From the Higher Dimensions
Channelings from B.Nijboer
Hello dear Stars,
Today I come to you with a small message on the Pleiadeans, origins and truth of such Beings. Even many Pleiadean Channelers often "fail" to mention their true origin and this is not due to them, because their souls may BE too young to know or even remember. Many souls are capable of viewing their birthing place, like say, Pleiades, but cannot view the places older than where they were created by Source. On this subject is the next message a bit. It is about lifes and knowing your origin, but more deeply also about acceptance that other souls are even older, earlier created than yourself and are capable of viewing further than some can. This is the difference between Channelers, especially young souls from Pleiades systems, channeling too. Accepting truth however is part of us All. But, it needs be said, that we ALL are One. The message of the true origin of Pleiadeans is confined within the Sirius B system, flowing from there and before that the system of Lyra, the Lyran humanoids, together with the Lion Beings, from which the Lyran Federation originated, the first Galactic Federation. Around Vega Star where three planets were situated, Avyon, Velonia and Ruatia. The planet Avyon was home of the Lion Beings, first settlers from another Universal system of which the last planet as a Lion Being I inhabited was Anjuria. This is very ancient knowledge, way before Pleiadeans (humanoid like beings) existed. The Lion Beings were invited to play the role of the Light guardians of this Universe, also known as the Light side. The Carians, bird beings, played the dark role of the duality game, called forth the dark force of the Dracs or reptilians and their subspecies. Both in origin, Carian and Lion are very benign. I will start with Lyra, the first Earth, Avyon, settled by Lion Beings on invite by a being called P'tah, a being who created a universal council here, in 9D, to overview the game for this Universe. A number of Carians and Lion Beings were invited to begin the game. We Lion Beings settled on Avyon near Vega, the large Sun in the Lyra system. The Carians first settled in Orion. Both created their federation. In Lyra the Lyran Federation was formed after some time, the first Galactic Federation. When time progressed the designers and engineers of the lions started to create subspecies, therefore the first humanoid form was created from our DNA strands. These humanoids were not like humans, but none the less, a humanoid form, called Lyrans, sentient beings, like us Lions. As time progressed we lived happily side by side and some species of inter-mixtures became too, also feline forms. Settling all three planets around Vega, named Rutia, Velonia and Avyon. A long time peace was. Then the Dracs invaded, a grasshopper species, coming from the nearby Draco system, capable of devouring worlds, which lead all of the Vegans to flee. A long lasting war happened, many died, millions fled and got scattered, first to nearby systems and planets, like Lyra Beta. The main force of the Lion Beings however fled to Sirius, to re-settle there on a planet near Sirius A, called Toleka. They formed the first High Council of Sirius. Later the Beings from Sirius C joined them, the Whale Beings, also the dolphin cousins, from that Star. The Merged High Council became a joined Federation again. Later the scattered humanoid Lyran forces of mostly Velon and Avyon, found their way back to Sirius too. The main Ruat force settled around Cygnus. This system is also connected to the ancient Frisians. We, Lion Beings, settled the Velon and the Avyon Lyran humanoids, around three planet around Sirius B. The home of these original Lyran humanoids, became then Sirius B and its three main planets. The three Stars then again aligned in a new formed High Council, consisting of Lions, Whales, Dolphin and Lyran Humanoid, now called Sirius B humanoids. When the Sirius system Ascended, the planets became 5D planets. Sirius A High Council resides in 6D. This is also ancient knowledge and happened a long time ago. The Humanoids resettled and expanded later on, via the systems of Procyon, Orion, Lepus...and of later the Taurus system, where the Pleiadean Stars and planets are situated. Many humanoid souls were created at a time of Pleiadean blossoming days, when peace ruled, the system untouched by invading reptilians, with their subspecies, for also Pleiades had invading reptilian