From the Higher Dimensions
Channelings from B.Nijboer
Awareness… Truth…. IntegrityDear Ones, Are you Aware of the Truth behind our Integrity? Are you Aware of the Integrity of the Truth we share? We, from the Command, sincerely hope so, if not, listen to my wordings. For ages and ages we are and have been here, a big truth, check your historical records. For ages and ages we have been bringing messages of truth. Again check your records. For ages and ages we have brought ourselves to your Awareness. But now, in this pivotal times, we do it even more so. So what does it mean, our truth, which is also, your truth? It simply means this: Love, God, Ascension, Awareness, Truth and Integrity. We are this, for if not, we would be of Lower energies and perhaps giving other messages. This is Awareness of Truth. Simply you say, yes, we nod. Now, before, we have given many messages containing How to Be in, How to Stay in and How to Reach, certain matters. Now we would like you to really feel this vision and really become Aware of your Truth. Imagine or visualize a beautiful Rose. Your are this Rose. First See it when it starts to root and from its roots, it wants to grow. During this growing state is when you become Aware of the Light above you, you SEE and FEEL and eventually, want to touch that Sunlight. You are Aware you need to go order to grow...but...are you real going there now? Or, do you like the growing part to much? Become Aware means also you SEE and FEEL that One has grown petals in the meantime and you should BE Aware of who you Are. Finally, when you have become Aware, SEEN you, your truth, you start the growing of your flower, because you are a Rose, your Essential beauty needs to BE for All to SEE, you have become Aware of the Truth of the Integrity YOU walk in. If One fully is Aware of the analogy we have given here, you Are able to SEE and FEEL, BE Aware at what stage YOU ARE IN. To Bloom means One IS in readiness for Ascension. Now what is your truth...where lies your integrity...ARE you Aware of what we speak of? Dear Stars, We know that many are connected to us, many are connected to Sananda (Jesus) and many are connected to Arch Angel Michael and his angels. Now, if you find, you Are Aware of your connection to One of these named, consider yourself to BE an integrate part of our groundcrew. Fact and Truth... As you know or maybe Aware of, we Al work “for the same team” as you down on Earth say. We are your brothers and sisters in the “skies” and in the dimensional realms of truth, awareness and intergrity. We are the Eagles, watching, monitoring, guiding and steering you with Source who guides our Awareness, Truth and Integrity. We hope you know which “team” is your truth. Become Aware now. A dia du, Ashtar (Channeler: B.Nijboer)
The Merger Ball Hello darlings,
A little visualization for All: The Merger Ball In remembrance of our Earlier communications we ask All of you NOW, to gather strength from Mother and Father and rejoin these energies where they meet In the middle…Many know how to connect to Mother and or Father, we ask All to connect to both and then balance both energies within your LHV, which is your Heart, your true Center. A true ball of energy within should arise when this merger is done. When this sparkling ball IS, blow it up around your aura dear Ones. Envision a beautiful color white around you. It is vitalizing energy, for healing, uplifting and regenerational purpose. Practice this on a daily basis. End of visualization. Dear Ones, we from the Ashtar Command come to give you a message of Love and Light, as we are of this vibrational state. For all who wish to converse, from their hearts, with us, may state this wish in their hearts NOW. We will hear, feel and sense your call dear Ones. All flowing will BE from your Heart Centers and only from your Heart Center. The other connections are your Earth Center and Star Center. Connect all three to feel a complete Being. We will answer who ask from Heart Center, when it is time to connect… When questions arise…the answers will follow soon… Dear Earthlings, we send a most welcoming greet to you All, into a new era soon to BE. A new Way of Feeling and SEEing yourselves. Higher vibrations in All aspects of your lives, true love and inner heart vibrations flow from you inner cores. More of shaking, of Mother, will commence soon, but we ask All of you to remain in a state of LHV, we call Light Heart Vibration. Mother needs this shaking to come and BE in a higher flow, but she will try to minimize, as we will assist her. As ever we monitor her behavior and steer with her, as she moves. No, we will not be in a landing phase yet, but a fruitation will soon be shown. Dear Ones, are you in a landing state of yourselves yet? Have you landed yourselves already? In All Ways we are here… In All Ways we are caring for you All… In All Ways, we cannot do or BE anything else, for we Love you All… Dear Ones, Stay in your LHV… Ar Mu as dina Ta, an shem di, an a lua mi. (means: In All of your World, open yourself so, like I am shining myself) I greet you and Love you, Sesherat (Channeler: B.Nijboer) Become your LHV Dear Ones, A dia du!
