccabean Revolt against the Asur rule and also memories from another Hebrew life in the lands of Israel, which I cannot disclose. In this year, in 2014, I again received some channelings by JIS, concerning the Mother energy of Source (not an aspect, but a half of the whole) and the Way it is part of the Whole flow of Source, the Unity of Source. The continued energies emanating from the I-Son rays and the Ray or bow that is to come and the awakened and renewed Mother energies, which have been suppressed for more than 2000 years on Earth. The Word IS, the Word will always BE, therefore the Word must BE spoken, which IS and always will BE truth…I was asked to wear the cloth now. I do not know what it will entice for me exactly, but here is what I know it to be. From the old days. For those who know what this means, it needs no explaining, in simple Biblical terms, it means, to be a prophet or a spiritual teacher. It is not different from being a channel, but with more direct Insight in to what is to happen and to bring the message to people now. In my Lao Zhu days, we called it being a Shen Ru, or being a teacher of the spirit, the energies of the Center, who shows the Way. First a little history lessons, or some history walk-throughs, beginning with the Canaan lands. Hebrew language has a word that means something like “allow”, called marsheh, which is a very important word when it comes to energy. Yet, in their current ways, Jews or Hebrew’s are not allowed to disclose anything that is supposed to not be said, or spoken of. It is repressed, or even restricted. Control has been the way, but I believe inside Israel certain ways are changing too. For now, the main way is the twist of the Open truth. It is Law, Moses Laws, (modern day) Jewish 3D Law, is a somewhat half shut EYE, or sideways look away, if you will, as explained by the Immanuel to me. Masculine way, is still dominant. The Y factor stepped in, or is that why factor? It is time to return to days of even older energy, times of Abraham or Ibrahim, as the sons of Ismail say it, when the whole was much more experienced. The Tree Channeling I will now give a channeling I received from JIS, on 14-11-2013, which fit these words above, where he speaks of Moses Law and hence forth, for Israel energy and the energies of the Mother whole of Source, which I will speak of later: “ …The fruits of the Tree were squinted and affected. Man cut down the complete view of the Tree, of your DNA. Before Abraham, there was life, were souls, were Beings of existence. Life is through the Cosmos, in all layers of dimensia! We point out to you Luke 3:8, Mark 5:10 and Eoannes 9:4 - 11 and also the Gospel of Eoannes. Remember that once a soul core is made, Life IS. God makes it to life and to prosper. The male and the female side it is made to become fruitfully together again. Samuel 3:9. Call me, I AM Light, call me, the Father is with. Live not in darkness, see the Tree, see your Life. It is ALL… “ Luke 3:8 à Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father.' For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. Mark 5:10 à And he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area. Eoannes / John 9:4 – 11 à As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world. After saying this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man's eyes. "Go," he told him, "wash in the Pool of Siloam" (this word means "Sent"). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing. His neighbors and those who had formerly seen him begging asked, "Isn't this the same man who used to sit and beg? Some claimed that he was. Others said, "No, he only looks like him." But he himself insisted, "I am the man. "How then were your eyes opened?" they asked. He replied, "The man they call Jesus made some mud and put it on my eyes. He told me to go to Siloam and wash. So I went and washed, and then I could see. " 1 Samuel 3:9 à So Eli told Samuel, “Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.’” So Samuel went and lay down in his place. I will continue… Now in the days of Canaan, or Kana’an, as the Egyptians called it already in my Akhenaten time, there lived many tribes in the lands we had conquered there, that were/are called, Judah/Israel/Samaria, Philistia, Phoenicia/Lebanon, Ashur/Asur of its larger country Syria and of course in my Akhenaten days, the Hittites. I have written and received several number of letters in exchange to Asur and Hittites. But there were also others of the named folks above. I will now dive into later times. In Hebrew, or better yet, Judish/Judah language, when something is “forbidden” (assur), when it is not allowed to stream through. Blocked, as in resistance. We, the Lightworkers, healers, Starseed, know, that when it comes to energy, a blockage and a resisting, it leads to sickness, or energies, that will cause pain or feelings of being unwell. The opposite of assur, is the word mutar, permitted (in freedom)!, Allowing. It is exactly this Word, that has been Channeled through me, by JIS, a lot last year, in 2013, from His Rays, through my Heart. The language was given in Hebrew, or better as we knew it, Ashur language, Aramaic, as we both understood it at one time in history. Mutar Ohev! Allow Love! And the Asherah knowledge… First I will give you some small channelings now about why I speak of all this. I refer also to the Allowing and Appreciating