incursions. That is another story. For now I wish to point to the origin of Pleideans, from which eventually the human form is most closely resembled. A Pleidean is very similar to humans. Also Earth 2, the second Avyon, lays in that system. It still is, unlike Avyon 1, Earth 1, as humanoid Lyrans call it. The word Avyon is something to mention here, as the v is hardly pronounced in Light language, more like Ayon, as the ancient Iun or Aiun, word of Egypt resembles, an old reflection of Avyon. This leads us to the following message I received in 2013, from a very old friend, called Ariane, a Pleiadean sister aboard the Ashtar Command, which I know from my memory databanks as she puts it, whom is a Sirius B humanoid, in origin, but speaks as a new humanoid from Pleiades system, as she now IS. She comes from a planet called Altamira. The truth is deeper than some know... Here is her message from june 2013: Communication of Ariane 25-06-2013 Ashtar: Dear friend, I have an old friend with me here aboard the Phoenix. It is Ariane of the Pleiadean system, planet Altamira. She would love to speak to you on re-incarnations. Ariane (=AR): Dear Bareld, I Am Ariane, how are you? BN: Could be better, but holding on. AR: Do you remember me? BN: Not really, not now anyway. Sorry. AR: It is fine. I will refresh your memory. Look at Sirius. See A and B, next to B lies C, the B world was of humanoid life, three planets next to it, one was my home-world, your kind visited often, we had many laughs, joyful dinners and fruitful discussions of Life. In origin Sirius is home to many Pleiadeans, as you know, yet, love has fled many Pleiadeans at a time in history, called, the Great War with the Orion! Many turned to wrong ideas after that. Some held on to the love standard of Universal Law. The Unified Law of Orion means nothing less than the top down hierarchy of the Draconian Rules of deceit. [ Note BN: The system of Orion also has good factions, like the Melchizedeks, Ariane purely speaks of Dracs, the reptilian law here] We have gone passed such depths and resurfaced ON top and with new vigor at that time and place. Now, 400.000 years have passed since. Are we not growing? BN: Which means? AR: We came from far away, yet, we have evolved into higher states through many eons of life times of shapes, bodies and lifeforms, yet, our Core being remains as IS, our Core tune is Illuminated in our unique singular DNA sequence. Rerouted we have in many life’s, re-twisted many games, yet, always we have turned back to the pathway of linear and multi-dimensional love. BN: What is the exact difference? AR: One level….vs…ALL levels We have come today to speak to you of ALL levels, re tapping into all levels, to know all levels again. We ARE there in your memory banks. Find us, our data. Ha ha…we are there, find me, or, my file. Ariane has always loved the Lions because of their deep Core and Understanding Love, gratitude fills my being with such knowing. Today I AM bringing the same message to you, as you once did for me. Remember ….search your heart under Molika, humanoid, female. From the AC I greet your presence, my Light walks Inside your being dear friend. Find peace, rejoice in the new light, new tranquility of love. We come when Source speaks. Ar astat, a dia du, er an dua. BN: Thank you Ariane and also Ashtar. (Channeler: B. Nijboer)
The Aten, Neith, Nut/Nu, Magnetism, DNA …and the Shield Part 2: The New Egyptian Revelations Dear friends, dear Stars, I will pick up where we left off last time…for keep this in mind and heart, the birthing comes from the carrier, the vessel which holds all life, the feminine. The masculine provides the giving of the seeding, the spark, but it is the carrier, the vessel of life, the feminine, that is the shape-giver of new life, that arches the new. Until we understand and respect both in the same equal way, we will not be united as One on this planet. So, therefore, the Mother carries the Child, in body and in spirit/energy! Also know this is a short version and basic stuff of what is in the much larger info of the E books I am writing. Feel this part 2 as an introduction, as the Books go much deeper than what you read here on the website. I will today speak of part two of the Revelations, truths from the Egyptian school. In part one I spoke of the Semetic / Hebrew forgotten knowledge and know I will speak of the Egyptian forgotten knowledge and knowledge coming from Egypt, incorporated in Hebrew religion. In