A raising would have been nice by now… A tiding would have been reached by now… Helas, where does your course lay, dear Ones? A future is in wait of you All… A future is in a wait for your Call… How does your dream in action flow, dear Ones? I have given you a little questioning riddle to dive into…perhaps you know how to solve it? A new message for All… Become your LHV In our last message, we asked All of the in-active Ones to Become active, for it is an Ascension that awaits you. When in-activity is your path…your future lies in Low. When your path and your steps are motioned in actified Love of Heart your pathway becomes of the higher vibratory. This does not in certainty result in Ascension state by itself. One has to be in a continuous state of Love Heart Vibration. To BE in LHV, One is truly a Being of Love. The connection to Source, the All-within-All or the One in All-All in One, is ever present, Omnipresent, IS and can BE a treasury blossomed with Ones Heart. Dear Ones, become the LHV and Ascension is your pathway. State within your inner hearts that you wish for Ascension on your Way and take the steps necessary to ensure that you Become the LHV-vehicle of existence. Now come and BE the LHV! Dear Stars, we have seen many grow and shine their Lights, we salute the Ones doing the walk. When “times” IS of uplifting, we will know you, FEEL you and SEE you! Till then we ask you to seek us. How? …. Become LHV… The world is troublesome in 3D…but not when viewed with LHV. We view you with our LHV and see it connecting more and more…you shine brighter everyday…from our ships we monitor your progress dear Ones. We are waiting for your full LHV to shine for us…that is also our Call for a save landing procedure. If the decree deadline is done, then, another step-in will proceed, but our wish is for as much as can BE, to All shine your LHV. We hope and pray for you to take a stand now, feel your true Essense and activate in great numbers your LHV, for time grows shorter…seek your answers within… Radu an shem, a dera mi du. (means: break forth your radiance, I will Be with you) Ashtar (channeler: B.Nijboer) Connect to the Unified Grid of Love![]() Dear Ones, Connect to the Unified Grid of Love. Of All energies Created by Source there is none greater than he energy of Love. How to grow in Love?…how to BE like a sponge of Love…? Moving inward..but more importantly …also moving outward. There are, as many will discover, certain “trademark” that follow, or act as, or behave in the likeness of this energy we call Love, which flows directly from Source. To BE like these words is Being love in action…words like: Kindness, selflessness, helpfulness, pureness, creativity, givingly…and this list goes on and on. Dear Souls, what truly IS…Love…can BE felt…within…directly connected to that Source…and All for free…no taxes paid…no rents due…all-in-inclusive…and at no cost! All One needs to do is ask…and feel this connection…and feel that Love flowing from Source to you…but… how and where you might ask? Within dear children…within…the Way is in in in…the Heart needs opening…the door needs unlocking…and I will BE waiting there to show…ask for me. For those unable, at first, to reach within, I recommend working with the flames of Energy we have always guarded and kept ablaze…First use and ask for the Violet Flame of Transformation to be around and through you, as provided by my friend St. Germain. Secondly, I kindly guide you too the Ascension Flame, which can be kindled and used when asked for. It holds many purposes. Our channel is more than capable of providing this information …But first… Feel...and ask… Truly…Love can BE felt...and I ask you to feel it and taste it… Love thy self..through Source…Feel (t)his Love for you and you will love yourself completely…from that point forward flowing…towards Love giving..then become Love Being…start Now… Can you FEEL it inside? From my radiant heart to yours, Jesus Immanuel Sananda Dear Ones, for reference I give you: 1 Corinthians 13:7 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Gospels of Thomas: 5,10 and 12 (5) Jesus said: Know what is before thy face, and what hidden from thee shall be revealed unto thee; for there is nothing hidden which shall not be made manifest. (10) Jesus said: I have cast fire upon the world, and behold I guard it until it is ablaze (12) The disciples said to Jesus: We know that thou wilt go from us. Who is he who shall be great over us? Jesus said to them: In the place to which you come, you shall go to James the Just for whose sake heaven and earth came into being. (James was considered a noble High Priest) Dream …the dream….stop Being inactive.![]() Sesherat We are here A message for the inactive ones We, of the Ashtar Command, who house many different Souls and Beings from varies planetary systems give all our love and Assistance to whom are asking. We do not make exceptions to Souls asking from a heart of Love. We act on behalf of Source, who is Love. We support the Federative, the Councils, the Ascended Masters and many other coherative forms of co-creation. We now have an urgent matter to discuss with you All. Dear Ones, we hope you are One within your own hearts! Reason Be, is that when the 3D world is in tremor, One has to Be in the Center