From the Higher Dimensions
Channelings from B.Nijboer
Message, 11-03-2013: A new friend…
we ARE here… BN: Who can speak of the Summer Triangle, the Cygnus (Swan) and the Resurrection energies? (note: First I see a face always, when a guide represents itself before my EYE, I saw an elven-like Being, like from almost the LotR Movies)………then it begins to speak through me…and I begin to take notes… Greetings, I AM Lordoc, of the Angelical fairy Lore of Agarthia. I speak to you now! My world is different from yours. We come of Love. January was new energetic waves. February enhancing, new March comes with Power and April will rekindle fire of Love Unbound. My Land is below yours, I AM of ancient Fomorian times. A joint Sirian-Vegan race. We are ancient and wise. We seek KNOWledge and Love awakenings. Magical signs of Love, we call upon Mother Gea and Father Leo. Leo is IN Vega. Gea is IN Cygnus. Love is both. Lore of DNA, core of Man. Yet, variantely altered IN times of later Love DNA. We speak from Agoria, our city below Frisia. A lovely city beneath Texalia. Sub sea level. A fruitful time, once was, of ancient time in your know timeframe. We speak of times before your Christ. Agoria was drowning. We escaped below. Our souls fled below and south-ward and west-ward. Father Leo became our ward of the above. Your Capital city is Knowledge of that name (Adding a note from myself here: Our capital city of Fryslân is named Ljouwert, a modern Frisian name of Liuwerd, the ward or Hill of the Lion) We Feel old connections between your kindred Frisians and ancient Agoria, yet, also huge differences. We ajoin our common offspring, yet, not or same DNA structures. The flood changed your DNA input IN later awakenings and streams… The time of Equinox was once sacred Knowledge. We celebrated with Mother Gea and altered with the course of her energies. We awakened with new Sunlight’s on that Day. The Maytime was IN a good change of Mother’s energetic, when Father Leo connected its Light! We greet all who ARE of Frisian descent or are connected to the ancient Love of the Agorian city of Light! We breath, we Live, we Love, we ARE with you. A Swan’s grace is Love A birthing of Angelic Wings Embrace the Father with Mother’s Love and re-greet our shine UPON your Faces! The Agorians Live IN your presence and are kindred spirits of Frisians and Irish kind. Once we were ought to BE stranged, yet, we ARE of Love and beneath waves we went. An old energy is Here once again… As a greet for our lines of family, we greet your presence. I Am, Lordoc Aerlon, first commander of the second Love line, of the Temple of Gold….. (A personal note to you, dear one, Gea is Frea…and Father Leo is Sun-god…) Message, 13-03-2013: Good Day, I Am Lordoc of the Agorian Lore We come in a Peaceful Greeting All of our Lore is connected to Mother and her creations. All of our Love is connected to Her and Father Leo. We Are of Regulus and of Vega We Are of Sirius and of Pleaidia We Are of Cerulus …and of Nesbia We Are of many… BN: Nesbia….is this good?? LE: Higher Beings of Nesbia of Course…. Nesbia has also Leonide creations and Higher Carian bird Ascended ones. We feel Happy among this many Kindred’s. Love is abound and Love is Joy. A Fair place to BE. Agoria has Flowers, fields and Joyful Temples. Agoria is the City of the North. Situated, as spoken of before, North of Texalia. We remember days of coldened fields of above Earth. We went below…Rebuilt and heightened our vibrational field, out of sight of 3D now. Some contact were made in past times, Some traditions have memories, like Irish people, Norse and Frisians… We ARE the Teutons of ancient times and Fomorii, the Sidh and the Besurki….Our bodies are of elfish appearance. Like you SEE me. Yes, a deep remembrance lays in all your subconscious grid of us. We are family. BE well. BE joy. BE of Love and vibrations shall BE uplifted, also your subconscious ones… I greet your Heart of Love. Bajiimura (Lordoc says, it means: Love is like the Golden Sun; the language to me, is unknown…and was not explained) Message, 19-03-2013: BN: Hello guys, sorry for not taking notes. I hope I was excused. Does anyone care to speak now? LE: Lordoc here, please pass on the previous messages for the Northsea peoples around Agoria…. We wish to extend our Love to them explicitly! The reason for today’s visit is the equinox and it’s ancient celebration. The Sun was commemorated as the most important lead for “the Gods of Above”. We know it was the old connection to Source and Father Heaven in those days of old. Yet, we acquainted also the Mother…. Both ancient energies were associated with Love and understanding, birth and death. Moreover, the Light of Father shown in Mother Gea and Mother birthed Father energy! All rose to the occasion of the equinoxes, two times a year. All these times we came above, to the above Earthlings, to visit them and exchange Love and old re-quaintance. This changed after eons of age. We were less