From the Higher Dimensions
Channelings from B.Nijboer
Dear Stars, On the first of June I received a short message from Ashtar, for a level of understanding on tones and tunes, harmonious sounds. He asked me to give this to you all and share. So I give you his message today, to feel into and listen next time INside yourself, when you feel musical tones, or metaphysical tones. ;)) As I have been connecting with my Venusian Life more, where I was called Kolmek once, Ashtar has provided me with this little message, concerning fundamental principles and energies connected to Venus, which also connects to other Star systems and our central Sun, called Ra. Ashtar's message now. About the fifth and its circles. I love you All, Bareld ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message Ashtar, June 1, 2015: The Pentawave Ashtar on the Crescent of Love and Life The world is in Union when we listen to tones of Life, when we listen to flow of Love. As Source runs in all of Life, soon, all listeners, will hear. Those in unawareness, will also be Set to hear. Calling the Force of comprehension is a pattern of scaling required to flow toe Words of Source and all of its Love minions. We therefore employ and employ you to listen carefully to my Words and the words of my crew. The divine notes of Life are imminently upon you and are also found on a 3D level, in your musical scales of harmonic minors and majors. We correct this by saying the reaction is also based upon the corrections, the wave pattern and its correspondence to the Markings of Life. We therefore seek to wizen you, never to disturb you and your course on this body, called a planet. The wave of Life is always resting upon the force field we call Matenta, which means in simplicity the coherence of form and Life, combined to magnetic and Love flow. This merger we call Macenta to Matenta. The wisdom lies in notes and in wave pattern, we ask you to employ deeper research. The basic scales on your planet, when speaking of early music, as you know it, is based upon the penta, or fifth, or the Matenta of Life, the pentatonic scale of harmonious soundings. We create these by playing instruments or by oscillating generators thriving forward wave patterns that materialize sound. Sons of Light, which used to be called angels, but are in reality, 5D beings of Light work together to pattern and weave these sound particles. The horn is a powerful flowering theme which is ever waving, and ever sounding, like a trumpet. Its form spirals like the form of your ears, or more precise, your inside shape of your ear “tools”. Our Channel and friend, will show you a picture of your inside ear tool for understanding. Venus is a 5 Star, Venus is a Trumpet, Venus is a Spiral, Venus is a Rose, therefore, the Sun flows its sounds to the Matenta of Venus, which spirals its vibratorial field forward to Earth and to other planets. Venus is the spiraller, Venus the collector. Like your Ears on your human Bodies. Each tone, sent by Source, its Macenta, its oscillating generator is given a meaning, which all beings can interpret. The pentatonic scale was once giving for this understanding, later extended to seven tones, or the heptatonic scale. We work with the 5 and 7 tones and the twelfth scaling of Source. All combinations and all its in between tones can be used for healing and correction. Understand wave pattern and then understand healing, sound, the Word, is healing! We offer you this new wisdom in Love and Life, for the benefit of your Earth. Mother your planet, like you would Mother your Children. Caretakers you are, ACT in this understanding by knowing the healing sounds of the pentatonic scale. Scale of, to the Majority and step out of the Minority, for to become a Major Master of Life it is vital and pivotal to create from Minor, a new understanding. Each step is paved, when heard. Follow the trial of sound and wave patterns to understand Life and geometric form. We give this in Love and IN Light, for patterns never die. The five of the Course The Seven of the Force The Twelve of Core Rest in the knowing of Cycles of Life. C, the A, of Be, in G o D A dia du, Ashtar (Channeler: B.Nijboer) PS. As asked by Ashtar I will show you the inner spiral of our internal ear, called Cochlea, a nautilus shell like formed receiver, which I forgot to put in my original posting. The frequencies we will enhance on later as these are connected to the message of Ashtar. The human speech is ranged between 2 and 5 kHz. We hear this sounds, with our ears. Below these frequencies, especially below 30 Hz, we begin to feel and sense, as we humans begin to call it then, because our receivers, the inner ears, do not perceive it as hearing, so it flows into a feeling or sensing. Mother Earth's music, is also toned to these low frequencies. Are we hearing that? Or feeling that ;)) Or you still in the box of hearing, or are you already receiving and hearing feelings, ahem, telepathic messages. "...The range is variant, but will do...", says Ashtar. Do we have ears to listen, to the Words of Source...or do we remain deaf...and stick to our old 3D range.... Namaste.
Channeled messages from B. NijboerOn the left one can see changelings that have come through and were received by me. Rest assured I will post every once in a while the right energies for all in here from guides speaking through me. Messages Archives
December 2024
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