the first part I spoke as the Bow being the sign of the Mother side of Source, the feminine side of the Source of ALL things. So the He God had a wife, or female side and half, if I would speak in 3D terms. Now, in modern days, we would speak of the energy of masculine and feminine side of Source. The Bow or Bowl is the sign I spoke of in part 1, which is the sign of woman, wife (hmt in Egyptian), or basin (of water) , from the Semitic/Hebrew side. It is today I will speak of an aspect of the Mother energy, a side of her energy whom is hardly known to many and why Akhenaten was never understood, until this day, because of masculine driven priesthood, connected to a male energized god, no matter what religion it may be. I will hopefully correct the balance somewhat of it this day, for I was once Akhenaten, ahead of my age and when I look upon this world today, much is still the same, way too masculine, of power control, that is. So again, the message will be brought, hopefully this time, it will be well understood. The three parts of the Revelations include the legacy from three of my past Life’s, three Revelations, three truths, which make UP the One. And all three Revelations are interlinked, in energies. So, now, the second Feminine energy Revelation, this time, coming from Egypt. I will speak first give a message coming from JIS, the One called Jesus Immanuel Sananda. As I spoke in part 1, that the forgotten energy of the Whole was cut off by a certain Semitic tribe and its masculine sided Kohen (priests) it is now time to restore full balance of the Whole. I will do this, among others, at the hand of Goddess Tanis, which is an ancient form of the Feminine Egyptian energy form of Iunyt, Ta-Neith, land of Neith. The sacred Arch (or Ark), the Covenant of Source. In Christian and also Hebrew believe we know the sacred Covenant was represented through an Arch, or even a Rainbow Arch, the Sun above it, the Rainy clouds below it, the Rainbow bridge in the middle. It is exactly this what represents the Whole of the Father and Mother side of Source and most important, their Union, their sacred Covenant, as One. Now many archeologists, historians and researchers seek their knowledge in 3D proof and existence. If you do that, it is okay, but one will never see, or feel, the whole truth of it, only the 3D part of it. For the truth lies, as always and IN all ways, in the interdimensional and metaphysical, as energy, wave(s), vibration (from oscillation), from Light and Sound, ARE Source. It lies not in matter, dense energy, or 3D, for that is only the result of the origin of the creational flow. Instead I ask those souls to widen their perspectives and view the next stuff I am about to write down for you, for it is truth of different perspective, of another and higher dimensional kind, a purer kind, back to origin. And this brings me to the following messages of JIS, which is also related to the Mother energies of Source, which were deeply felt and understood by John the Baptist, when he started Baptizing with Water, the cleansing and purifying through the energy of the feminine side, the waters, of Mother, which carries Life, carries the Child. From the pure waters of the Mother, we come. Even in dense energy, our mortal coils, we know as bodies, we come to life, Inside the bathing and waxing waters of our Mother. Now, first I will give this Channeling by JIS, as it holds knowledge of why the Mother side is a genuine purifier, I will explain this later in the Egyptian sense of it all. JIS Words given on 05-09-2014: The Love of Christ is the Dawn of Day My Words are Sound, My Heart IS Light Crescent means Dawn Dawn of Light will begin at Summer’s End Some Starships are crescented, mainly Arcturian Commence…come ends….commands! Emergence…merging…immer-gens…Immersions! The last sentences He explained are important for this part and IS the part I wish to bring forth first. The purification of the water rituals came from the energy of Mother, the energy of Tanis and Ta-Neith, which became later in the Semetic countries known as the rituals of purification, the immersion rituals which later in Jewish traditions became known as Mikveh. Now these are Mother side rituals as the Egyptians knew the same rituals, way before the Hebrew’s knew them. Immersions, meaning going under water, submersed, for purification. These bath or pools (basins) were then also named Isheru, Lakes, shaped in the form of a Bow, almost a wide shaped