From the Higher Dimensions
Channelings from B.Nijboer
Message from Higher Self and a Sirius Being, called MagalendisHello dear Stars of the Light of Source !
Today a special message from Raiba, my Higher Self Lion being and from a being who is in charge of the construct of the Sirius Gateway and has connections to other Gateways too. I was triggered last week by something that caught my eye and energy. That the Gate of Lyra, the ancient Gateway was under construction and was being renewed and reconstructed in a new way. This of course had to do with new energies coming in from Source and the ancient systems of Pu and Mu. So I started to ask questions to Raiba on what was going on at the moment and got some answers. I felt last week as if something was broken in that system, or being broken and Raiba spoke first. Here's what Raiba spoke, feeling Himself in a Rhyming session, ha ha: Brazen is the Sun, Light of the Day Seeing of the Fallen, Be it as it May Forever are the Clinging, trapped in their Gaze Lyra holds the keystone, the keystone to a Maze Once it was broken, mending we achieved Now it is shining, forever as it pleased the weaved Light now strikes a further, as the Compass ever Whirls Why is it broken?... if the Glass is made of Curls So far his lovely Rhyme: This little Rhyme is conspicuous and truthful. The Lines are set, as it was ever. More curious are the highest lines of Lyra, where the changes ever whirl. time to let the Council speak, I Am still a conduit, for such matters. May their Words find wisdom and Unity, within you. I feel now as if Raiba tried to ease my energies by saying in his last sentences that the "lower" energies of Lyra (which are still very high) were fine and as they ever worked but that the higher energies were being tweaked and changed. These higher energies that were coming in needed a tweaking of a certain kind in the highest realms of the Lyran Gateway. Hmmm... ...then the Sirius Council came through and I was aloud to transmit a message from a being who normally works on the Sirius Gateway energies and construction and is in close connection to the Lyrans and their Gateway. Here is his message: I Am Magalendis, a Master of Unity and Crystal connections between Star systems of Light. The Craft I posses is a craftsmanship of connecting sacred Unions in Crystals of a certain Highest Conformity of Vibration. The World, your world, must know, that preparations are sometimes investigated and considered for the benefit of all life in the systems of Life. Karmic matters is a complex system, tied up in many frequencies and Crystals. The Lyran Crystal will not be destroyed again. Its conformity is and always will be assured. The Gateway is a conjunction of Light and will not be compromised. The Letter of administrations will be conveyed and looked at. About the Matter of Recon-structuring, that is a subject for the High Councils of Lyra first and all the connected Gateways, such as the Sirius Gateway and others. One Star system connects to the others and their Crystals. "Destruction", but more int he Light of re-birthing, will be a matter most likely to be in phases of reconstructing several high level Mazes of Light. The Higher Maze of Lyra is in such constructs, due to some new updates, indeed! The phases / faces will be in advisement as such an administration Letter was received. Before that comes into effectiveness, I Am in charge of these circuits of the Crystals of Sirius, which will firstly stay in tact. The Crystal of Sirius, connected to the conduits of the Gateway, are constructed in such a Way it is unbreakable. This is High Level structure of Life, 12th Dimensional format. Life on Sirius is connecting to the 7th Dimension and getting used to such Way of Existence. The 6th, 5th and the 4th still live here too, and we are able to connect to the 13th level of Existence, or Dimension. The Craftsmen of the Conduits of Life are High Masters of Life and Creation. We see, feel, project and conduct the conduits of Living energy and matter! We wish the Earthlings a lasting Love and send forth a tube of Light to thy Hearts! We are the Leanient I Am Magalendis What this means my friends there are changes coming and updates we will receive, coming through the end of this year 2019 and the beginning of 2020! These High inputs require, as I interpreted this message, on High Levels of the Gateways "restructuring" of the Light energies and then they will probably be implemented in the period given above. Are we ready for the implements? I hope we are. Let's wait and see what will transpire the coming months. Much love to you all and A dia du, B with Raiba
His channelingTuesday, 13th of August 2019
23:41 hours The Master and the Slave Tend to behave Word in the Nave For the just Course of the Wave...of the it Gave! Bring me a Heart that is Lighter as that Feather...and I will carry it in the Better...give me Heart on a Heavy Lance...and I will swirl the Shop stick chance... Unless there is Fury to be tamed...The Golden Light will be in a boxing Framed... Turn light into what is Void...and then the Riches of that Light will be yours to Exploit! Let the Void be in Existence...and you miss the Source and All its Essence... I Am the Void turned to Light and The Night with a Might the Screw that will Twist...and Set light through a Mist... Yours faithful and Alit, I Am Anpu, as I see fit! |
Channeled messages from B. NijboerOn the left one can see changelings that have come through and were received by me. Rest assured I will post every once in a while the right energies for all in here from guides speaking through me. Messages Archives
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