From the Higher Dimensions
Channelings from B.Nijboer
Ahu Ru Ra TaMessage from the Whale Beings of Cetus Dear Stars, Today I come to you with a very special message, old friends from the past, but most importantly the long forgotten Ones. We have so much forgotten them that we take them for granted and do not realize enough the profound work they do every day as most Lightworkers tend to focus on other Star families and Beings of Light. It is a special Christmas greeting I wish to give through to you, from my Higher Self, JIS and the Cetians, from the system of Cetus. For a few months now I have been closely working with them, the Cetians, to stabilize the energies of Earth, energies that they specifically send out, as my main energy is in alignment with that typical energy. Lion Being energy is focused on some very ancient basic sounds, which create very important sounds (of Light) that settle it into Earth, or any other planet or solar Light. These sounds are so basic that we hear hardly any Channeler speak them in their message, or speak of the very necessary being making them, again this is a profound Sirius knowing, as Whales are Sirius C family and high council members on Sirius A, but also a deep knowing from Tau Ceti, Earth and Pleiades. Now do not feel me wrong, the work each Star family does is deep and making perfect sense, they all do a beautiful coherent job, a collective effort to help us Earthling’s get into to tune where consciousness needs to be at. Each of their energies is set in motion at the right timing, but when I hear the Lightworkers speak these days, they always forget these ones, which are the most basic energies needed, for landing, into Earth, into our collective consciousness. What connected Lion Beings (Sirius A) to Cetian Beings (Sirius C)? What is it that connected Lion Beings from system of Lyra, when they once settled near Sirius A, on the planet called Toleka, their new home planet then, to find out and “discover” that there were already these magnificent beings living there on Sirius C, Cetian being, making the most profound and similar soundings, like the Lions. It is these similar sounds that have made the connections then and this is where I was guided to speak of again, to reconnect all Channelers of Earth to their sounds again, for their voice has been forgotten and not spoken of for too long. If you feel connected to Mu, and Cetian Beings, than this is profound knowing to get into again. If you feel Sirius A Lion Being, than this is your Sirius C Cetian family speaking to you again. And if you feel Earth humanoid type, Sirius B humanoid, Andromedan, Pleiadean, Arcturian or otherwise, this knowledge should go right into your heart, without questioning its intense deep truth. The Words in the Title? The ancient words in the title speak of Light language, voiced into a way that they can settle and land into our consciousness and keep on harmonizing the energy (grounding it) into Earth. The everyday task Whales do on Earth, is the settling of energies, the grounding of energies, that maintain the Light of the Sun, right here on Earth, into the energies of the Mother. We speak more profoundly of this later in this posting. The basic Light language of Lions from Sirius A, called Arua, speaks of the Higher self, the lower self and being connected directly together through the word Ru, or more felt deeply when spoken long, Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruuuuuu. This is how one should speak the Light of Arua, with this long sound. The big A means the Higher I, or Higher self, the small a is the smaller self or I. One cannot feel this deep sound, without feeling and hearing a cats purr or a Lion’s roar within. I will shows a little roar of a Lion more below, to see the Earth Lion roar, which is not the same as a Lion Being, but to help us Earthlings remember Lion Beings. Felines are a remembrance, like Whales, Dolphins and also the land Whales, called Elephants. They were all put here, for a deep profound reason. The Cetian language When Lions first connected they discovered these higher beings have the same profound deep basic sound of Light, the Ru and also more. This first connecting made a deep tremble of Love awaken within collective consciousness of Lion Beings, for these most loving beings. The word Ru is also in their language and makes the same vibration of Love. To Rrrruuu, is to create Life, it means creation, together with the word Hu. Ru can make a merge with Hu, creating Rrrhhuuu, or even RuHu. For humanoids this may sound crazy and odd, but it