As you may or may not know, I am a vegetarian, as I love Life.
Maybe you know this, maybe not, or maybe you have experimented with it, through eating less meat or just maybe, lately you have been thinking about eating less meat or no more meat at all. For me the the reasons were very simple and clear as I grew into it gradually by being in a meditating and spiritually aware state. When we start to meditate and up our vibrations, we also uplift the energy of our bodies of 3D, meaning it needs less heavy food, because it reflects more the energy you are within.
For a long period in my life I was a meat-eater, because society and family brought one up with these old "values". The main reason for myself was of course animal protection, or better yet, doing animals, other beings, no harm, but also because I had grown into a body that could no longer sustain and eat meat, I got quite sick because of eating meat, had big stomach aches, gall problems, because I ate too much meat. When I stopped eating meat all together those problems vanished instantly and I gradually started to feel much better and my body was feeling fitter and healthier again because it felt, less heavy! Also, my stomach problems and gall problems have vanished! Meat makes our body heavy and lower in vibration!
Now around the time I had grown into deeper awareness of the energetic side of life, the guides, the beings of non-matter, then my energy seemed to feel less in need of meat too. This triggered certain phases, and as said aches, which I now recognize all to clearly. For some who do not know what kind of vegetarians there are I will show a little list below of the choices there are one can make.
As you can see above you can pick some variations of what you could try to BE. One can grow into it, by first go flexitarian, meaning eating less meat during a week. If one comes to a point when you feel like you can go all together without meat, one could first try being a pescetarian, meaning to eat only fish, as meat. I am what is called a Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarian, eating still eggs and dairy foods + cheese.
What are good sound reasons to become a Vegetarian?
Towards becoming a veggie, is to consider a few things which are important to know and feel into to this deeply with your mind, body, soul and heart! As it is not always easy to know what difference it can mean to yourself and also animals, but also the energy producing companies. Consider all the energy that has to be produced t make all the Earth consumers eat meat. So money saving is a beautiful macro reason, but more close to yourselves, also for yourself, eating no meat, saves you money, so there is the micro reason. But there is of course not just the money aspect.
Here are few more reasons I give to you, to consider:
1. Your Personal Health (less of lots of sicknesses, like obese, Alzheimer etc.) 2. Environment (energy companies need to produce less energy for the meat industry) 3. Personal finances and general finances, micro and macro. 4. Ethics 5. Spiritual, raising your vibration. 6. Happier lifestyle (this is my experience with it) 7. Save the animals (they deserve a better life than to be food for us) and dead meat can carry virus and other bacteria that your physical might get sick from, like say, salmonella, which can be deadly. 8. Less pesticide, chemical, slaughter houses and hormone industry, used in animals (which you put in your body)
The Spiritual Way
When I became aware that eating less meat, would awaken purer energy INside my energy body and therefore my physical body I realized, this is what I should share with more people, more souls, who are searching for more health and ethical reasons on this planet, for there is a better for us all to live, together with non-harming the animals. The Upside is for your spiritual path is that your body will feel healthier, your energy levels will IN-crease and your Ki/Chi flow will become more constant and steady. As I have experienced it till now my overall state is more eased and less heavy, my moods are more steady, n line to how my light heart is feeling, expressed through my body of 3D. In a sense this is an ascended pathway. Now certain schools of spirit are already know on Earth teaching others a more vegetarian lifestyle, like Ayurveda, which started also as an energetic way to flow with your body, but has become more of a vegetarian and massage movement, leaving out, the energy. It is however of the utmost importance that energy is uplifted, by not consuming dead energy, of the animal deceased. This is the awareness we have to become, by KNOWING, that energy is the basic of Life and that body of physicality listens to our energy.
What is Life?
Life is energy, Life is Light, Life is Love, three building blocks to BE.
Be all three, then you ARE, alive! our body will thrive with these three building blocks.
It is my genuine believe and knowing that a Life without meat raises your vibrational levels to such a level that the body will feel more healthier and more in good energy.
Recent study has shown that a veggie Life will reduce the bad way we treat our planet and how we all consume energy (concerning energy production standards), this Study says: Global diet will save billions of Lifes
Also know, that your abilities to make contact with other beings of Light, will be greatly enhanced, as you tune your body and energy into such Light, where "they" reside constantly IN. Make it your Love, wish and energy, we will lift up ourselves from our own prisons.
And just so you know when you decide to go LIGHT, LOVE and Veggie, you will not be alone, just look at the vids below.
And another vid filled also with INspiring quotes, enjoy!
This last stuff I wish to share with all humans is the website, from Gary Yourofsky, a Vegan activist against animal cruelty. In line with his words of being harmonious with animals, with Life, I follow his way of feeling that all Life coming from Source, should deserve to live.
Our Earth Mother provides us with enough. Even for me, I am not vegan, but he has a point. ;))
Watch his website, read it and love Life, for your energy only needs Life and Love.