In this piece would like to speak on a small introduction on the Sirius High Council, for what I have read so far through others, I have read many things that are not completely of truth, either from Channelers, or researching writers, mostly from a head view. All of these, seeing, feeling and writing in a tunneled way, let’s say, without enough broadband, or overview. As I have mentioned before, the humanoids, or even later humanoid feline species, are the children of DNA experiments of Lions of Light and Angelical ones. Therefore some messages come from our children, from memories of later times. Today I will speak of the before, the early waves of the Sirius system, its founding.
First a small personal introduction:
Today I will also let Ashtar and Sesherat speak on the matter of the Sirius Council and also my own memories of the being a member of the High Council, as a “young” Lion Being, called Raiba, already aware as we were, of the young planet, called Earth, or some of its predecessors Maldek, or Venus . I was a sort of ambassador in that time, travelings to many older befriended star systems and was counseling, advising, for many young new members of the regional Federation, known then to the High Council as, the new Sirius Alliances. Some of the older systems at that time in the Alliance were Canis Minor (the Procyon), Orion (the Melchizedekians), Gemini (the Katorians) and Auriga (the Mutai, no not a species related to the earth-like boxing style’s name). These young new members (systems, or even planets), like Pleiades and the then evolving Maldek and Venus colonies, in this star system and also older member systems, like Orion, who also held young evolving humanoid planets, so my tasks focused mainly on the new ones, to guide them. Reformations, new introductions, have always been my favorite thing to do, like I am doing here now on Earth again too. New awareness and bring new consciousness is stuff Lion Beings (humanoid looking beings with feline or Leonine heads) are top nudge at, mainly because of their feminine flow of energy and protective knowledge of the blue ray, purple/violet ray and Light. In that ray we are working closely with the Arch Angel Michael, his angels and the humanoid 5D and 6D Arcturians. AA Michael is with me in this live again too. See AA page to feel more into the angels.
So what is the Sirius system and what is the High Council of that system?
First Vega and Lyra…
As Lion Beings, from Vega (Lyra) system, we fled our system after a big war, we carried with us the fragments of the Lyran Federation, with many Light ships of that system. Most Vegans, were scattered because of that war, some into nearby Lyran systems. But there was a big number who fled further away, some to Cygnus system and I remember our journey from Vega, with a set and plotted course to Sirius. I need to speak of this journey from Vegans to Sirius to make everyone know what happened and why the council is residing where it was and still is residing. With the destruction of the higher dimensions of Lyra/Vega, we plotted a course for a new system, Sirius, stepping down and descending in layers, or dimensions, we settled there.
The Journey from Vegan planetary worlds, to the Sirius system
When the planetary scattered factions of Avyon, Velonia and Ruatia were chased into space by reptilian invaders, the main Lion hearted faction of Vega planets set course for Sirius A. The main Lion planet was in fact Avyon. The mixed planets were Velonia and Ruatia, where humanoid Vegans were even more populated than on Avyon. Humanoids also lived in Beta Lyra, as it called today by Earth scientists. About this journey, I will let Sesherat speak here, message from 26-12-2011:
“…during and after the war with the reptilian destruction of Avyon, what was left of the Lion population, fled to Sirius A. Humanoids left first to other systems. After some “time” they settled in Sirius system too, we appointed Sirius B to them. Felines were in “that day”, more technologically advanced then the humanoids. Also in spiritual matters. In the Sirius system they grew more and more advanced, spiritually and technologically, with feline help. We live with them in harmony (again), as we were on Avyon. Humanoids between Lyra and Sirius B, lived in Beta, in Lyra. A hasty fleeing station, where they hid from reptilians…”
When Lion Beings arrived around the Star called Sirius A, we settled on the planet Toleka, a 3D world, connected into the blue white sphere of Light. So the first council of Sirius system was founded on 3D planet Toleka, where it later ascended from the 3D layer and formed the council of Sirius A, which later became by common ascend the High Council. All three systems are represented equally on the High Council. Before I go in on that I must mention one thing. When felines or Lion Being humanoids came to Sirius, they forgot first to look at one system, because they were never alone in the system, as they later found out, for there was a Sirius C system, where the Whale beings lived, with the Dolphin beings. These high beings were so friendly and high, that when discovered, the high Lion beings spiritually connected to them and asked them to join them in spirit. When the consent of the high whale beings came, things started to move UP into ascension when the two species worked together to form the first high council on Sirius A. Later when the humanoids were appointed to settle around Sirius B, they quickly became part of this Union.
So yes, old and dear Sirius, I will give a little more insight on the systems, some of the planets and the Councils there upon them, for there were indeed more than one in the former lower dimensions. Like nowadays on Earth, where we have our governments in many “lands”, or nations, each planet in the Sirius systems of A and B held planetary councils and also the three Star Councils were there. Each planetary council was “governed” by a overseeing Star council, like say, the Star council of Sirius B, the humanoid part of the overall and complete Sirius system, who has representatives in the Sirius High Council on Sirius A. After the Sirius system ascended, as a whole, the three normal Star Councils remained seated around their Sun, but the High Council was automatically agreed to be seated around the Sirius A star and its new higher dimensional portal, which was in 6D. The system was not as on Earth, with a pyramid locked in top view. See for explanation on that in the Ruba messages. The system comes from a Circle view and a Centered point triangle view. The circle and center pointed triangle, work as One.