of Ones heart and feel the Joy and Happiness coming from it, at a steady flowing! This means One needs to keep it flowing All day. For a long time the flow of energy has been sent forth from Source to uplift the DNA and energetic field of yourself dear souls on planet Earth. That flow has contributed to your upliftment, even if a Soul has done nothing, the changes would have been felt within Ones system, be it dense or less dense. But now many have reached a 4D level and have given much energy to uplift others, who are still struggling at a lower density of energy. The shaking of Mother will commence soon. The crossbar should have been lifted higher, than it is at this point…therefore help is needed. Our channelers are not here, dear souls they be, to give you stories for you to read before bedtime… One needs to activate oneself with the message given. Many have only read and done only that…therefore the crossbar is not raised to the required level we were wishing to see by now. Sesherat will speak now for activation. Sesherat: Hello darlings, We have observed many Souls and there doings and un-doings. But it is a firm message we are sharing today. Fortify your energies, raise your love vibration, for it will shift much more than you are able to SEE and FEEL in your current energetic state. Move now…it is time to activate yourself if you have not done it. We say this to you from our hearts and Souls filled with love for our Earth family. Activate your Love to a higher level and take the action in medative creation of New Earth. We ask you to, at least activate your heart Center. For those in the unknowing: The Heart Center consists of your Inner Heart, the Higher Heart (at your thymus spot) and the Sacred Heart (between the Heart chakra and the Solar Plexus). Feel the energies coming from Mother (the Eve) through your Earth Center and from Father (the Adam) through your Star Center, as they merge and meet within your inner Heart Center. After that use the Star/Sun exercise, which we have provided before, to shine outward and especially visualize it going into Mother’s grid of energy again. These streams of Merged Love energy will then awaken other Souls, to awaken from their dormant 3D energetic states. They will, as we say, be tingled, to activate their inner spark of Essence again. For those unable to visualize, believe and feel this happening, when you project and create your Love energy. The Heart knows. Activate now dear Ones. Thank you. Ashtar: Dear Souls, when you embrace your own spark, nothing will take you from your Center of truth. I bid you a fair journey in reactivating your own true Being again. A dera mi du * (means: I will be with you….) Given for those seeking my/our guidance. A dia du, * (means: I greet you) Ashtar (* : We sometimes speak words from the Arua language of our channeler; this is a dialect from the Lion Being language, an ancient Race which he belongs to, founders of the first Federative) (Channeler: B.Nijboer) Fearful…or DearfulWe from the Ashtar Command greet you once again. All fruitating is happening in bloom for All to see. Many changes on Earth are now in a go …and flow from an old energy into a new higher energy, which will be more fitting for New Earth to be. Dear Ones, we are happy to see you less fearful and more Dearful, cause in reality fear is dualistic illusion of the 3D realm. A “game” created by the Beings called Draconians and Beings of the opposite Way, the Lion Beings. Two creators of the Universal sub-races, among which the human for is one, have been given in assignment once to the latter Race. They have shown human race a path of Love energy before. The first Race mentioned, was to create the Reptilian like humanoid form, who were masters in the “game” of darker roles. Some of their Ascended forms are benign and of Love. But many still function in the old, lower, dimensional forms. But…they have played their “game” and it is decreed that a new “game” is to be played…a new energy…a new harmonic is to BE. The Lion Beings have always been masters at the feminine energy of Love and from them radiates much Love and Light energy. From their higher dimension they teach many pathways into higher forms of BEing. We the Ashtar Command have always been of the assisting side of the brotherhood of Light, as guiders, helpers and monitoring guards. As I spoke the words of Love, it is in a good sense, to be dearful…to be dear to All, to act as an ion, loaded…but fully filled with Love particles of energy, radiating outward from your inner Stars. You will see that fear will then BE obsolete. Remembering the times of Lemuria and early Atlantis is a good way to remember the forms of the New Energies…these early times for always meant as a jump-board towards new Earth. Remember those dearful times dear Ones…. The “game” of dualistic fearfulness is over…embrace dearfulness in radiant Love! I bid you All a dear, dear evening/night/day. A dia du, Ashtar (channeler: B.Nijboer) |
Channeled messages from B. NijboerOn the left one can see changelings that have come through and were received by me. Rest assured I will post every once in a while the right energies for all in here from guides speaking through me. Messages Archives
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