heart, also connected to Nut. The Isheru are connected to later emerged word of the Semitic/Hebrew language, called the Asher, into which Asherah (Anat) was transformed. When one combines the Male aspect and the Female aspect we get, El and Ash, El Ash-im...ergo, the Hashem, the One Name, Pu Nuk, the I AM. The Immer-gens and emergence I will speak of later in the DNA and Magnetic part, of this part 2. The energies of Nu, Nut, Neith , Tanis and the later known Ta-nit. I will explain in short some Goddesses from the Egyptian pantheon. The Egyptian Goddess Nut was the celestial Cow, the Bow of the Night sky and the heavens above, she represented the Arch that hugged all that where beneath, Inside and below her. Above you can see an Egyptian scene of Nut, Uttering, via Mouth, and Birthing Ra, the Sun God, via Sacral sense. Also the Face of Ra, Hathor, is seen, shining upon the Land, as a Dawn, inside the Land of the Bow, with two sacred trees, the feminine and masculine side of duality, two Pillars. The Egyptian Goddess Nu is the One that is primeval watery mass, or watery abyss, from which all gods were born. Again we see water, as a feminine aspect. She was the creating Vessel and Container from which all was born. Primeval Water and Bow (Horseshoe like symbolism) are feminine aspects, like we have seen on the donkey and in the Ashera symbolism in part 1. Now Neith or Nit has the same aspect as Nut, or Nu, for all of them are Mother Goddess, Primordial water and Celestial Cow, giving the blessed white milk, or white Light energy, the Mother energy. We will solve the mystery of all three. Nu is the spiraling coil, represented as a quail chick in Egyptian hieroglyphs, which represent the birthing cycle. First some Nut knowledge before we go on to Neith/Nit, precursor of Tanit, who gave her words: “ I am the beginning and the end”. Tanit, simply means Land of Neith/Nit. She “got it” from Neith, who spoke similar words. See further down below. Now Nut was the celestial Cow, the Water and the Sky element, which I have spoken of earlier as the Arch, between the Sun and the Watery clouds, where the Rainbow of Light is SEEN. This Covenant of Light is coiled IN our energy fields to, into seven main chakra’s of the older basic system, which feed the body of matter. Now in the DNA section we will speak on the newer chakra's too, which have been added to the seven old ones. The Nu symbol On 08-09-2013, I was given a sign or a symbol, by JIS, that belongs to this feminine energy, of Source, called Nu. The explanation of the symbolized message was as follows: The Egyptian water symbol is Mother energy, combined with the sky feel, as it is UP high, water with an air element, this water symbol also stands for the letter N. Also the quail chick symbol stand for the letter U, a Bow. As in the tone or sound of oo, or woo, like in the word moon. The quail chick also stands for a coil, which is the human body , it has a coil function, it acts as a small vortex ( the Heart) and a coil spiraling, combining the above energies of the Father coming IN and the Mother energy from below. combined in the vortex of the Heart, the chakra system and our body functions as a small coil assimilating both Forces. Combining these two symbols, water N and quail chick U, one gets the word Nu which in Egypt (Nu, the primordial water and Nut, the celestial cow, the celestial Mother) stood for the primordial waters of Source (which is also in Genesis), from which the first sacred land Sprang! (Are we speaking of new land, a birthing of new Earth here?) The quail chick is the co-creator, as the coil, its number is 100, stands for co-creation, a sacred number! The V stands for the AC and in this case much more for the vulva, which is the birthing, as it points towards the place between the "legs" where One point of togetherness IS, so we have a woo-ing here or is that a chicken laying an egg. As the whole symbol looks like a big chicken head and the big Omega around it all is feminine force of Source over-seeing it all (which will be explained later under the title: the X Marks the Spot and also the Nut Celestial Cow energy are as a same Arch represented). And also Sananda's Words spoken with it: "Over All we the AC works with me, I work with Source..." Nu is the pot from which all is molded into a new shape, created, Mother style. Neith, Nit and Ta-nit From the feminine energy of Nut, the Celestial Cow, I will now go from Nut to Neith/Nit. Neith or Nit was