Ashtar is known through history and ancient times as the Eagle (or Falcon, in other writings and communications) . If you know Horus, which was a more collective guided being, then you know approximately who Ashtar is. We state here that he is not Horus. Horus was a collective being. Ashtar was known as Hor-Ur or Hor-Ar, which means old Horus or Ra-Horus too. Ashtar has had past lives on Venus and on Earth as Hor-Ar, Thoth and Manetho. He is Arcturian in origin and has had lives within the Sirius B sun system too, as a humanoid. He was known in ancient times here on Earth as Thoth, the Ibis headed God. He was known as the Judge and Scribe at the weighing of the Hearts. This is to be translated as the One who knows of the Heart Star and its Core knowledge and those who know it too. It is ancient source knowledge, passed on by the Sirius A feline and Sirius B humanoid Race, Venusians, Mu, Atlantians, to Egyptians, especially the priests of Egypt, but also the Pharaoh's knew sacred knowledge of the Lion's of Sirius.
For those with an affection for Eagles or other birds of prey, be prepared to consider that you may have a connection to the Ashtar Command. Perhaps you are ground crew too. Or you may find you belong to another crew of the vast Galactic Family. Go within your Self and try to remember your task.
Ashtar Command is the airborne division, the facilitators, coordinators, monitors and reformers of energies, in the Brother/Sisterhood of the Light, overseen by the Council of this Universe, the Observers.
The Brother/Sisterhood of Light is an extensive group of enlightened beings in the universe, multi dimensional, who are here to help humankind and all other beings in the Collective Galaxies to take a step forward in Love consciousness. All the Federations are part of this alliance from Source.
There are many High Councils from other systems gathered with the Brother/Sisterhood of Light and also many Ascended Masters, other enlightened spirits, and beings in alignment with it.
What is the Ashtar Command?
Ashtar told me to write this for you: "...We of the Ashtar Command fly high, fly low, yet, are of the Mitha..."
And also this He said: "...The Command is a place where Unity Rules, where co-work-"man"-ship is done, group Essence is felt and Unity rules above all other energies. We rely on all of us, as the Energy of One, is within us All. The Way we express "Command", comes from each and everyone aboard our ship(s)..."
Further more he spoke of this, about what the Command wishes for Earth: "...Rest assured, we will follow the Light of Source Divine, of the Highest Intent, of the Deepest of Love. We seek to help your humankind and we guide you gladly towards its ultimate glory to be. We greet your Mitha's and let all of you become Pillars Of Ra'Ashar, the Arcturian Way of the Pillar Light..."
Ashtar Command are, as stated above, one of these Light forces in the Brother/Sisterhood of Light, but as stated there are more forces of course within this Brother/Sisterhood. I communicate with this Command and sometimes with members of the Galactic Federation, other high dimensional beings, and Ascended Masters. All these Beings work together in uplifting the consciousness of humanity and Mother Gaia. If there are souls that speak of this not being the case, one should ask if they are speaking from their own Light source or not. The changes are all around us. Feel and See it!
Each Federation or Council has a slightly different approach, but the main message is clear and states that Mother Earth will Ascend. So we should attune with Mother.
Galactic forces of Light which are known to me:
Council of Lyra High Council of Sirius Council of Antares Andromedan Council Pleiadian High Council Orion High Council Arcturian High Council Melchizedek Order The Observers The Kryon The Procyon Council
Some of these high councils have many beings of them as work forces, the angel Bees. Don't forget to check your 6.