is a basic sound for Lions and Cetians as you will feel and see later below. Now of course the each species has different sounds too, but today we speak of coherent sounds and basic ones shared. As the Pleiadean family make energies now and the Cetians have given their call for a few months now, the humanoids should incorporate this into their heart and souls. It is vital we reconnect and feel IN. Otherwise the Pleiadeans will have a bit of a harder time of doing their energy work right now, if we do not take this to heart and into our consciousness. So I ask all humans to connect to the Cetian and also Lion sounds, for sound creates. Speak them out loud or speak them within your heart. The order goes as follows: Ahu Ra Ta, Ahu Ra Ta… Ahu Ru Ra Ta… Ahu Ahu… On land the Lions and the Elephants make the sounds through air, in water, the Whales and also Dolphins, make the sounds through water. Of course water conducts much faster and carries sound further. Ahu is a sacred word connected to sacred space, or calling the sacred energy into yourself and land it inside your being. Ra is to do with the Light, coming in, calling forth the Light from Source (God/the Creator) and Ta is the ancient word of land, or a planet, to make it known to the planet you are on. Ru sets forth creation, as Ahu creates the Higher Self landing its creation. The Arcturians and their sub species, speak of Ya, Yah, Ja, as the Lion Beings name it A or a, sometimes we call Ia is an uttering too. The Higher Self of us all speaks to us all now and we all need to connect to our highest Self, the best you can and know it. Lion Beings and Arcturians have worked closely together in ancient times, specifically in Egyptian and Hebrew energies. The Message from my Higher Self and from JIS. When I connected to my Lion Being higher self earlier this week a few words came through with guidance from JIS too. He is a most loving and profound gentle soul. If you have not connected to Jesus before, please do so. If you are one of the souls still denying or refusing Him, be sure that one cannot go around His energies at this point in time or one will encounter oneself. The words that came through about the energies of a while back (when connecting to Cetians) and for now are these: “…Rendering of the Light is imminent. Collect the Diamond, Collect the Crystals, make them of Blue, White and Reddish coloring. It is connected to the energy needed for now. Gender is not important, heart IS..." Question by BN: What crystals do we use now? “…Amaltite crystal Adamite crystal Sulfite-like crystal…l” End of message. I looked into these crystals after this came through and how it is connected to the Whale message for all and it is purrrfectly aligned with it. As you will read soon. The genders of Earth are not important my friends, it is time you merged both your energies as one and flow these three colors inside you, for the now. Amaltite (also called Smaltite, Speiss, Skutterudite) is of a Whitish/Silver Grey like crystalline form. Adamite is the Blue crystal and ... Sulfite-like crystals are of a Reddish color (but they can also be of yellow, green and brown color). If you do not have these at home, find crystals you do have, of the same three colors and work with these. But it works best with the qualities and energies of the above mentioned. I will mention the message of the Cetians (from Cetus) and Cetaceans of Earth, for last, for all to feel into and that we should now go beyond our gender, beyond our polarized energy, whether you are female of male. Gender is not important, only your heart IS important. To BE there, is to BE of Life. Now I would like to speak more deeply of Ophiuchus, the 13th sign of the zodiac system, and of the Eyes of Scorpion system, the eyes of the Tigress. Ta Hu The last word that came to me is a special one, my Twin Soul and me have connected to this energy recently, the energies of Antares (Alpha Scorpii) and of Ophiuchus, the 13th zodiac sign. The word itself has also ancient knowing to the Chinese, and to the Hebrew’s of course. The energy comes from the ancient Light languages of all the Beings mentioned before. So when we connected to the Peacock energies a while back , we saw lots of sign of Eyes, watching, guarding and observing. The many being of the IGC, the Inter Galactic Confederation, of Star families, we saw that the peacock in Christianity was connected to everlasting Life. And we read that Ophiuchus was also about curing death, or healing the dead back to Life. Now this is important to know, for that brings us back to the