the great Goddess of the city of Iun/Iunu, or Aun/On as the Semitic/Hebrew souls knew it. The Greeks later called it Heliopolis, city of Helios, their equivalent of Ra, the Sun. Iunu was the Egyptian City of Light and of Amun and Ra, the heart of the ancient knowledge of the Atlantian priesthood, carried off from Atlantis. Who was Nit? Her name literally means Weaver, an aspect also assigned to the named Asherah, for the women in the Temple of the Hebrew’s, used to (k)Nit for Asherah, who fills the same function as the feminine side of Source, as El is the Male side. Sometimes in the Semitic lands she was called Anat or Aunat. Now I have explained what the name Aun (Iunu in Egyptian), means, it means Pillar, the standing One, Who IS, the I AM, or Source. IN Egypt the –at suffix is a denotation of the feminine form, as is the –yt suffix. As in Sesherat, which is a Sirius energy. So WHO IS, in it the feminine side, AN-at. Iun-yt, the feminine Pillar. And the -at suffix comes from Sirius, as we can she in the Sesherat name, one of my guides. Anat (Asherah) was the feminine Goddess of the Canaanites, Israelites and the Phoenicians, the Semitic souls. So we have two pillars, one at ancient Iun, masculine, place of Amun-Ra, and one feminine, Iunyt, the place of Nit/Neith. Two sides that make up the One, but has a Trinity aspect, as Ra is their Child. Neith / Nit , was known as the primordial space from which Ra emerged, the Celestial Cow from which Ra came forth. She was the Spirit behind the Veil, which no mortal eyes could see. Neith called herself: …. All that was, that IS and what will come to BE…. Words ushered by JIS in his time on Earth. As we can read, no male side of Source or God said this. The main cities with her Temples, were Saoe/Sau (or Sais in Greek) and Ta-Soenet or Iunyt (or Esna / Isna in Greek). I wish to speak of Iunyt now, for that name holds importance. The name Iunyt means the 'Hermonthic' or 'Upper-Egyptian Heliopolitan' goddess. Why, because Iunyt, means the feminine Iun, the other Pillar. Neith was called ruler of the Arrows, or Mistress of the Bow, Lady of the Veil, or Shield. Her symbol was a Shield crossed with two arrows, like you see below. The truth of the matter IS, that this Shield is the Flees surrounding each an everything there is in the Cosmos, the magnetic field, or auric field. Each “Object” has it, the SUN, the Earth, the Moon, and all things on Earth, no matter how small it is, magnetism it has. The symbol of Neith. Here are some more of Nit/Neith’s symbols. Remember these symbols well, for below we will speak of the metaphysical why of her symbols. The X Marks the Spot The Celestial Cow, Nit/Neith, Magnetism and our DNA The Word Iun has been adopted into Greek as Eon, meaning Life or Being, which falls back on the meaning Iun(u) and Iunyt, the masculine and feminine energies, which are the two Pillars of Life, of Being, which make UP the One Being. The Alpha and the Tau. Neith/Nit, She is the Beloved, Mer-yt, the Beloved Female, the One who knows and IS, the Immaculate Birthing, from which Hebrew name, Mary, comes. Still Mother Mary is referred in our time as Beloved Mother, who bares the fruit, which comes forth from her. The name of Egypt was once called Ta-Meryt, land of the Beloved Female, the fruitful Land. The Mer is a word also used for a Lake once around the Great Giza Pyramid, which is a place of Ascension, when used in the right way, not a 3D way. The Watery abyss of Love of the Mother, brings and carries forth the Life, for Mer or Mir is Love or Beloved. Only through Love we can Ascend. This knowledge will also be found in the coming Ruba files. The sacred Egyptian Bow Lakes are connected to this Love. In my Akhenaten Life I named one of my daughters Meryt-aten, as you may or may not know, which means simply Beloved Female of Aten. Which I will speak of more further below. Magnetism and the Shield As we know, the Earth, the Planets and the Sun and other cosmic objects, even Humans have a magnetic field. This knowledge was known in the Egyptian priesthood as they saw with the EYE, of the Heart, so all was revealed, from micro, to macro. It is of this I wish to speak. For we will go magnetic and micro with this. Also other eyes were used, but that is another story, as the Egyptians mainly focus on the metaphysical EYE of the Heart. Neith/ Nit was connected to weaving and knitting, a form of saying the Egyptians knew the energy of Light and Magnetism, for it is this