This page is about the fact that we all have to be discerning to what we read and to what we have been told before. Times are changing now. Why? Because the time of Power or the age of Power, will Change into the flow now of Ethics and Truth, extending eventually into the Age of Love. A lot of stuff has already been coming out to the surface and even more of that will flow to the surface, to be cleansed. Lot's of 3D upheaval will come from it, or has already started a bit. It will change into something new.
The world is changing for a reason, because the Light is incoming, also for a reason, to go into a new age, so it is imperative how we act and flow within its Light. What is very important?
Many are new at this energy stuff or "being spiritual" as the old template name is called for it and there are many who have been longer working with energy, light and alternative healing methods. In essence the flow that comes IN, needs to be processed, by our energy field, but eventually also our physical bodies. Many have already felt physical sensations, pains or discomforts with this energy field changes. With this energy come new beings we get to see and feel, new layers and energy chakra's will suddenly open. Therefore new doors will be opened. How we deal with these doors is what I wish t speak of here. For our souls and energy (-field) have a mixture in this.
The truth however always comes from our hearts, our center, our soul core.
So, I would like to speak of your discernments towards what we are reading from many voices of this new energy now, the many Channelers emerging, like myself too. Although I have been a bit longer at this learning before. Because of my soul knowing and ability to look further back in "time"than many can, have reason to speak this, not because of the need to feed my ego or small self, but from my heart knowing, which is humble in Essence. But when it comes to speaking truth I will speak it and say things that need to be said. Always there will be a little energy and input from the Channeler, for the energy streams through his or her energy field, which is his or her Light and Color spectrum. Mine is very ancient.
When I speak of ancient this does not mean I know all stuff better than others, just some, but I certainly do know the ancient time-lines and energies belonging to it, because of the old age of my soul.
Star family and Starseed discernments
When I read stuff on certain "Pleiadean" Channelers, I find myself sometimes laughing at the stuff they speak of, put out there, for the energy comes mostly not from Pleiadeans, or even good entities. One must understand that the Pleiadean systems was once attacked by Draconians. Some Suns and their planets in that system were subdued by Reptilian dark energies. Other systems, mostly the ones beginning with the letter A, like Alcyone or Asterope, have regained new Life IN Love and Ascended to great heights of wisdom, knowledge and Light. I wish here to discern what kind of Channelers you may encounter that speak coming from this system. Not all Pleiadean systems were cleaned. But also beautiful mergings emerged from those encounters. This is just one example of a system, and there are many systems who have been compromised in the same way. So Light was not always Light in those systems too. Also I would like to point out that certain energies are better to be left alone and not to be trifled with. An example is/are the dark Ray(s), the void or the energies belonging to the being called Azrael. Be very discerning with those. Last but not least I wish to speak of this new energies and the confusion we may encounter in knowing what is YOU and what does NOT belong to you. I will speak now of souls thinking they are something or someone, they in truth and reality, are not. So the next paragraph is called this:
Be's and Wanna Be's
If you want to BE and BE truthful in these new energies, we have to constantly grow our awareness and Love, for that is how this new energy IS. It simply means to use your inner heart to know what IS real and what is not real. I will speak on Star-family again, Ascended Masters and souls on Earth claiming to be the Ascended ones, or their Twin Flames or even being the Star Beings in physical form.
I know from Ascended Masters they Ascended because their learning was so in alignment with the Light of Source, they ascended to a layer most have yet to reach her on Earth or its Light spheres. To claim to be a Twin Flame of an Ascended one is not possible, for Twin Flame energies are always in alignment and vary very little in Light and parallel in their journey together. So if the Ascended One speaks through a Channeler, his Flame is also in that sphere, meaning, not on Earth. Unless both BEings decide to Descend again to Earth in their Light forms. This would then be considered as a second coming, because such Light would be seen through our skies. So in truth, be discerning with such souls, for it is mostly ego and wishful small self energies wanting this or that personality to be their own Twin Flame. Normal (lower density) Twin Flames can however do this connection, if you are in such connections that is, one maybe from the lower spheres of Light around Earth and the other being on Earth. This is a way to be together for these new energies, to work with them. Also both can exist on Earth in 3D density. More and more live together here in this 3rd density again, to walk in these higher incoming energies again.