So there were three main Star councils and they all had a representation in the Sirius High Council, which was seated and still is seated around the dimension 6, of Sirius A. So it is IN 6D. Also the three Star councils are and have been for a long time in 5D/6D. Once the, which is called, the grand incursion, Ascension of the Sirius system from 3D worlds and planets into a 5D dimensional shift, the planets disappeared from the 3D layer. That is why members of that old system are here on Earth to assist with our Ascension. Sirius is a highly known High dimensional portal and port for many network travelers and knowledge seekers. Many learn in the Sirius system as to gaining new Insight into pyramids, waves, frequencies, diamonds, transformations, healing and triangles. We also know much on crystals. The White and Blue Light (in all its spectra) is the knowledge of Sirius. Souls travel through to transcend in light and knowledge and gaining consciousness from one zone to the other, for their own personal shift. We are happy to assist in all ways.
Sirius system, its “former” planets and its councils, given words and knowledge from Ashtar:
“…On Sirius A, like spoken before to you, there was the planet Toleka, which remains only now in 5D.
On Sirius B, the former 3D planets, At’rami and Sothisby were humanoid settled planets, completely. Of course Whales and Lion Beings visited often, but it was given a mostly humanoid space.
Sirius C held no planets, suitable for Lions or Humanoids, as it already resided in higher planes of existence, where Whales and Dolphin beings lived. Later, like on Pleiades, they also were created in lower dimensions, because of love for these very high beings…”
From myself again, I give you this to consider.
Earthlings should realize much more the deep love of these beings! Whales and Dolphins, in origin, are the true guardians of early Sirius system. It is only when the Lion Beings realized a higher understanding of the layers, they knew they were there with them. It is also a layer, in which one can live and ascend into, when one has ascended from the humanoid, or feline forms, to experience whale and dolphin love energy. Later also merged forms were made in lower dimensions. But that is another story….
The knowledge of the true Heart and Core: the Mitha Ajun
I will briefly speak on this, as the Ruba page are much more extensive on the pyramid and diamond knowledge. In the complete whole of the Sirius system, the true Core from which all things spiral was known as the Mitha Ajun, in Arua speech, the Light language of the Lion Beings, where the mitha ajun, was known, as the true Core, true Center of ones being. On Earth it has been misused and misinterpreted for dark purposes.
For that I will gladly point you here to the Ruba part of this website, the Ruba messages page.
What is the Mitha Ajun, in short?
It is: the true middle!
It is a point in your center, the center of your being, with humans it’s Inside the heart, where the Pi factor flows, the spiral flows, the point IS, the diamond flows around it, as does the MerKaBa, the true connection to Source (God) IS made with it. For humans it is Inside your Heart, within your Heart. It is a metaphysical energy point, a zero point, a portal, which is connected to everything! Some know how to get there, in energy, some are able to feel and / or, sense it, Inside.
As the point, the circle and the triangle are one of the first main sacred geometrical shapes, the Mitha Ajun can be shown (drawn two dimensionally) inside a triangle shape. See therefore into the Ruba page and also the Sunflower page. Inside the Heart Center, the MA is called its true middle point. If you want to be your own Star-portal, connect to truth and Source, just be IN your Heart Star, BE in that point. On Earth it has also been called zero point. It is not a nothingness as some would like it to be, but a space where the all can be experienced and connected with.
Also this thing I want to mention to you now, is the Alliance seal that was once made between the Sirius system and the Ashtar Command. So I will post it soon for you all, for now this is enough information on the Sirius system and the High council residing at, or IN, the layers of Sirius A.
Last little info is ON the the name Ashtar, I will give you to you this side information, because Source work in all ways to us and also will refer to Serapis Bey, because he is connected also to this old Venusian and Sirian Suraya energy. The old name of Ashtar is sometimes called Ashtar Sheran. Today, 08-03-2015, I spoke to my Twin Soul on the Sheran energies and the deeper meaning of this Sher and An part of his name. As Sher'An is to do with very ancient energies, all the way from Vega, Avyon, converted on Earth into Iun, An/On and also in the western legend of Avalon. Now Sher-An is connected to the suraya energy. Or Sirius like energy! In Arua Light language the word an, means, like and the word Sa'hu Ra, which became shortened into sura or suraya, meaning the be in the shades of Sirius, or to be in the protection of Sirius. A star, or Sun, is a Suraya and planets live in its "shades" or Light. The Star takes its central place in its center, like our Hearts. So Ashtar's last name, Sher'An is connected to Surah An, ergo, Sirius-like, the spiraled one. The energy ended also mixed in the Venusian ways, because the Suraya energies are feminine and connected to the Rose energy of Venus, the spiral energy! Now for those who do not know this in the western world, Source has given also some knowledge of this in the Quar'an, as Source speaks of it in the Surah-An Najm, especially 49:9. I will speak more on this helix in divine time. For those wanting to know a bit of it now, read here. It is about an ancient known helix movement of the Sirius A and B stars solely, a bit like DNA helix, with a certain time-frame. As Sirius A and B are helixed together, the Sun, or as the ones from Sirius system knew its by its "Egyptian" name, Ra, are also helixed together. Twin sisters.
The heart lied not in seeing what it saw, Quar'an 53:11