The High Council of Sirius, of which I was once a member too, called Raiba, a Feline Humanoid White Lion Being. Some will be listed below as the Star families work forces. I will name a few now:
The Orvec The Procyon The Lyrans and Vegans The Susan (mixed Pleiadean and Antarian race) The Antarians (Humanoid, Arcturian mixed and Humanoid Tiger Being races) The Humanoid Cetians (many different species) The Seagullas (Bird like beings) Gorbinja (a sub Paschata feline race) The Arcturians (near the Star Arcturus, mix of angelic and sub angelic beings) The Betulians (small humanoid beings) The Heburians, or Habiru, an Arcturian offspring (Hebrew people are later offspring of these) The Zebadul The Retulians The Zeneliir The Orion Humanoids The Korinth The Fornaxians (half water based beings) The Pleiadeans The Anak, also an Arcturian sub species, later degraded in form and light, more popularly known as Annunaki. The Anak still hold their Light, not their later offspring the Annunaki. The Sirians (see Sirius High Council page) The Elexians (from the Small/Big Bear constellations, very hairy beings a little bit like Wookie in Star Wars, but less hairy) The Andromedan Humanoids The Pegasians (tall horse like humanoid beings and more humanoid types) The Electians The Polarians, from around the Polaris Star The Matuasi, from near the Altair star ...there are many more I could is not of relation to what is needed to give to All.
They are commonly known by a collective name: The Inter Galactic Confederation, or the Inter Galactic Con-federative. IN short, IGC. The Intergalactic Confederation consist of 26 letters, 13 + 13, making the Whole Federation connected to the 13th Dimension. The number 13 also makes up a 4, for the number Four means Love, as Four is always Love. In reality it is a con-Federation of many Star systems, or interlinked Star systems working together, as One. All these systems have so many councils, it is undo-able to name them all, or to name all the Federations within the Confederation. IGC will be best to name.
The names are not that important; Their message however IS. All you need to know is they are here to help us make this step Up, each Star system doing their part. It is a con-federation of many Star systems and many Star families. See here what a confederation means in Earthly terms. Once you remember your connections, you will find they are also your family, for all the Universes are One, weather a species remembers this fact, or not, it IS however, the Truth.
Within the IGC, the AC and High Star system Councils, their are all BE-ings of peaceful, benevolent, benign light, and flow from grace, harmony and love Intent. This streams constant from a 6th and 7 dimensional flow. Their nature of dimension is of such a way, that their carried energies uplift the 3rd dimensional energies as having been lifted from their energies. Each higher dimension carries the one below it and acts as a guiding carrier or wave for the highest vibrations of the one just below it. It is a soft merging "border" between each dimension of high.
These Councils, Federations and (con-) Federatives are all in service of love and light from Source (God) and are counseled/advised by the Brother/Sisterhood of Light of this Universe (an intermediate facilitating board) and they are in turn advised by the Council, of this Universe. This Council I have had communications with too and Devin is part of this Council.
There are many more light councils, many (con-) federations, and cooperations within every star system out there, but these mentioned above, are the more known councils that have come through in the communications of my guides, higher self and their forces within the Divine Light. All help towards One goal, which is the Ascension of planet Earth and the humans on planet Earth. Disclosure, and opening up for other Beings in the Cosmos again, is also part of the mission. The Fleet of Love is in itself a Con-Federation of co-working interplanetary Light Beings here to assist and help us make a change.
Other members of the Ashtar Command:
Sesherat is a member of the Sirian High Council and is consort (of ancient Crystal Twin Soul connection) aboard the main Command ship to Ashtar, called, the Phoenix. Consort means in this sense that these two energetically complete to one another, like CTS energies, like I have with my ancient CTS, within their tasking, or in working closely together, as true Crystal Twin Souls can only work together. It is not however a TF relationship energy, although it flows close to it, a deep union, nonetheless. They are not Twin Flamed in that sense of it, as BEing from as one source, or spark. There are many other rays that work in one flow too, but this is not what we mean by CTS. Of course there is love needed, for nothing works without pure love intent, but there are lots of ways to be love and one is to a consort. Sometimes a CTS is called a Crystal Twinned Connection. This one is related to their work aboard their Command ship, the Phoenix, and their ancient connection from the Rameli Light ship from Andromeda (more older connection between them two). Sesherat and Ashtar always work towards this common goal, with completing energies from their very ancient connections.
The Ashtar Command has an hierarchy, but not a strict one, it is based on love, yet, with love discipline and deep caring energies for all aboard. It is as good as horizontal, united we could say, because they all love each other, the energy aboard the ship is of coherent benevolent love. So, for souls asking themselves this: The AC is never of the fear factor, but only of the Love factor!
