From the Higher Dimensions
Channelings from B.Nijboer
Arc of Radiance…Arc of Bliss
We have this saying on Arcturus: ...” Where there is bliss, there is Heart, where there is wish, there is a start...” Dear friends, I am Yeho’ola. As you know, this channeler has spoken of Arcturus before, as we are known friends of past eons. Therefore we have connected again. Always we remind him and you of our worlds, ways and truths. We admire his strength and courage for what he does and is. All journeys of him and all of you on Earth have crossed lines, crossed grids and crossed arches of Light threads. Bridges of past lifes, past journeys and joyful cooperations. We speak of the good and meaningful journeys in your learnings of such times. We of Arcturus present to you, anewed, the long forgotten doors of the Arch of Radiance. This means none less than funnels, circles and triglomerates* of energetic doorways which lead to other worlds, places or dimensional fields. It was known before, if we can key to remembrance of Irish patterns glyphs or the Egyptian doorways, forgotten to you now. We ask you to seek and learn your geometrical shapes again and learn from such patterns again, for they hint at forgotten knowledge, but it is stored IN your Soul knowledge. Enter its chambers of knowledge again. We are currently in your space continuum and work together with the known Federational Beings of Light, known to you as the Ashtar Command, Orion Council, Arcturian Council, which we “work” for, the Council of Alectia and the other councils of various systems. The Alectians are among a system near Arcturus called the Drape (or Frying Pan as you see it) system. We Arch Light on your heads as they need much brightening. Your hearts you should strive to fill with Light and Love. The worries are far from over, but beyond is the Horizon of Bliss. May we Arch it with you? Will you work with us? Let us know if we can assist you in bridging your radiance and let’s bliss together. This is Yeho’ola of the Arcturian vessel Yartuh*. We Arch Light. We Arch Bliss. Please state your wish! End of message. * Yartuh means: the Lord is true * Triglomerates are spheres (Channeler: B.Nijboer)
1 Comment
13/3/2015 08:12:24 am
Dearest, I just came back to this post, and wish to say, I love you....and do love and thank Yeho'ola and all the dear crew of the good ship Yartuh for your guarding of my Flame. May you all BE blessed in Source's grace forever! Haha, well of course, you are. :)
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