energies page, on this website, of the Arch Angels. It is about Mutar! The Assur times of the twist and male reformations, are over and we are returning to the Wholeness we ought to BE. Allowing to BE, allowing to BE Love, the full YOU, the full of both energies, like Source IS and not just One side of it. BE the Whole. I speak truth, I Am. My friends, some Words I received last year to give it a little start with the channelings. We come into a time where the Matuk of it all, the Mutar and the Ashalim, comes, for that is what the feminine energies are. It is the sweetness of the whole flow, the waters than run the whole stream of oneness. To carry, the bare Life Inside you, to carry the wave of Source. To BE the carrier, the vessel and container of the Source energy. All feminine on Earth know this energy. I will now go to August 20-08-2014, where I received the following message by JIS: “…The Mother I rode. The Child followed…A Mother and Child cannot Be separated, the colt represents the innocent Child, the Mother carries the burden of the Child in humble service…” And also… “Read about Mary who was carried by also a Mother donkey, in other Words, as was I…” So, I asked JIS, what is this to do with the new time? “Read on the symbolism…” He spoke… I continued my research with that. I came across what He all meant by this. Which has to do with feeling in and doing some little research. With short channelings/messages in between from JIS and also Ashtar and Sesherat to enhance and deepen the searching. I came across the knowing of the donkey He rode ON and the Child donkey, following his Mother, the innocent foal. Pure and following his Mothers lead. Look at this my friends and tell me later what you feel by this…. The messages I received on these Asherah energies are a message to return into the feminine knowledge of Source again, into the knowing Source is not just Father, but also Mother, to return to the state of knowing, for now, of before the Deutoronomic reforms. To find common ground in the Abraham/Ibrahim times and signs of those days. Spiritual Laws and the Laws of Being. In Essence this means to SEE and FEEL more that the 3D signs alone, but to feel Mother and Father as One, in all things around you, for they express their Ways into all stuff around you, energized in spirit and emerged into 3D, the full 5D experience. It is an Art to see and feel both. Thank you Ashtar! This brings me to the next Channeling I received, short, but powerful and clear. I received this message on 01-09-2014 from JIS: “…Light the Day, Cover the Night… …Tosh-ib(a)..” And this one…right after it. “…habba masha’vah M’Ashur…” Okay , to answer your heads and hearts now, what does this all mean? Light of the Day is the Sun’s energy, the Light of the Father, the Light ON and IN the Tree. Feel into the message on Isis, that Serapis Bey gave and the practice He gave into it. The Covering, the protecting is the Shading energies of the Mother, the Crescent sign of the Holy Mother energies, that is why the Mother energies have always been accredited to the Moon shine. Covering the Night is of course the Asherah sign, the branch of the protecting and nurturing energies. It IS why Jesus rode the donkey or colt, the Mother and its sign. It is how the coming will be again. A bow, a dawn, clouded, yet seen, spread like the wings of Isis, the Ray of the feminine coming UP, from the Horizon, carrying the Egg of Life, the Son. Now, the second part of the message Tosh-ib, was meant for myself. The Ib or (Ibe/ Iba), I knew, for it is the Egyptian word for heart and I know all on the knowledge of the Heart. The Tosh was explained to me. It means this: It has to do with the sacred bread and its bag, the Tosh, or Matzah Tosh, which carries, three sacred breads which will be known now over the Earth again through this message, as will be known the seven energies. The passing of the Bread, the afikomen. Also Tosh-ib means sojourner of the heart! Habba means, the Coming One. Masha is the female form of Moshe(h) which means, He who dawns from the Water. In this form it means she. It is related to the name Mosis or Meses, which was also used in Egyptian names from the time of the Akenaten’s dynasty. Like the founder of it, Tutmes (Thutmosis). The first part of that name has to do with Thoth or Taut as the Semitic Phoenicians used to call him too, Taut/Tut as it is also in Egyptian. The word Vah in Hebrew means Vessel (of water). The Word M’Ashur has to do with the Light of the EYE, the Seeing of the Light of the SUN (who is like Source), which is the old remembrance of the Light of the God Ashur, the Sun God, who also had a female bow, below, or with himself, it carries him, protects him and he protects the Tree, representing Asherah. Sun God Ashur and the Asherah Tree So, to recap it all, it means the Son, who is coming, will be coming from her Vessel of Watery like appearance, like a crystalline like watery shining body, a 5D body, from her Bow or Springing forth from her Water, her EYE, or better yet, her Ay, which means in ancient Hebrew/Aramaic, to Woe or Woo. Also, In my old Egyptian language Mes or Mesu also means Child or Son, in relation to the word Moses and also of course to Moshiach (Messiah). So, I tell you, the Moshiach is coming. And the Bow of the Mother is ready. The Mother side and energy of Source, the Asherah Now as JIS stated above, by riding on