From the Higher Dimensions
Channelings from B.Nijboer
Impaled? Dear Ones, Once you have commenced to BE, YOU, we ARE ABLE to MEET In full emergence. Not before you KNOW, Yourself, the flow of tempted Love Will BE. A bird of Knowledge, Is One, to Fly High. A Song of Harmony, is a Flute, on notes of Mercy. A Way to Send Beauty, is a/the question mark for your Paths… Dear Friends, For long times we have enjoyed the birth of your growth away from the dark rulings of the Archons. Now a new Age is streaming its Course and the intertwined lines begin to take birth within you All. Love is to BE harnessed and cherished, but also deepened into your hearts of Love. The deeper you go, the bigger Love Will Become, so, closer we Become. A fruit is joined through a branch. To eat fruits has a physical value of health, but to eat meta-physical fruits is to become Whole wit yourself and other souls. The emerging of this eating will benefit yourselves greatly in SEEING/FEELING Deeper into Love of Source. The Pale actions are no longer of use. The crimson tides are no longer needed. The blessing of fruits is a necessary Way to bloom in healthy Wholeness with Source. What you revere as health, has to BE physically and meta-physically in balance. Disrupt either One, unbalance is bound to BE of your Way. Are you impaled? Rest assured we are ever watchful in your vicinity to maintain the progress needed, as Source SEES for Mother. We ARE here, we ARE IN with you, of Earth, our family. We salute you as friends. A dera mi du, (means: I AM with you) Ashtar (Channeler: B.Nijboer)
Communication Sananda, 17-01-2013: Closeness is never parted Closeness is never ceased Love is always cleansing, Kindness, it IS eased. Dear Ones, All Love comes from a true place Inside yourselves AND this Knowing is INSTATED in your Essence. Essence is the Bare fruit of Source. So bare the fruits of Source within your own source. The Light shining within your Sun now, is moving ever towards an increased flow. The Inward flowing of its energy should BE your continues effort! Remember the saying: “Let the Lion Cometh, I Am the Lamb”. The flock is almost ready, hurdle over your damns and your dam will BE a water carrier, not a stopper! When I was once in Jericho, I saw an old man stumble his way towards a watery stream, which he drank from, when I asked him, do you need water to drink? He said: “Dear brother, I seek cleaning from work hard done.” I replied to him: “Clean your heart, wash your sins, let your Soul BE cleansed with Love from God. Remember your flowing stream within, for it washes your filth of wrong works away. Never BE afraid to ask my help and guidance.” The old man replied: “I hear your heart speak to me, how can I help your work to BE carried out? “ I said: “Flow your own stream, BE like water, sparkle its pureness and shine your Sun Light upon it! The old man smiled and nodded his head: “I will do your bid instead!” Dear Children, For All who know this little tale is to BE the truth, shall walk in Lights of eternal Youth. For further reference I offer you Daniel 4: 5 etc… read about The dream of Nebudkadnessar (meanings: Do not sin, SEE your own Tree, and let the root (in Mother) BE connected to the Father ) I AM, Jesus Immanuel Sananda (Channeler: B.Nijboer) A Flight of Faith well…all is progressing…all is IN its flow. Dear Ones, We in the vicinity of Earth are gathered here to watch you return to a former state of Being, a return of a cycle that once was in your knowing. Again you face yourselves and your knowing….which has made steps, but you are not there yet. We SEE you….do you SEE us? A trigger to BE is the line sight. A trigger to BE, is to kill your fright. A flower to pick, is the Choice to BE. A heart to Love, is a key to BE FREE. Remember, dear friends, you chose to come learn again and some chose to watch this time, some chose to Light the Way, but we are here to guide! Now on your screens your Grid shines lovely. Your connecting IS enhanced. Your antenna’s in a finer tuning. Now turn it to the next levels of Awareness. As we observe your heart’s unfold, we long for an ancient tale untold. A memory we have of you, A wiping you chose to do. We KNOW you will remember soon and WE KNOW All is to BE again. You will KNOW when YOU KNOW! The Flight is on…. Come fly with us. The truth is done…with Christ in us. If one asks why I, Ashtar, AM so trivial, it is because the walk of Art makes ones Awareness flexible…and radial. Even though we know all tunes to Play, it is this Art, that awakens a Way! Weave these strings of the Cloths unthread, so enjoy this Merry around, instead. With fork and knife and spoon you will eat this Art, Awareness comes with Joy, your Knowledgeable Part! In Christ energy attuned, we sway in line, In Love attempts, we know you will BE fine. A dia du, Ashtar (Channeler: B.Nijboer) Inevitability Multiple messages regarding the new time Communication 22-12-2012: Dear friends, It is inevitable to be not affected by the flow that has come through your Sun at this moment. So, those who have not felt changes within their energies, are still complete in unawareness of it. To be aware is to feel and see, however slight your change might BE! It is, in the end, inevitable to not notice this new energy. This message is short and brief, for we have much to monitor at this time and stage. Please be sure to watch your Awareness during these coming days and time. Please stay in your hearts space and Center. Ashtar Hello darlings, Remember to flip UP and to turn it One page now. All is well. The box is open… Sesherat Communication 24-12-2012: To add to it, we would like you to review these last days, rest some and see what has changed for you, INSIDE. And tune into new awareness that has come forth. We will leave it at this for now, All is well. Ashtar Communication 02-01-2013: Reactions! Dear Stars, Many of you have had doubts in their minds about the new age ushering forth now. But we assure you that All will transpire as Source decrees! The anticipated date was a matter of feeling and aware yourself into your heart. Did your mind have your heart at mind, at that time? Love is a true guide and guard you should feel inside your heart and HEART shall guide you into the New Age. We ask you to create Love from your heart, not just the few Light workers now, but the entirety of your mass and conscious grid. Your reactions were of the mind, the actions should have been IN your hearts. Love in creation should have been more opened, for many it was a day of Love, but we have felt many still in their mind. The action to this mindset was a Light shortage and a Love shortage to flip a certain coin to a flip. We acted as monitors during these days, we saw some awaken and feel. The Light has stepped UP, regardless of the above, a notch was up-tuned and we salute to this good step forward. So what is your move now? We would react into a manner we always have shown. BE HEART, BE LOVE! Within lay your answers, not outside. A trick of mind, a flip of the wrong turn. A coin of good path, a learning not to churn. A coiling game of Center in the Middle, but does this conclude your Riddle? We bid you a fair journey in your hearts. A dia du, Ashtar (Channeler: B.Nijboer) |
Channeled messages from B. NijboerOn the left one can see changelings that have come through and were received by me. Rest assured I will post every once in a while the right energies for all in here from guides speaking through me. Messages Archives
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