From the Higher Dimensions
Channelings from B.Nijboer
Message by AA RaphaelDear Stars,
A greet and lovehug to you all. Today I got a message from an old friend and Light of Source. I know we live in strange times and strange situations right now, but as I spoke in the previous , given by in message by also Michael Jackson, I wish to eleborate further on the 5 to 8 feet field of the Heart, its Electro Magnetic Field. The Energy of the Heart is what drives our bodies and souls. The core energy of the soul is centered in the heart, not the brain as many falsely believe. The Heart is your Core energy and this energy is so much stronger than your brain field. Test have proven this many times over. The Field of the Heart extends about 5-8 feet outside our bodies, which is 1,5m to 2,43m outward. Some lightworkers, spiritual souls etc, know how to extend it (much) further. The message today is about extending it further and also on healing yourself! In these times it is so needed that we truly learn how to heal ourselves with energy instead of vaccins and pills. Many spirits and souls coming through from the beyond and the veils have pointed this out. The future true way is not through pills and vaccins! We need to evolve by energy learning vibration and learning energy (higher frequencies are higher light, and give us a immune system boost) and how to boost our immune system with that and through healthy foods, given us the right vitamines! This combination is the way forward. I come today with a special message from AA Raphael, who came in this morning as a suggestion for you all to start with and how to begin overcoming the created virus. This means we start first by healing ourselves and focus on our engine and center of our bodies, which is the Heart and its EMF, or energy field. Listen to AA Raphael's suggestion please, given through these words: Week of Healing Dear Ones, We ask you to create a Green color of "Fire", which is energy starting and igniting within your Heart, to let this "Fire" expand outward through your body. Le this Healing take part for 3 minutes, as it expands through and around your body, but still feeling your center of that "Fire" within your Heart. This core energy is green, the frequency of the color green is healing and your true core energy and connected to love, harmony and unity. Then bring after 3 minutes (NB: 3 x 60 seconds is 180 seconds, which is a sacred number 9) your expanded "Fire" back to your Heart Core and Center, to let this remain there. Keep this Core "Fire" and energy there for one week. Do this healing as often as you need it. It will boost your energetic field & physical body. If you ask me to cleanse and heal with you, I will guide your field with you. Green light absorbs other lights and heals through these absorbments and creates a new light. Working with this frequency will enhance your love abilities, your light field will be raised in higher frequencies and your bodily appearance will benefit from your green healing. Let it be said that green is envigorating and a lifeforce. This is a Brace for the Aurora... We Are Light, we Are Love, and settle for nothing less. Hope is coming, the Horizons shine brighter, if you listen to our advice. We are here to help and guide, and if you listen, you will heal. A good listener listens to it's heart, not to the matters of the illusions of the mind. We are here for you, whenever you ask from your true inner heart. I Am of the Green Light, I AM Raphael, the Giver. Alright, awesome, a week of Healing, and with the new Moon meditations coming up, we can do this. Let's bring in this first Wave of healing! Also, this came through from AA Raphael, to expand also through this healing our Heart Fields a bit beyond the 1,5m meters, or 5 feet. Do this through meditation! Pray if need be. Feel more into how to expand your field. We are asked to reach out to our fellow human beings, as it were, to feel each other better again, to expand our Heart Field to about 8 to 10 feet. The max. at 10 feet is enough, which is around 3, 048m, but go to around 9 feet first, or 2,74m. Heart to Heart matters, we should reach out to give each other heart to heart hugs, and meet in the middle! Unity is giving healing, not distancing. Group energy heals. Oneness. In energy that is! Much love to you all! You are so appreciated and loved by so many beings. And by me! :) Namaste.
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