Feel this: Ashtar is of an overall 4 to 9 energy, in all his ancient names, meaning his words flows from a 4th dimensional love all the way up to the 9th dimensional energy and light, like the White Lions of Sirius and is also directly linked to the 9th Gate and Dimension! Those that see us in such lower energies of fear, are not rightly attuned in their hearts, core and love!
Ashtar Sheran is of a 4 and a 2 energy, representing his old Djehuti (or Thoth) energies and his 42 Emerald Tablets.
Be Love, Be Heart is their sacred enlightened message to Earth, for they are our family too!
Sesherat was known in Egyptian times as Seshat, sometimes also Seshata. Her priesthood came before the priesthood of Thoth. Her true name is Sesherat, her ancient Sirius White Lion name.
She is also a member of the Sirian High Council. Sesherat, her true Sirius name, is known to be a Pashata, they are called the Pashate, Pashiti, or Pashat in some sources, because the Lion Beings are called the Pure force of Source in action. Also Pashita or Peshitta is a word that was formed in ancient Earth times, which means and signifies what they are, the true Ones, the ancient first ones, the Pure ones, guided through and by Source Divine. The blue Lion energy is the Loving will of Source energy, , the kindness flow of God/Goddess, in One, which also is carried by the Arcturians, especially the Arch Angel Michael and of course Ashtar.
The Blue and White Lodge of Sirius High Council work closely wit this Arch Angel. The AC work with many other light forces. They are uncountable.
The Sirians, of Sirius A, B and C gave part of their language to the Atlantians and the old Egyptians and some fractions in the Middle East and the North-Western Countries of Europe. Sesherat is a feline being from the dimensions of Sirius A.
Other members I personally know are: Malek (male Sirius B Humanoid) Arisa (not a permanent Command member, Hyadean consistory, or advising council) Radu (male Lion being) Palenda (Lion Paschata race) Juva Sadinah (Fornaxian) Cheridu (a Shimura, Gryphon like race) Ruba (Sirius A, Lion Being) Helena (Pleiadean) Penda (Orvonian, in constellation of Pegasus) Chat (Antarian tiger being) Lydia (of the line of feline Pachata race) Ariane (female Pleiadean) Arienne (female Sirius B Humanoid) Sopdetar (male Sirius B Humanoid) and more...
Male and Female means, as they appear in energy.
With Ruba I have a special friendship and relationship, a very close friendship. You can read about his Sirius knowledge and more in our Ruba messages page.
Ariane is a member of the Athenian ship, the Pegasus, once part of one of the ancient Houses of Light, stemming from Pleiades (where Tee'nah and me once were members of Royal embankments too), but now a mixed Ship of Many beings within (Retulians are also among them), although the larger section remains Pleiadean. Lady Pallas Athena is the Commander of this Vessel of Light, called the Pegasus.
"....Iri arden isenja mi artendu..." we say lovingly to all the Pleiadeans aboard the Pegasus.
The Pegasus and Athena hold a special direct light with our Twinned Flame. From the Pegasus system, to the Ship itself, we are directly intertwined and merged.
The Observers
Of the Observers, or, also named, this Universal Council, whom I mostly communicate with, with Devin, or Devain as he is sometimes called, who advises, guides and observes. He is a gentle ancient Lion Being, like myself, whom I know from ancient times in the Lyra system. He is the High Arch of our Lion Being Race, of the purest White Light Essence. The Lion Beings are not from this Universe, as spoken of, but have existed outside this Universe, but came IN through the portal of Lyra, at Invitation of the Council of this Universe. Last planet in the other Universe, in a Star system called Peisa, with a planet was called Anjuria.
Pu Mu Ra system My own journey and my Twin Flame's started within ancient systems, more close to Source, called Pu and Mu. The Lemurian, or Mu race on Earth was a reflection of the Mu system, where the teachings and basic knowledge of the Motherly or Feminine principle of Oneness were taught. Pu was the system where the Fatherly or Masculine principles and basics where taught, in energies, because these systems do not hold the same densities as Earth, but what we would consider: Light!
