From the Higher Dimensions
Channelings from B.Nijboer
The Crescent Moon Message, 20-05-2013 Dear friends, We yield many powers and great force. We create great choice and a new course. Arrayed Light beam at your hearts, IN full gentleness to feel. If only you Awoke, your Full Eye IN plain SEEing. We ARE here, right beside the Crescent, right beside your Moon, right beside that side of you that you call Mother, right beside the “dark” way, we shine Light upon you. Afar many of us came to witness your turn, to witness your flow in the new, we enjoy the journey so far. How about you? Ready for a new spin around the Moon? Reluctant as many SEEM to BE, beyond the obvious, lay the simple hard truths of Love and Light, of Joy and Recharging Way, of gone by darker times and exciting new Days ahead. Remember that even darkness shines a Light, but it has forgotten its shining! Was it a crest forgotten…? Or a wave let IN… a choice brought forward and lessons overturned…again and again. Put this ALL behind yourselves and embrace the new signs we clearly have given to you before. The flight of ’69, a crest of wrong energies sent IN space. A warlike race… Now we ask for your renewed spirit, in such a pace, that new targets ARE SEEN withIN your future days. May you go where no man, or woman has gone before, we await at the other side of that door! A dia du, on behalf of the Ashtar Command crew.. I Am, Ashtar The present of Light
Message 24-05-2013 Dear Ones, The beams grow stronger, once arrayed The beams hit target, once focused The dreams may stay, once created The dreams merge, once instated We come today with a heart message, as we Love you intensely and unified. We proclaim not to be almighty, you know that, might, is not the Way, yet, Love brings a certain power to hold. Question us not dear Ones, for we are always near, around the corner so to speak. We watch all movement and harvest Love and the Meek. Rival not, work together, send Love, send Hope, Join in Union and flourish in Oneness. New ideas and systems will soon flow, once you All grow in the big Love show! As ever, we guide, steer and monitor. Dear Stars, shine, because with every shine, new energy is sent! I Am Ashtar and I greet you from our ship, Radu an Shem (means: Shine forth the Light) (Channeler: B.Nijboer)
![]() INdetermination Dear Ones, As stated before, the Way is IN. As named before, the Love flows from WithIN. Are you determined to SEE this through? Of all sorrow, mishaps and failed actions, you have witnessed before, it is your determination which shall lead the Way into this new time of Rejoicing! Lady N and I have given statements of how to BE and how to take care of the YOU, IN your Flow of Awareness. We feel many are On this path of clear SENSING AND FEELING of Love from Heart. It is a state of Being. Rome was never free IN giving, but in judging the mass. Has this institute changed? Have you changed your course? Has society on Earth changed course? How can we, join, if limited change is Becoming reality, when we only feel energetic change and progress, we ask you? Show us your readiness, dear Ones… We ask you to take a good look at yourselves, ask if enough has been done to progress the change decreed. We are indeed ever more confident you will make this journey your worthwhile and we guide you to the remembrance of the Path of Jonah. All we beg to speak of, IS, your INdetermination, for, has it reached a turning point? Always know, you ALL can answer to my call, for if help is asked, we give it freely and not at a cost of a dollar-oil rate, but we expect you to return it IN exchange of Love-Light rate indexing! The new Love stock exchange index, by determined IN factor of the Love ratio! Let it not BE unsaid, that truth walks IN, lined UP, with Light and Light tones WATER, in streams of Fulfillment. The Heart Love Ratio index is to KNOW by Source. How is your index, has it been determined? For reference we ask you to read, 1 John 5:11 and Jonah 3:4 Reference notes: 1 John 5:11 --> “…And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is IN his Son.” Jonah 3: 4 -->. “…Forty more days and Nineveh will Be overthrown! …” I Am, Jesus Immanuel Sananda (Notes BN --> On Jonah 3:4: repent and relent…and do some abstinence….less eating…more energy! More on Jonah 3:4: Nineveh is the Assyrian character written for water enclosure and fish Inside, Jonah was Inside the belly of a large fish, for 3 days and 3 nights, before he returned reborn and in the knowledge of Source, he knew what to do) Additional message 02-05-2013 : Let none be down, let ALL BE wise Let flower BE crown, let the low have demise Arrange yourselves in beauty and return from the belly of the Beast.. Wise men seek Inside, Wise heads Seek outside. Love measured in candle, stronger than landslide. Worth of truth handled in Rocketeering, Endorse yourself IN Love Engineering. The Cradle of Straw is born amongst a fine Star, the Cradle of a Star has been drawn from the longest Straw! Jonah was wise and gentled spirit of Sources wisdom, follow his Way and you All will return to knowledge unbound some day! Two more reads: 1. Mathew 13:4 --> “…As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up.” 2. Kobayashi legend --> not the exact way… (Notes BN -->. Matthew speaks of not getting sidetracked too much, seed your seeds at the right place……and the Takeru Kobayashi thing is very laughable, well it made me laugh anyway, it seems he is a speed eater, apparently this is not the way , we should use more energy, instead of heaps of food. Also it relates to the belly or Solar Plexus, the emotional body, we tend to stretch, instead of balance…) I AM , Jesus Immanuel Sananda (Channeler: B.Nijboer) |
Channeled messages from B. NijboerOn the left one can see changelings that have come through and were received by me. Rest assured I will post every once in a while the right energies for all in here from guides speaking through me. Messages Archives
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