the donkey Mother, a Jessy and followed by her Son, the faul, in that order, He is stating that, in Her Way, she will be honored by her Son by riding on the back of the Mother’s Bow and again is carried by his Divine Mother, into Jerusalem, as his Mother Mary was carried by a Divine Mother donkey, at His birth. Why this honoring of the Mother energies in this way? Before you will feel this, I will speak of who Asherah was and still IS, for you cannot kill a Mother aspect from Source, by just breaking a few symbols or statues. Her waves are always carried throughout the Cosmos. From myself, some words about Asherah: It is known that she, Asherah, rides on a donkey for transportation- who is carrying the load, displaying her royal status. She is also associated with the palm tree, the tree of life, which arches like a bow over its trunk. It is known that ancient Hebrew Judges, Like say, Deborah, spoke just under the shade of a Palm Tree, meaning, protected by the Crescent Bow of the Mother’s energies. In Semitic countries and ancient Mesopotamia it was known that Kings, nobility and especially woman rode a donkey. Now important is that she was known to have been riding on the back of a Donkey, which I will speak of now, for that is related to the fact as to why Jesus road on the back of a Donkey Mother, especially symbolizing a Mother and a Child and let that Mother be followed by the Child donkey, the foal, which is now related to this Ison comet energy. The I-Son is birthed and carried by the Mother, the coming One will be woo-ed by the Mother again, the Crescent sign will come again, the Golden Dawn, the dawn of the golden Age to come, watch the skies, watch the clouds. I will speak further of the Mary connection to Asherah, another Mother a little bit further on. First I have a message of Ashtar I want you all to read again, which is the one I sent forth for him on 20-05-2013, about the Crescent Moon, which got no responses too because no one understood it. I will speak of it again for you read for it is important if you want to understand part 2 and 3 of these series of channelings and revelations, which will be going more deeper than this, that is, in the eBook versions of them. Also I refer you to the message of Yeho’ola which was given in June 2013, He speaks on these triglomorates or spheres better, which we see in the cropcircles with the Bows. These spheres are huge Mother-ships, planet sized. He calls these Bows Arcs of Radiance, see for his message here: Now I will give a new message from JIS, received on 02-09-2014: A sheep is but a sheep A Lion is but a Lion But a donkey has an Ash The meek will be meek The proud will be strong But the Tree carries the Load. Remember the Mother, who lives IN the Father Remember the Father, who lives IN the child Remember the brother who lives beside the Sister Remember the Union, who lives in the Twister We ARE ONE, T(h)ree Labachim, m’hashem, matuk ama’m, eloch katuk Become like Source, in her Name, sweet humble ones (=the mother’s), Source decrees Kadush Elayh Holy is the living Goddess (=Woo-ing El, or Birthing God) Mother Mary Ending here with the connection of the coming signs, which have been prophesied before, but, now have been given in the modern way again for you, through the Bows, as star families, angels and Ascended Masters are in preparation, so, this one is about Mary, the Mother, the Woman of the Apocalypse, riding on her Bow, bringing the coming One, again. In Mexico she was known as the Lady of Guadalupe, also known as the Virgin of Guadalupe. This Mother is coming on her Bow, or JIS would not have brought this forth. Are you ready for some impacting Mother energies my friends, or should I say, Immersion energies? I say, let the woo-ing and the birthing commence… Asher by the way means in Semitic languages Blessed. I will end with the some words, or saying, of the all around Mediterranean Goddess Tanit and this saying comes from of Ibiza (Tanit who is connected to Egypt, Canaan, Phoenicians, Sirius, ISIS and Sesherat and Tanit is the same as Mother Goddess Asher-ah) : Goddess Tanit, connected to life and the Ankh.
Tanit, protector of the dead and giver of resurrection says: “… I am the beginning and the end…” …and furthermore with this Jewish knowing of the echad, the Unity, which means in reminder of the fact of a cut of knowledge of the Mother, who is very much indeed part of the Unity of the T(h)ree, which we will restore in full again, the Unity of the full knowledge of Oneness, Father, Mother and Child, one Holy Spirit: Shema Yisrael Adonai Elohenu Adonai Echad Hear , Oh Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One! I hope you feel what is coming, the new RE-Union in full of the full energies of Source. The shield and face of Source, the Bow, the Mother energies brings the message, the Child, the Word and the Shem or Light. Hu! and Wu! I love you ALL, Namaste
1 Comment
7/9/2014 06:39:26 pm
A beautiful synthesis of the Arched way, dear Flame. Blessings to your INsight and a kiss to your heart. <3
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Channeled messages from B. NijboerOn the left one can see changelings that have come through and were received by me. Rest assured I will post every once in a while the right energies for all in here from guides speaking through me. Messages Archives
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