From the Higher Dimensions
Channelings from B.Nijboer
![]() BN: Dear Sananda, can you tell us something more about the UV – band photons? S: Yes UV- band photons, the come IN now, combined with the protein strands loaded with merged nucleids, please write also for All….then share…. Dear Son, The prodigy of Light IS that it streams top down, not Upward, the Flow goes Top IN, out down and out the Bottom. Flow is Conducted, transformed and coiled (funneled) downward, through the energy Wheels. IN Fluxed we call this! All creative force goes like this! Top IN, Bottom Out, Merged through Center, a Universal Wheel or Cycle. Cells are filled IN fluids to conduct the energy waves and INcorperate the nucleids given IN the Influx. All is as it is FORESEEN. All IN-fluxing continues as is and the Flow of yours should BE, breath IN, Influx, funnel, read via the Heart, Learn, process via the Earth Center, funnel out via Earth Star and give to Mother! IN Love both will Learn. The Cycle of Love flows IN All of the Universes and systems. Remember, worthy are All who Influx and Process. Waves are sent IN and Transformed by You All as Energy. Learn from what is sent IN. Now breath, drink spacies water and fill your Cells via Love Energy of Source. The Photons given, Ionize your nucleids to a new merged crystalline energized body. We greet you All. The messengers of the New Jerusalem are with me today. Father sends, Mother gives. Love IS, Creation IS. Read for reflections, Jeremiah 12:8, Flux IN with Source….stream with, not against… I AM, Jesus Immanuel Sananda Jeremiah 12:8 and God answers to Jeremiah… “…My inheritance has become to Me; Like a lion in the forest; She has roared against Me; Therefore I have come to contempt her.” BN: Thank you dear Sananda! S: Amen dear Son…. (Channeler: B.Nijboer)
Message from Guraija
17-06-2013 I Am Guraija, of the tribe of the ancient Zulu. We inhabit crystals, as do more. We Zulu are ancient and come from Warrior states, negative vibrations, yet, they ensured our ancient survival... About Crystals... They are Light. And draw Light IN. They harbour knowledge. Souls can go IN. They flow energy and harbour souls. Their knowledge is stored IN crystals. We found a Way IN, through tunnels of ancient Zambezi lands. We went down, found Agartha. Found crystals. Found Live. We transformed ancient lifestyle to new. We Are of enough light to carry crystal knowledge out to you! BE calm. We learned. We grew. So can you. The black is not of Low! We Are also of Light. We Love. We Are. We BE...of Zambezi. 20-06-2013, next message: The Zulu originated from the Zambezi area. We went south in later times.The original lands were un war-like and at harmony with nature and the flow of Mother. My name is Guraija, an ancient name, consistent with tones of peace. Modern African has ngaraja as its form. The tones of African singing address to base forms of Mother Gaia, the new tones, addresses by Star family are implemented in their tunes. The nature of Blacks is Lyran and Andromedan, yet, with variations of skin complexity. (Channeler: B.Nijboer) The Carian Message
Hello, We Are the CARIANS. BN: Ha...and you created something of the Opposite side, haven’t you? Speaker o.b.o. the Carians: Yes, we have, but Know, we Carians are just as wise as Felines, we both ARE of Light and of Love. Yes, we created a ball game, but KNOW that infinite wisdom flows above all happenings of such Games! We have always watched these from Above! We wish to know All on Earth that the End of the game will come as “our” minions have pledged a side of neutrality and of divergence if need be. The overall command steers the Lower minions. We walk and yet we do the talk nevertheless. But as our lower minions have learned, the Force of Source is on a pathway of Linear line, which means IN Leonine language, Unity, One Voice! We are here to pledge our vow to such cause also, therefore our Command joins IN line with the Federative Line... causing more synchronisity to come. We are glad we are able to speak and are allowed to enter a broader communication with our lower minions still in resistance. They should call of, or divert...or expect to be removed at hand of unseen forces to them. We see as much as the Federative and collectively have joined hands once again, as was always “the Plan”. We hope we have communicated at open Heart with your Ways of Love. The Carians greet your Mitha! BN: Thank you for your message! (Channeler: B.Nijboer) ![]() Message Ashtar, 11 and 17-06-2013: BN: Thank you All for your lessons of today and yesterday, I love All of Source! Hello, Does anyone feel to speak today? A: Ashtar here… Dear One, may we interrupt for a short message? BN: You can always, you know this! Ha ha…. A: Some rhyming Arts for you All…. War machines drum, yet, we Make Love Hum! War cadets are IN fear, yet, we bring them Love so dear! Causing doubt IN their Masters, who seek to bring disasters. Let us flow our Love, so Source can shine its Dove. Rest assured, my friend, we never stray far, Cause Life IS Life, weather near or afar. All dimensions shine Light UPON your Souls, yet, it is never difficult, Same Goals. Use our Light, to warm your Hearts, Use our Grace, to wave your fragile parts. Grandest Clock has ticked its final moves, While a raging bull prepare its hooves. Rest assured, they Will not succeed IN their Quest, for WE KNOW, Source shines at its best! Weather One believes the AC …or not, it is Soon we will BE with you….and so will God! Now we go and leave you with Hope, for much we KNOW you will have to Cope…. With……Love you will Succeed! Dear Ones, As you know I love to rhyme my Way IN the Arts of Love, the Tones of Flexible Rays, the tubes of spherical Juices. But it is not the Closure you have found yet on your Earth; It will take, some more moves for the Subtle Grid to place its roots in Mainstream Media, Society and Politics. Now all will change as Long as your Heart’s Intent is set on the Change! BE the Change, BE the Chance, BE in the Dance. War will not BE, although some feed the Illusionary… We SEE All moves, for Light IS. The World will soon BE IN Truth, for answers are surfacing Day by Day. All consciousness raised till now will lift All IN decline and denial, to a certain level of feeling. The reverse cannot BE made, the GO ahead is ON, the speed is increasing, KNOW it will BE IN Divine Time of Source. The Day is dawning, the Lights are Gaining, the Truth is surfacing, the Love is Warming. Mother is ready, all we need is YOU, En Mass, Encore, une petite peu plus, avec Amour du Coeur, Aux toutes Le Monde! BN Note: the French translation into English means roughly: Adding, a little bit more, with grand love of Hearts, All over the World) Dear friends, Count your blessings, make them Count, REST in Calmness and Peace…extend the Waves of Love…IN the Ease. I AM, Ashtar A: Put this Online dear friend, A dia du BN: TY Ashtar, Radu an shem! (Channeler: B.Nijboer) Arc of Radiance…Arc of Bliss
We have this saying on Arcturus: ...” Where there is bliss, there is Heart, where there is wish, there is a start...” Dear friends, I am Yeho’ola. As you know, this channeler has spoken of Arcturus before, as we are known friends of past eons. Therefore we have connected again. Always we remind him and you of our worlds, ways and truths. We admire his strength and courage for what he does and is. All journeys of him and all of you on Earth have crossed lines, crossed grids and crossed arches of Light threads. Bridges of past lifes, past journeys and joyful cooperations. We speak of the good and meaningful journeys in your learnings of such times. We of Arcturus present to you, anewed, the long forgotten doors of the Arch of Radiance. This means none less than funnels, circles and triglomerates* of energetic doorways which lead to other worlds, places or dimensional fields. It was known before, if we can key to remembrance of Irish patterns glyphs or the Egyptian doorways, forgotten to you now. We ask you to seek and learn your geometrical shapes again and learn from such patterns again, for they hint at forgotten knowledge, but it is stored IN your Soul knowledge. Enter its chambers of knowledge again. We are currently in your space continuum and work together with the known Federational Beings of Light, known to you as the Ashtar Command, Orion Council, Arcturian Council, which we “work” for, the Council of Alectia and the other councils of various systems. The Alectians are among a system near Arcturus called the Drape (or Frying Pan as you see it) system. We Arch Light on your heads as they need much brightening. Your hearts you should strive to fill with Light and Love. The worries are far from over, but beyond is the Horizon of Bliss. May we Arch it with you? Will you work with us? Let us know if we can assist you in bridging your radiance and let’s bliss together. This is Yeho’ola of the Arcturian vessel Yartuh*. We Arch Light. We Arch Bliss. Please state your wish! End of message. * Yartuh means: the Lord is true * Triglomerates are spheres (Channeler: B.Nijboer) |
Channeled messages from B. NijboerOn the left one can see changelings that have come through and were received by me. Rest assured I will post every once in a while the right energies for all in here from guides speaking through me. Messages Archives
December 2024
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