On this page some essential practices will be given freely, for you all to use. These are simple and easy to learn, but nevertheless essential to stay in balance in your energy. When used long enough, you will start to feel the effect of these practices in your daily life.
These practises were given around the years 2011 and 2012.
I have had years of experience with meditation, connecting to guides and working with energies, feeling them and seeing them. Through working with guides and implementing these practices, we merged our efforts and they gave also some beautiful, but essential energies, flowing from our heart, for you all to start working with.
Now whether they come from Starfamily or guides it does not matter, would you should remember that it is the simplicity of the energies at work are also the most hard to get into. Why, you might ask? Well it is because most fear to go into their hearts and that is exactly needed to flow into, to use our heart's energy again, our core and center, for balance and strengthening our auric field.
What matters most, is that we use our hearts to balance our auric field, because it has the biggest magnetic strength and has the three natural energy wheels of healing in its heart center. This heart center and energy field, holds wheel one of the old chakra system, called heart chakra, connected to the green energy, the deep spiritual wave of healing. The two new chakras in this heart center are the higher heart, color pink, connected to the Rose energy of Love. It is situated just above the normal heart chakra, at the thymus gland area. The other new chakra is the sacred heart chakra, situated just below the heart chakra and above the solar plexus. The color of this chakra is peachy golden and is connected to the sacred Christ energy of golden healing. Together these three make up the heart center and are innerly connected to your core and inner heart source. Working them together makes up to full Heart Star. The most powerful and healing center we humans have. When we connected this Heart center with the other two centers, Earth Center and Star Center, we will have a divine trinity flow working for ourselves. These three main centers and principles, will work as one, when we join them through our strongest center, the heart center. In ancient times these three principles were known. Now we reveal them again. The other two centers complement the heart field. As this third field of the Heart has been long forgotten to be used. There are those of the old template, wanderers of the third eye, or Star center focus, the Eastern or Asian style, or the coming from a strong Gaia feel, the Earth center, Shamans or even white Wicca style, that do not see or feel this heart flow, the third flow, I ask you to go within and start again, from scratch or zero, like you are beginning to learn something new again, go within your heart, an open the egg, the birthing from the inside out, not from the outside in, not in an above and below flow, for all things in the cosmos are like an egg or an apple, Life begins from within, not from outside of you. I urge them to know this saying:
The Egg or Apple
Now with this being said, great things can happen, I would more like to say, Amazing things can happen from withIN, so I will take you on a little transcendent journey I made to what I still call, the Omnipresence, or if you will, Source. I will not give all the details of the transcendent journey, out of body, but it was made outside of the Universes, but will speak of this One important part. It started through the Heart portal, which connects to ALL, even Omnipresence. We all are are like Omnipresence, not matter what physical shape we may see, all energy forms are like IT, which showed itself like a huge Golden Apple or Egg, or even a Circle geometry, shining pure White Golden, like we all are ourselves, sparks of it, like small versions of it, small versions in soul, or energy form, who are sparks of its form. This spark or soul lies within your heart, for all Life begins within your Core of your Heart, like an Egg. The field is like a Golden Apple, or donut shape as some love to call it. This golden field works like a perpetual flowing machine. We call it aura, but in a bigger perspective, as you my have read in the Channelings section, it is the field of the feminine, the protective Shield, joined as One with the Father spark from within. So to answer the everlasting question Earthlings seem to love, of which came first, the chicken or the egg, the answer IS: they both are there at the same time, for they never were separated to begin with, as Mother and Father are One, always have been and always will be. Let us wait when science "discovers" this One. Protection of the Mother Shield, Sparkling from the Father within, Life Being as One. Human form is of this same nature, Being Life of both, joined as One Unity. Or as the Egyptians knew it, the dot in the Center and the Circle around it, Unity! Within this Unity dot/circle, flow sacred forms the Flower of Life and the endless, or infinite, Spiral flow, which is nothing more than the everlasting flow of the Mother/Father energies.
Remember this Golden Apple, a teaching coming from the sacred blue Lodge of the feminine energy of the Lion Beings of Sirius.
The Christed Ones knew this energy, like the Melchizedeks, as they were seen in the old days with a golden energy around their bodies, sometimes only their heads, because it came from withIN themselves, to be precise, their Hearts Core. IN the old days, the Christed One often spoke of this Heart knowing.
Essential practices
Here are some simple practices to start your day with or which you can use to extend your meditations with. I will give you three important ones. This is a small introduction of beginning to work with ones Heart Core energy.
1. The Sun / Star exercise, or practice
As given by the Ashtar Command, through Ashtar's words:
(and also a bit extended by myself, for better understanding of it)
It is an instant uplifting of your energy level and helps to make a better connection to your (inner) heart and its connected chakras again!