weaving they meant. It came into symbolism via Neith, the energy weaver. Symbol of Neith As we can see above this is a symbol of Neith and her magnetic knowledge, as this resembles a magnet and the torus field energy of our own shield and of many other magnetic fields (or shields). In the center of Magnetism and Torus fields, we find a spiraling energy, that is funneled in and outward, which are resembled through a and X shape, see picture below. A macro field. Neith has always carried this knowledge, as the feminine is core knowledge of the shield. Hence her symbolism is often depicted as a shield and two arrows, which Mark the X. Also her Mother aspect and vessel field energy are connected to the carrying of the Child, as expressed in the symbolism below It was known as the Tau symbol, to later Phoenician and Hebrew religion. As I said, knowledge of them came from the sacred priesthood of Egypt. It was carried outward. The X Marks the spot. The X Marks the feminine, for the carrying out, of the end “product”, or the egg carrying and then producing the chicken, which refers back to Nu. The Alpha is the masculine giving, the first Arrow, the dart of Life. See also below to the DNA part. For humans, our energy spot or dot, of the X-ed energy field, resides smack in the middle of our Hearts, where all is combined and all simply IS. For those familiar with the Inner Heart and Heart Infinity signs, will recognize this symbolism easily. So magnetism, fields and shields were of deep knowledge in Egyptian priesthood, especially in the sacred temple of Iunu, or as some of you may know by its Greek name, Heliopolis, city of the Sun. Hebrews called it in their speech, On, a reform of the Egyptian Iunu. Iunu was the House of Ra, the place of the Two Pillars of Life, forming the One Pillar, the One Tree, of Life. Iunu was and IS this knowledge, the Alpha and Tau as One, which Greek written Bibles later reformed to Alpha and Omega. DNA We will now go into a very interesting part of the Egyptian section of the Revelations, the micro stuff, as Egyptian priesthood knew this part too. As they knew the cosmos, the macro, as true astronomers at Iun, they also knew the micro of the energy fields and the body, because the EYE can see it all. Now DNA, what is it? We know that DNA are the building blocks of 3D life, as we know it. The micro cosmos, the tiny minuscule INside of things was well known, as we will see now. Some hieroglyphs and symbolism are deeply connected to the microscopic worlds. Will now enter the world of the Chromosomes, Nucleotides and DNA strands. Now in my E Book this section will be very deep and wide, but on the website I will keep it short and give you a short presentation of pictures connected to symbols of Egypt and hieroglyphs, in connection to Chromosomes, DNA, strands and genes. I will go deeply into it in my E book, as this website is only used as an introduction to it, to give the basics. As you may or may not know, Lion Beings or feline beings are expert DNA specialists. It was given to the Egyptians as a form in symbolism and through their priesthood as inner SEEing into the micro world. Hu is the word of creation, which we will find back in the micro, the letters of Egypt, H and W/U, the Twisted flax, h and the Quail chick, the Coil. All this is connected to the SEEing of the inner world, the micro world of DNA, Nucleotides, Chromosomes, base pairs and genes. Akhenaten speaks to you Dear Ones, I now speak to you as my former aspect and light, who knew the true meaning of the divine feminine of Source. I do not often speak of him for I know which energies he and his life still stir for some souls ON this planet. Why do I speak now, for it time for higher knowledge and learning for souls of Earth again, as we are coming back to a time of Unison energies, which I already lived IN then. There have been other souls before claiming to be Akhenaten, but they are of an untruthful pathway. We also are leaving masculine domination again. That is why I always have renounced the older gods as being the One god to “worship” in those days, for there is only One Source, simply called, the I AM, as I know it now again, back then as, Who IS. For there is only One Source and it has no Name at all. It does have two main sides in this Universe, we know them as Masculine and Feminine. The feminine side of Source is also called by its Bow, which can be seen as a Face (Hathor) or as a Shield (Nut/Nu/Neith/Nit). So I