On this page I will give you all a little intoduction into a lifestyle without meat/fish eating and I will surprise you with some beautiful recipes you can easily create to become completely free of meat.
The basics of a meal always starts with a main type of veggie, or plant based food, which you can buy at a supermarket or a organic shop near your home. The possibilities are endless and require for you simply to flow with what you will be eating. So, be creative, use your sacral chakra and put your heart into it, I always say...
Personally I love eating rise meals (Eastern style), potatoe meals (European), wrap style meals (Mexican), or Italian style food, which are amazing to variate with and flow any creation with. I love cooking and ever since I have become vegatarian it has become almost a hobby to make special creations, so it only makes sense to share some cooking variaties for you all if you do not know that being a vegatarian is super cool and super fun! It simply is amazing...
First I will start with a nice vid I found on YouTube, to give you all an impression of how much fun it is to cook veggie style. Enjoy the vid...
The most important energie with cooking I get is fun and happiness, for it makes you feel amazing to give yourself and others a lovely meal they will enjoy eating and will enjoy feeling healthy with! A vegatrian meal is always healthy and never is unhealthy, no matter what some sceptics say on vegatarism of veganism. We create a healthier Earth through it all, because it will reduce the production / consumation society we have and reduce climate changes in one go. There are multiple vids on YouTube on this, if you will not take my word for it. Seek and you will find, I always say.
So, to have fun, and happiness in cooking in veggie style... are two energies to walk in. But more deeply it is all connected to being graceful, grateful and also connected to giving, showing respect (to other beings), joyfulness, health, beauty, climate control, being wholesome and therefor you are deeply honering Source Divine.
On my new health and veggie blog, I will continue to speak on health and recipes, which I will put on there from time to time. It is all about our Well Being, yours and mine, my dear Heart-Stars. Awareness comes into the Collective, more and more...
In december my higher self spoke to me on healing, and healing is about self care (the whole of everything) but also about care for others, so my blog will be a mixture of divine energies mixed with veggie energies and why it is so important to take in healthy food AND healthy energies!
Becoming a vegatarian or vegan is truly about giving your body the space to heal, to grow into a new space...and to give it the rest to balance with the rising energies you have been working on in your meditations, yoga, or mindfullness.
Wise words from my Higher Self: "...If You heal, All will heal...and if others heal, you heal..."
Now if veggie life style is a part of healing and raising your vibrations further, we have to realise when you give others this information, you are acting and giving the tools to change their system and ways too, to transform themselves into a new way, which will provide them with the balance between body, mind, and their soul and divine energy.
So yes, health is about respecting, others, but also your own health. If you become a lightworkers and raise your energies, your body will at one point not be able to keep up with the energetic level you rise up to, so you need to change also the bodily intake (foods) in balance and alignment with that raised vibrational level. A vegan, or vegatarian, lifestyle meets that balance and you will feel the alignments taking place, when you start to eat according to your new mindset, your beautiful innerheart and your soul energy.
Okay, quite enough for an introduction for now and more will be written in my blogs to come on this...with mostly recipes, and additional info on bodily/energetic health connected to it.