Ashtar’s words:
"....We would now like to give you an exercise, for you All to practice with, which is easy to do:
It is called, the Sun / Star exercise:
(Extension BN: Before you start, breath IN calmly, breath out calmly. Take three in -and out breaths, stating your name and date of birth. In the IN-hale state your name and date of birth.)
We ask you now to bring your vibrational feeling and Being into your heart. Feel your inner heart starting to bring forth, or create, a bright white Light. See it as a little white light at first small and then growing and growing. When it has reach enough mass to become a proper ball of Light energy, then bring it into readiness to blow it outward, like an exploding array of Light, expanding in all directions.
Bring Light from your Heart / source, into and right through your emotional scale (=the emotional body) of your cocoon of Light (=the Aura). We would like you to envision your emotions (attached in your emotional body) getting filled with Light particles (photonic particles) of energy, flowing outward from your Heart/Source, which is your own Star and Center of Love. All should envision this now.
Hold your Light stream steady for about 3 minutes and keep sending Light from your Heart / source, pour Light outward in all directions and after 3 minutes stop and go to your Heart / source again. When you are ready focus only on your Heart again. Hold this Love and Light with you ALL the time, dear souls. It is your REAL YOU. BE your Star. End of practice.
We, from the Ashtar Command, give you this exercise in Love and Light.
Now BE, YOUR Light. YOUR Sun. YOUR Star...."
The second practice is Essential for working with both energies known on Earth, the old template energies of the Mother and the Father, before we add the focus of the third energy of the Heart, and merge these energies into One flow. So here is the second practice before you go on to the third one. We first go back to the old template meditation stuff, which some may know in a slightly different version, so it may seem familiar, therefore making it an easy step going towards the next and third one.
2. Practice on how to connect to Sacred Mother (the Womb, or Cradle) and the Divine Father (or Great Central Sun).
Learning how to work with the Mother and the Father energy.
One Heart, One Love, One Knowledge, One Essence
For experienced spiritual souls who know this, I think you can skip this practice, but you are welcome to read it also. It is a preparing practice for those not used to working with the Mother and the Father energy. You will need to know this when my daily practice is put on-line or with other practices used. Do the practice when you have time for it, so you will feel relaxed before doing the practice…and you know you are going to do it. Let it become a way of live…or a part of it…
Dear Stars,
As an introduction on the other practices I will give you this one is a need to know and all should be able to work with this. I will give the old 3D connection method, which is connecting to new the Crystalline grid of Mother Earth. It will suffice. Mother has already created this new grid for us and together with the new energies that have been coming in from Father and us Being here on Earth has created a new crystalline form for us to, connected to our watery physical bodies. Water conducts energy superfast. The water will easily connected with the energies going through the new internal crystalline energetic body. This crystalline form will in its form, easily connect to that new Earth grid and therefore to Mother (Gaia). The energy of the Mother works through the Earth Center (the lower chakra’s connected to your Earth Stars) with the Crystalline grid of Mother.
The practice…
We will first connect to Mother first:
We start by taking a few breaths to calm ourselves and to become in a state of relaxation and in the Being…out of our minds…in to our real Essence ...our Being…
Now Breath slowly in…and Out again…do this about three times till you start to feel relaxed…when you feel more relaxed in your Being…close your eyes… don’t do this breathing too long or you feel yourself getting lightheaded…now we start the visualization…
Visualize that your Essence and Being is in your Heart Center. Feel in that Center, Feel yourself BE-ing there…and FEEL your Love for Mother Earth, in your Center. A warm gentle and caring Love which you feel for her NOW. Next, when you feel that that Love IS grown to a point when you need to send it to her, send an energy beam, through your Lower chakra’s (Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root chakra), from the root chakra, then towards your Earth Star, which is below your feet and not in the nearness of your physical body, see it clearly below both your feet, one bright Star below your feet, then from there, send it toward the inner Center of Earth, towards the Crystalline core of Mother Gaia. When you have send that energy of Love from your Heart to her, towards her core, she will always know how to receive it from you, then you wait for her to answer back to you.
When communicating, one has to set up a telephone line, dial and wait for the other end to answer back. When you feel she has answered back your call, believe me, you will feel it when she does, because she is a living Being, like you and me, it means she will give it to you in any form she feels you will recognize it. Mother is like you and me an energy form and a physical body.
This answering back to you, means, that it will be in many forms, in the form of an image, a feeling, a vision, you will know and feel it, when you receive it, it will be made for you. She will connect and react to your own crystalline form. Trust that she can. And also that you can…Trust and feeling together is needed here…use your finest energetic threads to feel and know.