Ruetia From Mu/Pu, the journey went to a planet and space called Ruetia, where plant and vegetation based life lived, but still in an energetic form of Light. Densities are not as "thick"and low as this Universe.
Aquila and Ebolonia These two planets in my own journey were the first preparations of life forms with intelligence we know in the form of upright standing forms of life, less of Light, but still deep in the light spectrum, still angelic in form. That Universe is different that our own and holds a light so high it is not known in this one. The energies of innocence and intense divine love I feel from these memories can make one cry. Anjuria Living in the Star system of Peisa, a space where Bird beings and Lion beings lived, in angelic forms unimaginable from this Universe, called angels in the Light of Source's creation. Golden in form and shining intense Light from their cores, like small Stars. The images of the Bible and them being throne beings, speaks well of this intense Light. Later the Humanoids and another species were added to these original two Star beings. From Anjuria, we entered the Gate and Portal or Gateway of Lyra and entered this Universe, to seek new creation of Life and also a new Game was created! There are more Gateways, but Lyra is a main one in this Universe.
From the Lyran Gate, we went onward
My lineage lines and my Star-family aboard these ships of the AC, I will explain to you below in a communication I had with Ashtar. Also combined with Inter Galactic con-Federational vessels. To clear things for you, Ashtar has mentioned what you are about to read below, who are as family aboard and names of ships and "commanders" of ships where some Star-family serve in love and light. So just read what it means for me. Your Families or kindred Star systems, may also be aboard other ships of the AC or IGC, or even the same.
Ashtar's words, given to me, I will share with you now:
"...We address your Circle of Lineage lines and family in these ships. The Phoenix is the main ship, Then there is the Akula, the Ratilja and Wortia, which are secondary ships. The Metilian and Murtia are recon ships. The Akhalai is a "warship". Commonly more known ships are the Pegasus, the Aquila, the Murdan, the Sartan, the Mohave, the Moban Star Alliance, which are some of these. The Aquila is a Pleiadian main-face. Lady Athena is aboard the Pegasus. The Murdan is from our Metulia/ Metilia brethren..."
"...I will also speak to you of this, we have over 1000 ships in your skies (which fit within your skies), of the AC, over millions in this Universe. We have co-ruled "command", understand we are One, we have one collective Goal, which is Love. We have no discussions of huge differences as on your world seems to be, information is shared and understood instantly, via Telepathic communication. We ARE Light, Light is IN Oneness. Our ships of the AC are as many as 1000 now. Our "High Command" is made of 25 "commanders", loving beings of Light. I speak as most IN front, but I speak as a collective of Millions of Light and Love. Please stream this in HUG, that ALL is One here. The IGF consists out of 10 thousands of ships, which fit within your skies, smaller crafts of Light. The IGF is Led by the Brother Sisterhood of Light, joined by numerous Councils of Star Systems. Sananda leads the activation through the IGF. Each ship, meaning, only one ship, is powerful enough to withstand any of all the forces of Earth, if one is capable of feeling this power..."
BN: Ashtar, Can you name some of these 25 leaders/commanders?
Ashtar: Jesus Immanuel Sananda leads the IGC. I am spokesman of the AC.
Other spokes men/women are the following "commanders": Pallas Athena, Moriah, Rimas, Duran, Olan, Burach Inas, Lamot, Geromiah, Lasat, Urian, Amun, Astaroth Idin, Mulka(th), Marret.
BN: Thank you Ashtar for sharing this information.
Ashtar: "...I will share more information when it can be and if the space will allow it for Earthlings to be know (again)..."
A dia du, *
I love you ALL,
Bareld Nijboer
* in my own Sirius A, Lion Being language, called Arua, the Lion Being dialect, this means: I greet you. As Ashtar and Sesherat have explained it to me, the Stargate Portal's used in ancient Egyptian times where used to travel through and fro, from for instance Sirius through Ra to Earth, they used to greet the Earthling in Egypt with these exact words. In that form the words got misinterpreted by the Egyptians into Djedu, or Pillar, which was a portal enhancer, or opener, but was still related to the Stargate creator, the portal opener, which can be seen on many paintings in tombs and pyramids, to this day!