creation of Life, with the sounds of Light, we just have put forward. Ta Hu is another of those sacred energies, that we should know, as Ophiuchus is smack in the middle of the system of Ta Hu, or Ta Who, as the Chinese say. Ta Hu is known to the Egyptians as the Land of Hu, the creation of Land, or planets. The system of Antares is a known as the heart of the Scorpion system, and is so big it nearly has died out, because it is becoming near the end of its cycle of Life. It is a Star in decay. The tail of Scorpion holds an interesting tale, for two eyes, stare at a Nebula. This tale of the tail of Scorpion system, is in the Hawaiian legends known as the fish hook. The God Maui called upon his two brothers first, then he tricks his two brother’s to use his fishhook to canoe their boat, in order to drag up the sea bed, up to the surface, to create the Hawaiian Islands, called Avaikii and the Maori have the same legend, of New Zealand, called then, Aotearoa. If we read this, as, 3D physical stuff, we would have a hard time of believing it. But if we read the words Ta Hu as creating energies, to land, or ground, on Earth, it will make deeper sense, for that is in reality what they are. Ophiuchus holds the Serpent energies, meaning, he had mastered the energies of the Chi, the Aesculapius energies, the polarity energies of the male and female flows. He holds it together as One, therefore mastering it. The 13th sign, does not make negative energies as ancient beliefs want us to have believed. It is the sign of Union, as it makes the flower, which has the number 4, the One(ness) + 3, of the trinity. Thirteen is also the number of Mother, or Mem, as we Frisians say, the watery body called Earth we live on and where the Whales sound their energies through, carried for very long distances. Aa or A was also the word in Frisian for water, a river or the word to speak the Laws of holy wisdom, this is ancient knowledge. Ancient Frisians held the Laws of Nature very closely to their energy, as our bodies mostly consist of water, a is the I, the self, the (watery) body. Now as we went through the Ophiuchus zodiac, I came into contact with this energy and word, called Ta Hu, again, which means to make the creation of Land on to Earth, on Ta, better is to say, to make the energies of creation, Land or ground here. The story of the tail of the Scorpion is an interesting one and anciently not known as the Scorpions tail, but as the Cat’s Eye. This has to do with the Tiger beings from Antares. Scorpion system has 13 Stars, a feminine number. You can read about the Cat's Eye's here First let me show you how big Antares is, compared to Arcturus and our own Sun. The Words Ta and Hu is are ancient energies and as you all know I have Channeled my friend Ashtar for many years now, where he was known by the Greeks as Thoth, but to the Egyptians he was known as Tahuti or Tehuti. His name is connected to the grounding energies on planets, to make first contact in certain systems. This is what he is doing again. Also Words is his wisdom, sacred words, written and spoken. The creation energies have a sense of Pure energies being brought into Earth, grounded or layed into a consciousness. Now, as mentioned earlier, Ta Who is the word Chinese call to the system of Scorpii, a system with a feminine energy and vibration, carried through by balanced energies of Ophiucus, into the male energies of the Sagittarius. The Chinese called this Ta Who, because of the Tiger energies, the feminine energies, as opposed to the male energies of the Dragon. It is important that the tale of fish hook as the Polynesian people speak, has two Cat’s eyes, connecting it to the Tiger energies. So Antares has huge Tiger energies, we can call them Tiger beings. Ta can either be a He or She in Chinese, to show you the balanced energies. So it is balance we speak of, The Ophiucus way, BE like two energies in one. Then you are. Tigers Eye also help balanced and protect, but clear of energies of old. This can be seen in the Oneness or Twinned energy of the Oephiucus system, the Twin Nebula. Both systems hold huge Twinned Nebulas, as Scorpion hold the Butterfly Nebula. Only by becoming Oneness, one clears all old energies. See below: The Butterfly has a very specific meaning as it is the TF energies come to fruition. Each wing is the other part of the TF energy of Oneness. Together they are a Butterfly. It is remarkable how the Sagittarius system points its arrow at the Butterfly, to show us how we should become. First we are a Caterpillar, then we merge (cocoon), when we