When she has send her Love and energy back , feel her flowing upward and also draw it way up back through your Earth Star again , through your Lower chakra’s and way upward to you Crown chakra and let it then flow back into your Heart again. Center it there…let it swirl and flow there…let is ease and BE there…she will wait…she is so patient…relax that energy there…like Mother is relaxed…feel the divine feminine energy BE-ing within your Center…relax again…
We will now connect to the Father:
Next we will do the same procedure when connecting to the above, which means our Father, who is the Great Central Sun of Awareness. Now we do the same, only now, upwards, from the Heart feel that Loving feeling again, send it upward, through the Throat chakra, the Third and Crown Chakra, towards your Soul Star, which lies above your physical Head. These chakras make the Star Center, which also includes the pineal gland, your own personal transceiver or star Portal. Then send it Way upward until you See a point which is filled with Light and feels like a Big Sun. We have send it upward our call and now ask for Father to answer and send his Love back to us…when he has answered, which can be any sign he sees is good and right for you, you will be send energy back which we receive through our Soul Star back and send it through the same chakra named above (crown chakra connected with pineal gland, your third eye and throat chakra), towards your Heart Center, and see that energy go way down to your Root chakra and flow from there toward your Heart Center again , this to be Mixed with the energy of the Mother. See and Feel these energies mixing together….Feel both energies harmonize and work from within you…flow with them and energize yourself with these merged energies. That energy can be put to use for your whole system and send to a point you need it or just to have that Loving energy within your Heart…Feel Loved by your Father and Mother…feel that warm energy within you and adjust your energy to that of the Father and Mother. Feel like they ARE...BE like they ARE … Flow with them…Feel where that energy needs to BE, maybe you need healing somewhere...the energy will then flow towards that point…
Next, relax again …take all the time you need…relax…breath in …breath out…relax again…and return to your normal day state…open your Eyes…
From Lao Zhu aspect: As above, so below, but from Center, comes the flow. Through Union becomes harmony, Centeredness IS.
Do this practice whenever you feel the need for it.
In Lak'ech Ala K'in (I am you, and you are me)
I give my heart of knowledge, when time IS, share your heart of knowledge too…
I give you this in Light of my Being and my love for you All,
Now we go on to the last One where we expand the breathing of both energies into Oneness, IN our Hearts.
3. The Merger Ball
as given by Sesherat, of the Ashtar Command
some enhancements made and explanation given by myself.
Introduction by myself first:
The visualization of The Merger Ball (extended version)
For those who have not done a Mother and a Father connection before, we have in HUG a document and introduction on how to do it the old way.
To work with the Merger Ball practice One has to know how to do this.
First : How to connect to the Mother: Read the practice of the Father_Mother connecting
Secondly: How to connect to the Father: Read the practice of the Father_Mother connecting
After you have learned and feel that you know that practice, you can more easily use this practice because one glides more into it with previously learned knowledge. Never work to fast when doing spiritual stuff… All in divine time.
Now when ready proceed to the Merger Ball…a very enlightening practice…
The Sesherat Communication of the Merger Ball:
In remembrance of our Earlier communications we ask All of you NOW, to gather strength from Mother and Father and rejoin these energies where they meet In the middle…Many know how to connect to Mother and or Father, we ask All to connect to both and then balance both energies within your LHV, which is your Heart, your true Center. Draw and flow both energies, of the Mother and of the Father, of the above and the below, into your Hearts Center, Feel these pure energies mixing in your Heart’s Center and merging All together into pureness of Source and with Source.
A true ball of energy within should arise when this merger is done. When this sparkling ball IS, SEE this clearly within your heart, blow it up around your aura dear Ones (which is the lowest dense part, of about 1 or 1,5 meter all around you). Envision a beautiful color White around you. A crystal clear white ball around you. It is vitalizing energy, for healing, uplifting lower energies and regenerational purpose. Practice this on a daily basis or when you feel it is needed. End of visualization.
Shining from Center…
If you find something you do not see, feel or understand. Just ask me by pressing the button below.
Good luck with this practices and exercises.
I love you All,
Bareld and of course Sesherat
I will in future put a few other practices on line, but as in the past I will use the HUG group for assisting its members in using practices for themselves and for teaching others. These practices are merely easy introductions into energy work and healing for yourself. Use them wisely and heartedly.
For some more practices that were given by guides through me and one me and my Crystal Twin Soul developed, you can view those here at my CTS website, for she already put them on her website, please view them there: Three Foundational Heart practices
If you need personal teaching, or help from me via email, simply press the Button below and email me, or request personal training. We will arrange something.
All practices may be used by anyone for their own use, but do not claim this as your own, so respect us, by giving credit to the guides, this website and its owner, or mention us in a loving hearted way. Truth comes from respecting others, as we respect our own being and selves.
Knowledge is Universal and comes from Source, its cosmos, its dimensions, so we do not own anything, we simply exist to share it and use it to progress ourselves, others and the Universes and its dimensions. That is the hearted way.