renounced all the aspects of the older gods, for all were masculine aspects and called on it to show me its true Face. I had this feeling at a very early stage in childhood already. I knew that there was only One Being, whom is called simply, Source. But later I was drawn to One side of its reflection. And its Light shone through the Sun, a face and form of itself. Like a window. That Face, I became to know as the Shield. Source, It has love, light and wisdom which we cannot begin to fathom. In my time there was also another word being used for Source, called the On or ōn. This word means in Hebrew, Who IS (the Pillar, the Tree). No gender, no dualism energy, no yin or yang, no names, simply, Who IS. It came from Egyptian Iun,or Iunu, meaning Pillar. The Priests of On or Iunu crowned the Egyptian Pharaoh. Now the last few weeks I connected deeply into many things which slumbered in the heart chambers and pools of myself, to surface. In the day of the old Pharaohs of my dynasty, the 18th one, I was one of the last of its line. Which is of course logical if you knew the energies back then, nevertheless, I followed my heart and did what needed to be done, just like now again, bringing the knowledge that I know is to BE truth, the knowledge of the Tanit, which is the Life carrying force of the Mother side of Source, Nu, represented in Egypt as the Akh (Light) and Ankh, Life, also the Light of the Mitha Ajun of Sirius, the heart of the Triangle energy, the Heart Love of Jesus and of course the knowledge I will speak of now, the Aton, At Iun as I knew and spoke it, or On as the Hebrew’s knew it. This word I have been hearing for a while again Inside myself, so I knew it had to be written again for you all. What is the At Iun? I have spoken in HUG FB group and on this website about the Golden Apple en its protective energies and the energies it holds for us all. It is brought to us from our Core, through our core connection with Source and is worn as a coat or robe around our Aura’s from our Core centers. This shield is known to me now as the Golden Apple, Resurrection energy of the Life force, connected to Source, emerging from your Core, your Metaphysical Hearts Center. The Golden IN-breath. Back in my old Akhenaten time I knew it simply as the Shield, its feminine form, its Face, radiating down like arms wrapping us all, coming through and around Ra, the Sun god, who was worshiped at our main temple at Iunu, or as the Greeks called it, Heliopolis after their Sun god, Helios. This Shield, as we have read earlier is the feminine form of Ra, the X-ed shield, the Vessel field which holds the integrity of the Sun in its place. If the field is disturbed, the integrity and structure of any form of life within it will be altered. This is also the case within our Aura’s, if its structure is damaged, the energy will leak away from you and other energies can flow Inside. This is the feminine form, this Shield, IS of the Mother side of Source. She IS the Form, the Face, the Vessel and Container. The Hebrews knew this same knowledge and brought it with them. In some of their synagogues it was written in stone on their floors, as they worshiped it as Helios. And the knew it as the two pillars of the Asherah Tree. They also knew the Alpha and Tau knowledge, claiming it later as their own, attaching it to Yahweh, their Sky and Mountain God. Also Jesus was deeply knowing on this sacred knowledge. As I spoke of in part One, He pointed out clearly toward the feminine aspect of Source, the Mother carrier, through the donkey, his choosing as Mary (Mery/Meri in Egyptian) as his Mother, as I once did in my Akhenaten life, by worshiping the Shield, the Aten as everyone knows it, as sacred form of the Mother side of Source. So, in Essence, the At Iun, was the feminine side, of Iun, the Pillar, Who IS, as the At is a feminine form of Egyptian/Sirius writing, which we can also view in Canaan lands in the form of El At, The female form of El. Later it was translated as Aten, Ataun or Aton. The Pillar of Nu is what Iunu means. The Being IU was a dual being, consisting of a masculine side and a feminine side. It was also spelled with Aiu, aa or Iu. The Egyptians called the Ass, the Donkey I spoke of in part 1, Iu, Aiu or Aai. In Frisian, the word Aai, still means the same origin of it, the Oneness, the full Circle, it means : Egg. An Egg is a Shield, for a birthing Chicken. So the At Iun was the original form of the word, connected to the feminine