are ready for it, to become a most beautiful Butterfly. We can do this as a single experience, but better is to do it together with ones TF, to completely merge. This process can take several lifetimes of learning to become one. It is interesting to know that the Sagittarius aims his arrow straight at the Butterfly Nebula, as to point out, that that is what we need to become. The sounding of Words The Aboriginals of Australia have a same type of History, as we now walk with the Pleiadean energies connected to the Aboriginals, that they speak of in their Mura Mura (=Dreamtime), walking the paths, where they sing everything to life. So what this tells us is that it is truth and Light we must feel, in order to create from the felt words. Polarity energies and that it is time to leave that behind! Now I will speak of two energies I have spoken of before which is important to understand the Cetian message. We all understand one energy best, for we inhabit a body of one of the two energies. Few however can really merge both energies in their current polarity body. The feminine energy is known with a triangle pointed downward and the male energy is known as an energy with the triangle point upward. I will show this to you, by showing you the two energies, as my Higher Self calls them, FAE and MAE, which I will first now explain to you, or otherwise one will not understand the message of the Cetians. First the FAE, which means, the Father Aspect Energy. This the energy that comes from above, then to go Inside you, through the Soul Star, but works with its point upward. Second we have the MAE, the Mother Aspect Energy, which is the female energy rising upwards, through the Earth Star, but working as an energy with its point down. Like so. This energy is where the Cetians will speak of. The call upon us all to create the diamond and work our energies as one, instead of working through one triangle solely. When the Tau Ceti came through, they connected me (around two months ago) with the Whale Beings again, the Earth ones first and this week I asked the High Council of Sirius to connect me too the Sirius C Whale Being again and to make a merged message for all humans now, to connect again, this is what came through: “…Breath out bad energies, exhaust them…like we Whales do on Earth…then…Breath IN…take the FAE IN (Air energy) ….with you…into the MAE…the Waters…then…FEEL…the merge…swimming in water…AIR IN LUNGS…Floating INSIDE you….FAE in MAE…THEN…WE ASK YOU ALL TO SING…THIS MAY BE DONE…INSIDE…OR…OUTLOUD… INSIDE MEANS…IN THY HEART…FEEL THE SOUND THAT COMES FROM WITHIN…YOU…AND FAE/MAE COMBINED…SOURCE…ALL IN ONE…SING THE TUNES…LIKE US…BE THE…DIAMOND…” End of message of the Tau Ceti / Earth Whales / Sirius Whale Beings Dear Stars, become a diamond, become One, Whole, for then your energy really works in connection with Source. My Twin Soul has also made a lovely post today, to add to this message and information, you can read it here: The 'Sound Frame' of Creation When AA Michael connected with me on 13 December 2015, he told me, that the Arcturians had a same type of frase, calling on me/us, to walk the lines. All Beings in the Universes know a single language, which is sacred. He calls their frase like this: Ahu Ra Ta. For Earth the sacred lines are, mostly, these Star families: Orion, Sirius, Pleiades, Tau Ceti, Andromeda and Lyra. Furthermore read also on the Arcturian and Sirius connected Ship, the Ahura'Tua, which my Flame connected to in October 2015: Lights in the Sky Part 5: The Ahura'Tua The last thing I want to show you, while I was connecting to our Whale family is a ship photographed by a friends from Australia, capturing a Cetian ship, on 20th of November 2015, while and around the time I was deeply connecting with them. I will put this picture here below, which you can also see on their website Wispy Clouds. Thanks for aligning Rob and Shelley. I would like you to see the next couple of vids below, but more so to listen and to deeply feel into the similar sounds of these three very important conscious beings for Earth, who speak anciently with their sounds of creation. Merry Christmas everyone and a happy new year! Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuu... enjoy their sounds! I love you All, Namasté
Channeled messages from B. NijboerOn the left one can see changelings that have come through and were received by me. Rest assured I will post every once in a while the right energies for all in here from guides speaking through me. Messages Archives
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