From the Higher Dimensions
Channelings from B.Nijboer
A channeling dating from 29th of June 2020Dear Stars, dear Light healers and workers for the Light.
As the world seems to live in spell of a certain energy of less light, the real issue at hand is us distancing away from each other. To feel each other's energy field is important and this is the real meaning of the Lovehug, the Heart to Heart connection, which we all actively do, even if you are not aware of it. This distancing away from each other is the real false light being created this year. I ask all of you to be aware of what is really going on. As I have stated many times before, the Heart Star and the Heart Magnetic Energy Field, which expands for the average soul/body to about 5 to 8 feet (1,5m to 2,43m) in a donut energy, around the physical body. Every-body makes contact through this way, I mean litterally every body, heart to heart field, which is true first contact! In light of that I ask you all to consider this: I ask you to compare this to the distance we are "supposed" to keep away from each other, implemented by almost every government and "health" organisation on this planet. In the next Channeling on this website we will expand on this further... With that being stated, I kindly ask you to read the next message I received, a surpise message from a kind soul, who came in gently, as I was working (at home) and then I suddenly started singing a song out of nowhere and it was this song: Heal the World, by Michael Jackson. I have never ever sang this song so out of the blue, as I often listen to other music styles, as I am a guitar player. I sometimes sing, when I am alone, but this song really landed in, like saying: Hey, there is someone behind this...hard to explain. I sang these sentences of the song suddenly: Heal the world Make it a better place For you and for me And the entire human race There are people dying If you care enough for the living Make it a better place For you and for me Then a soft voice said: Hi, may I speak a few words through you...I am Michael. Of course I recognized his soft voice and said: yes, of course you may. Speak what your heart needs to say. And then these words were spoken by Michael: Healing comes through the Heart The mystic fevers of the mind are to be ignored. Pills, drugs, certain "antidotes" and RGM's are not to be taken. I was overcome with grieve after I died, now, with help from God I am more revived in my soul. Healing begins with God, with His angels and helping teams. The World is in a bittered state. I changed my skin to be accepted, but instead I should have better accepted myself. I enjoy the life here, what God has given me and wish everyone healing, before you cross over into God's healing spheres. Last reminder: Stay love in your heart and sing of Joy: Heal the World, Heal the World, but first heal yourself! Love each other, heal within! I Am MJ, your friend, thank you for letting me speak through you and your presence. I wanted to share this lovely gift and message from the realms of Source and its marvelous healers, of which I am certain Michael will be going into for his next phase. I feel many singers and artists, who have passed into the realms, are helping us all this year to go through this difficult year. In the next Channeling we will expand on the importance of the Heart Electro Magnetic Field and tips on what to do now. Much joy, happiness and love to your souls, may you be well and in good health. Sending healing to all of the World I love you All. B.
Channeled messages from B. NijboerOn the left one can see changelings that have come through and were received by me. Rest assured I will post every once in a while the right energies for all in here from guides speaking through me. Messages Archives
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