Recently and for more than a year now I have had a number of souls emailing me and confronting me with the fact that they are this Star Being or that Star Being/Ascended Master's Twin flame and that I should change my knowledge and website because they are "demanding" it from me, as my information here was "incorrect", according to these souls, that is. If you think, or even feel you are Ashtar, Sesherat, the Immanuel, St. Germain or any other enlightened being of the Light, you may want to wake very up fast, or even to be their Twin Flames, learn this wake up extremely fast, for their energies are not in the physical realms, as in being physical bodies, nor are their twin flames here in 3D Earth. Ashtar and Sesherat have stated again and again that their energies are not in the physical and also, they are not Twin Flames. They are of 5D and will remain as such, according to what I have received from them. Also their 5D energy will not be represented by a physical form. Also the one called Cobra is not the same energy as Ashtar. Their learning was done in this 3D density a very long time ago. Also JIS and Lady N are not in this density. If you have connected to their Light and energy, then blessed you are, but do not confuse yourself with being them, being an aspect of them, a common thing done by Channelers, for their energy can be strong and overwhelming for our lower energy and density fields. Use your heart to know what is what, who is who, which energy is yours, what is theirs. If there are still souls that still feel they are those souls, then be in your own illusion. It is your energy. My advice IS: Step into your Heart for REAL now. Step away from those ego energies and LOVE only, learn of these energies you have encountered now and flow into truth. Be humble and confront yourself. Discern. The truth will always prevail, no matter how hard the head and certain energies try to fool us all.
Ascended Masters and Twin Flames
I have also been reading many mistakes on some Ascended Masters and their Twin Flames. I will just name two here, Twin Flames, for you all to view because they lay very close to my own heart and energy. I will speak of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, for these two wonderful souls are Twin Flames. I have come to know them now as the Immanuel (JIS) and Lady Nada (Lady N, as I call her). Their energies are so full of Love that it really melts your heart sometimes and yet, it IS being strictly truthful in their speaking when discerning and adjustments need to be accomplished for our learning.
I mention these two big energies of Light because I have read many Channelers and mediums mixing this up into different name combinations or even naming another Twin Flame for JIS. These are untruthful words written. Also the truth IS, that there is in reality, One TF, not more. If you are in that energy, start your review fast, for you have been mis-informed, or led astray. It is of course your own free universal choice, to remain in a path you have chosen to be in and believe in your own truth.
Okay, please, use your hearts to have solid and deep discernment on what IS and what is NOT of the true Way. Love will guide you, but let not your eyes and mind be blinded by twisting energies. Follow the Heart, it always knows. If something smells fishy, it usually is just that. Like in 3D density.
I will speak words of Light, Love and Hope too, for these the Words were given by JIS, given on 29-09-2014:
M'seduch abech adir (Aramaic/Hebrew for: The feminine reconnecting, or wedding , warms your unfortune (you have been in until now), to become strong)
The world is coming...
I will now give Words given IN me, from Source, that were carefully laid in my heart a little while back, which are connected for these times, the coming times, to be discerning in the stirring times that lay just ahead of us, do not be heady, use your hearts, so from my own I AM come these Words, given on 21-10-2014:
Planetary seekness is going ON Correctiveness will BE. Righteousness will follow. Happiness ensued. Directive played When the two align and two will shine. Distinctive truth, heads will roll, when not IN line.
To end this page I would like to speak some ancient Hebrew knowledge I know INside, so here it goes:
Collecting the Gold of our Hearts is prime, feeling the Light is the Wine, seeing the bread is the just way to be fed.
Let love be the way! Let the wanna be fade away! The Meek shall inherit the Earth.