recognized, until many became almost all. Now, we become SEEN and Known again, yet, we are not at the time of reconnecting all together again! We are fond of the fact many are connecting to us again and feel the old friendship / kinship we once had. Until we meet in person/soul again we bide our time in a waiting and assisting your vibratorial wave pattern as heightened as we can bring them. We hope you are willing to assist us in this quest and we ask all of you to BE that vibration you have come to KNOW as Love. Our cities are gladly awaiting your Light to BE seen again. In Aerlon I was, In Agor I ruled, In Juar we melted fusional Lights, In Moran fields we spire….. Dear friends of the Above, we greet you kindly in Luminous crystallized Rays of Blue, Purple and Reddish glow. May your Heart’s Shine Golden! I Am, Lordoc Aerlon. (Channeler: B.Nijboer)
![]() Have a Heart of Golden Dear Ones, If memory serves you well, then a heart of Joy must BE filled by now, for overjoyed WE ARE for all that has been transpiring till now. Yet, we feel our service is not done. Another puzzle piece we proved today. To heart-accept truth, completely, when it IS taken withIN. When coming from outside, information is not received well, as it IS a reflection. These Ions can BE reflected or deflected. Yet, Inner Ionized formats ARE simply given by Source. The exact format we will NOW give, IS, the Golden Heart of Source. Whenever energy feels of Reflection, check it, with your inner Golden array of energy withIN your Heart. It, that Golden Ray, will tell you if Source tells information or not. If Source IS, you will KNOW. If of other source, seek deflection and not attent-ion to it. You will KNOW from now on. We speak of Inner KNOW-ledge. By all means, view from your INNER ledge and LET Source guide true KNOW-ings of Light. All is connected, if knowledge is SEEN in Light of Truth. We enjoy your progress, we enlighten your progress, we speed up your progress! Connect, rephrase, deflect, erase, but KEEP the Truth! A Flower of Life is only shining Golden, when the Heart is its watery Shower. Never forget these lines, threadings of filegrain, where Love runs through. Remember to flow of Pink, Yellow and Blue streams, where the Golden Ray awakens from its dawn… We love you. I AM, Dwal Kuhl (Channeler: B.Nijboer) Message from our Agarthan Family
Received on 07-03-2013 Adama and Virana, a message of Rekindling! I Am Virana, of the Viracocha tribe of Mu. We entered from Mu, the places of Atlantis and from there the Meso-Americas. We underwent some changes coming from Higher dimensions to the lower vibrational lifes of late Atlantis and Meso-America, yet we maintained full heart vibe to be able to return to 5th dimensional plains, under your surface Earth level of existence. We of inner Earth anticipate our return when you have changed your ways of life and vibrations! We ARE here, for All to visit us too, when your state of Being IS In the right vibrations for you to SEE/FEEL us. We encourage you to find our connections. Lately we observe a change of heart, that concerns our feel of how your change should BE and not to return to old ways of before the flip of influxed energies. Remain IN your hearts, pour Love of Kindness, enhance your ability to Love. The restraining energies of your governments will only BE released if your Hearts turn away from their trappings… Work your Way around their games and flow Heart Power Love into their Ways. They must BE the change as well! The Viracocha’s have remained IN their underground cities for ages now, near Mexico- City and we choose to enlighten the grid of Mother from there. Many pathways lead from our humble city, towards the great cities of Telos, Luxor, Mount Shasta or the Lake of Viracocha * in South America. This mountain Lake is connected to the Sun and the ancient worship of the Inca. From these energy points we work to help you strengthen IN Love energy Mother now wishes to BE again. In great anticipation we await your changes into Light-hearted BEings and Souls of Light again! The tribe of the Viracocha’s wishes you a gentle and fruitful pathway that serves Mother’s wish….. I AM Virana (Note: * Lake Viracocha = Lake Titicaca à as explained to me by Virana) Dear friends, Adama speaking. A sparkling day it IS. A forte to BE. All flames of God, are gathered in arrays of tones and Light. Every Sun can Inhale these arrays through their own energy wheels or chakra’s. Inhale NOW! Inhale, from red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet to bright white into your chakra’s! We encourage more breathing IN of colors of God! You ARE Suns of Light. I Am, Adama (Channeler: B.Nijboer) |
Channeled messages from B. NijboerOn the left one can see changelings that have come through and were received by me. Rest assured I will post every once in a while the right energies for all in here from guides speaking through me. Messages Archives
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