Through many solar systems the Dracs or Reptilians have represented the other faction in this Universe. We now ask you to take this advice to heart!
In this Universe there is a "game" played called dualism, or polarity game.
The two factions in this Universe responsible for leading the two factions are called Lion Beings, representing Love faction and the other ones are the Carians, the bird people, representing the darker faction, who also created the darkened Reptilians and they in their turn the Greys. The higher Carians are of Light and also the Higher faction of the original Drac race to, they are what we would call the Dragon Race. The Chinese know this well, because it is part of their cultural memory, that these dragons still represent the Light. Their lower nephews are not. Many of these lower forms come from the Draconis system and until recent the Orion system. The Orion faction have turned to the Light side or have surrendered recently, they are being taught new teachings of Light and Love again. But this is not for the NOW. This will take them time to learn and understand.
Earth is now on its Way to leave this game of polarity and enter into Unity and Oneness again.
Many of these factions, are, as we speak still resistant and challenge the new Way that is to come upon Earth. New Earth is to become of Love and Light, Harmony, Joy and Peace.
Most of the current channelers are still under control of these lower Drac Archons and do not know it. Why? Because they fail in their own protection from them...
Many think they channel right and many feel they do good, but in truth are not.
I estimate that only a handful of the channelers (perhaps as little as 20%) are speaking from Source and Truth now. This will grow soon, as the spell of the Archons is dissipating rapidly. Many have been removed, but when protection is good and well learned, it is easy and save to channel other Light BEings. First One has to learn protection. Many do it continuously without...or think their protection is sufficient.
Below I have a message which I received from Devin, an old friend of mine from the Lyra system and also Way before that and he will speak a few words about the NOW and these Reptilian Archon and their dark minions. They will return to the Light or they will BE removed from this time and space, to live in another space/system. Here are Devin's words:
About Reptilians and their minions
A message for all in contact with such Archons…
Communication with Devin and Ashtar, 13-09-2012:
Devin speaking here…
Hello Dear Ones,
-Father has many creations…Mother also has…both of them work in Unison.
-Frozen and unmoved are none of these creations.
-Future nows hold many awakenings for All
-In this now some of the Reptilians are steadily unmoved and persisting
-Their old Orion factions have surrendered and are learning new teachings
-The Ones in Orbit Earth are controlling still
-The Ones in Orbit Earth are “controlled” / watched by us, only they don’t SEE it nor Feel it
-The High SEE and FEEL the Low…the Low think they control…but in reality and truth they are not!
-We advice to take distance from Channelers with Reptilian or Drac contact…in future this will BE different…but it is not THAT time to BE yet!
-Caution yourself and only trust your own hearts
-From Love comes Love…from Lower energies comes dependence and control.
-It is always good to forgive their past actions and a strong Way of Being in such state, but actions still taken in the NOW by them, cannot BE in accordance of Source.
I AM Devin, I speak only Truth and advice in kind gesture to BE Aware of ALL activities NOW!
Thank you.
Also an addition by Ashtar of the Ashtar Command:
Ashtar:The Ashtar Command agrees, in full, to the above advice. Focus on the heart, trust Source and form the line of conscious Awareness from Love.