Many souls email me with questions concerning certain matter(s) they struggle with, they have no understanding of, or feel they want to know more about a subject, energy, knowledge or seek guidance towards them. For those souls I have created this page, so most of the first questions will be answered. A simple and straight forward Q and A page for you all.
So, I will put all the questions and answers below here, which of course some of you may or may not agree with, I just put down here what I have seen, felt and heard from guides, Starfamily and Source. You are, as always, free to choose what you want to do with this information. Love and peace is always with you.
So, here are some of the questions I have received and answered/
Q: Is there One God, or are there several Gods?
A: There is only One God, One Source, which has on Earth many names, also in the other Universes, but it has revealed itself to me simply as , I AM. It is however time on Earth to stop attaching ourselves to names, for names are dualism/polarity energies, which Source is not off. Truly, a connection with Source comes from a Unified space, with no names attached.
Q: How do you know this I Am is not your higher self speaking to you?
A: Simple, I traveled beyond time, space and body to meet with the Omnipresence, Source.
Q: Is the big bang theory, the origin of all things?
A: No, the Cosmos existed, as Source IS and has always been Existent. Within Source, or even the Cosmos, there can be several smaller big bangs or events. Source is ever existent and will always BE so. A "big" bang is a "smaller" event like happening, but on a Universal scale is very large, but still it is happening within Source. It depends on how far we can see the scales, or layers, of the circle we can and are able to see. But Source IS. As Life IS, therefore Love IS.
Q: What is an Ascended Master?
A: These are souls residing beyond Earth high realms and are at least of 6D, or above. They live in the formless, but can assume forms of energy still.
Q: Are two my higher self aspects, Lao Zhu and Akhenaten, not already Ascended Ones?
A: No, they are not, but Lao Zhu and Akhenaten have resided in the higher realms of the Earth's dimensions and carry great and deeply loving knowledge for humans to hold on to, for deeper learning of what Love IS. Both have already reached higher masteries of Earth dimensions and also have deep knowledge and wisdom and is very much complementary to what guides and Starfamily are giving at the moment for this planet. I am glad to be able to tap into my higher energies, if there be a need for it.
Q: Are there more important and well known higher aspects with my oversoul's energy?
A: Yes, there are, but some cannot be disclosed, for divine love of Earth's higher purpose.
Q: What is the Ashtar Command, or AC, I heard it was of the dark ones or dark archons?
A: The AC is the monitoring, guiding and assisting team of many Star families, who are mainly "commanded" by Ashtar and others of their leading Light souls, like Pallas Athena, Moriah, Duran are among a few of their spokesmen and women. You can read about it in the Ashtar Command section. And no they are not dark ones, dark archons etc and are here to give us guidance and love for our Ascension in a new stage of Life. When I feel into their ship and energies, I feel a peaceful, harmonious, loving and generous energy of pure united giving! Command should not be read as we Earthlings view a Command structure. It is not a pyramidal structure, top down command, we have here on Earth, but more Unified, Concensus based and decisions being made on the Circled Harmony of Love. They are beings of 5D.
Q: I get lot's of questions on Orbs, Lights in the sky and Souls seeking to know what stuff they have captured on camera or vids. So what can you ask me about?
A: All things you have captured on camera or film, I will feel into.
Q: What is LoveHUG?
A: Lovehug is a website for each and every one, without exception and message for the whole world, the new energy for Earth to be IN. All we need is a hug, our inner heart's light and as I know that each hug holds all energies of Source combined, within the perspective of receiving and giving, of unity. All is within a HUG. It unites the two energies two souls or a group feels. Just try and feel a lovehug with your inner heart and really see if you remain untouched or unmoved by it.
Q: What is a HUG?
A: HUG was a facebook group who had many members of all nations and all unified with it. What is a true energetic, spiritual and love hug. This is the unity of life shared between two souls.
Q: What is HUF?
A: HUF is the Foundation I have created based on the knowledge given by Starfamily, guides and my own higher knowledge, love and wisdom. This Foundation will help humanity prosper further for each goals within it is given to an energy needed for the next steps for Earth. More on the Foundation will come through in 2016. I am working on the website's launch.
Q: Are UFO's real?
A: Yes, they are, they exist like you and me, and so are Orbs, Angels, Starfamily, guides, spirits and many other energies. Some UFO's are energies, some are Light ships, some light ships even can take on physical like forms, like the classical UFO ships type. The AC ships I have seen myself above my hometown and they are forever planted in my energy.
If you have further or more questions you haven't seen above, feel free to contact me via email. I will always answer each and every one back. Just click on the button below to reach me.
No question is a strange or even a stupid question. Only thing not to do is, to not ask it!