aspect of Source, the carrying shield or field, like a baby is carried in the uterus. That is the Nature of the Mother, the Shield, the Vessel, the At Iun or Aten, as most know it, simply meaning, being of the feminine. It’s arms, its hug, hold the Life, as a container and a shield. I Am not here to start another worshiping of Aten, but to give you, again, a true knowing of the Mother side of Source, the nurturing side, which shields and protects in a most warm Essence, like we all remember our Mothers. What was my task concerning DNA in my Akhenaten time? In my time as Akhenaten the Light that was needed to bring Inside Egyptian awareness was an upgrade in the emotional field of the Egyptian believe system. It was mainly focused on the extension and enhancement of the Solar Plexus and its higher emotional layers, through activating the feminine aspects of the Solar Plexus and DNA strands attached to this awareness. This feminine sign of Oneness, is now emerging again, as masculine power will start to fade now, as we are asked to focus again into more balance with feminine being in balance with masculine. The symbolism attached to that new DNA and Light given, was the At Iun (At-On) the Light of the Feminine Pillar. Also my body was portrait as a feminine looking body, as the older tradition was a straight lined masculine body. The upgrade given for the solar plexus was needed for souls to get in line with the new Aten energy of the Shield. In this life I know it as the Golden Apple, the Golden energy shield around us and all things. I hope these words will make all souls think differently of the so called "heretic" Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of Egypt, for he truly was a loving man, doing work in the Light of Source, to bring to Life its feminine aspect. He loved his wife Nefertiti (A soul mate), his children, my children and also my Crystal Twin Soul was with me back then, whom I have met again in this life. My Twin Soul was then called Kija or Kiya, as I called her my greatly Beloved wife, I still regard her as such. Let us masculine embrace truly the feminine and our feminine side, once again. It is easy. I thank you All for reading. Wife or Woman in Egyptian? I will now speak of the word Hmt, which means woman, wife and hm means water basin, that is a watery basin. Now if you look at the picture below, you will see the figures, c, h and i. These are the feminine energy of woman, wife and if you all remember part 1 and the Cropcircles attached to this feminine re-awakening energy, you will Know it holds Life and contains the Love. The a sign means also Woman or Vulva. But the h figure has the meaning of Shell or Shield, as seen in figures h and i. Now we go from Hmt to the letter H. The letter H and DNA? The first letter h of Hmt, hm and Hu, creation of Life, is carried and contained by the feminine side, merged with the seeding of the masculine giving. I wish to speak on the letter H because it holds direct connection to the micro, the minuscule, the DNA. Here is the hieroglyph of the letter h. Now the letter h stands for the building block of Life, the container of Life, formed in the basin of the feminine waters, the female body, the Life of the Child, swimming in the amniotic waters or fluids of the Uterus. It is perfectly understandable why the feminine is linked to this first letter h of the word of creation, called HU, in which u is connected to the quail chick, the woo-ing or wu-ing. Now the DNA parent strand has the same form as the hieroglyph letter h. Just look at the picture of DNA replication. I hope you enjoyed the introduction into part 2 of the Revelations, which will be even more explained in the E books I am making. For now I will stop the website introduction and end with the word of JIS saying: .."Labachim! ..." The X Marks the spot, as he points us to the X form of the Chromosomes, the feminine X, merged with the Y of the Masculine, the building blocks of Life. The Immer-gens, the forever genes, Immersions, mergings and Emergence! May we all be One again! I love you all dear Stars! I love the Aten, the Shield, the feminine Pillar, the Container of Life, Namaste |
Channeled messages from B. NijboerOn the left one can see changelings that have come through and were received by me. Rest assured I will post every once in a while the right energies for all in here from guides speaking through me. Messages Archives
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