From the Higher Dimensions
Channelings from B.Nijboer
To walk in the Rose Garden, or to not walk in the Rose GardenInto Resurrection and Immaculate energies Dear Stars, I will today come to the Heart of the matter and the un-matter, meaning meta-physical, as we should now enter our inner hearts in this critical time and space…we have to enter this ethical time where we let our hearts speak! The other option is to turn into a very darkened space… without heart. It is time to listen to me. Now I do not like to speak of me as the one you should listen too, as it is a un-unified thing to do to speak just for yourself, but today I will state just that, for we are at the fringes of a deep and fundamental choice in time. It is time to open our heart space, all of us! Our inner Garden of Light and more so, Love. For those who already have, keep doing it and be supportive for all who need it. For those who haven’t, yet, be advised on this day. Today I will speak of the Rose of Damask, a gift that can be given to all of us, if we just listen (have inner ears to hear) and see (have inner eyes to see) to when you are being called by Christed energy awakening in your consciousness. On Friday 18-09-2015 I received a couple of numbers, while looking at the clock, and when meditating Saturday on it and going IH (=Inner Heart), into the Garden, where I asked to JIS what they meant? He said: "... they are related to the Damascus energies and the Rose..." And “…You know them…”, He said. What is the Rose? The Rose of course as many Enlightened ones know is related to Mother Mary, but is also related to the Gift of receiving Christed messages from the above, as one opens the higher heart chakra, the pink rays of Source. This higher heart energy is giving us all the energy and openness to receive the Word from Source to begin with. The work one has to do first is to open up to the red and white, as the old energies used to speak of. For those unknowing in the red and white, it is the red heart of the body and the white energy of the Holy Spirit, which needs to walk and BE in one’s heart, walking as One. That is why the anointed One was always rayed with red and white, the Christed energy. Resurrection of the Dead For those knowing, the Feast of the Rose is attached to the Resurrection energies, Sacred heart of Jesus, and the Immaculate energies of Mary. Myself, as an ancient anointed in the Heart energies, again in this life, I feel to speak of Resurrection today, and how to uplift your energies again by using the Heart energy, especially the White energy of the Holy energy of the above, by Christians known as the Holy Spirit. This energy is received by the higher heart chakra first, where it enters, as step one, and flows into IH, to be transceived for interpretation. Time to reboot your Heart! This Acts a bit as a prism would work, receiving the incoming white light into colors and words we would understand, as humans living in a physical body. Except this Light isn’t broken, or refracted, like the prism works, for it goes straight into your heart, in one line. This line is not separate and refracted but flows straight Inside, without delay or distortion. The higher heart of the Rose merely acts as an interpreter for your IH. Why is this Rose connected to Resurrection and what is its energy? This is explained as follows, for the receiving comes through, which is followed by Acting accordingly. This means that when we receive through the higher heart, the Rose, the energy flows in IH and then we Act upon it when we interpreted them. This causes a rising of energy in your heart, a Resurrecting of your vibration. So, when you have not received in IH before, or have ignored it completely, we are as it were, like dead Inside, or energy is still, unmoving, dormant, and unwilling to listen, feel and see, therefore we should open up and receive, Resurrect ourselves, from being dead inside, to Being able to hear, feel and see. This is also what it means to Resurrect from the Dead, or Being like dead Inside, as the Book of Acts speaks of. This is referred to as the ACTivatION of the White energy of the Heart, which flows from the Christed energy. It is a form of higher Love, pinked Love, as it stands for the Holy Spirited White Light coming from Source. Most mediating souls, know how to breath this INside. As the ION's around our energy fields ACT normally as Neutral entities, unloaded, they can be activated, for use, as loaded particles, for a specific purpose (healing etc.). And old energy Also I was asked by JIS to speak of the number 13, the feminine energy, for it holds the energy of the Mother, the Moon and also the 13th Apostle. It is connected to feminine energies, to Immaculate energies, of receiving, therefore directly followed by Resurrection! For to Receive is to Resurrect too, because we ACT on what is received and given. As I spoke before of my two lifes as Jew, as an Israelite Jew I mean, this is one significant to the one life I cannot fully disclose. Many truths are hidden and revealed however in my current name, for those who truly have eyes and ears to know. I am here to speak today of this receiving through the higher heart energy and to be witness of the receiving of Christed sacred heart energy, which the 13th Apostle(s) did receive while on the way to Damascus (Paul) or embracing Feminine Immaculate energies. Before speaking a bit of this soul Saul, of Tarsus, I will ask you to read the numbers I received about it, for it is important, for the ACTING will be soon. Numbers… and Love the Christed energy and Source! While looking at the clock, I saw first the numbers 7:07, while I woke up and in my asking today, to JIS, he said they are related to the Words once flowing through John, verses 7:7, about JIS himself, which flow as follows: Next numbers I received at getting home again on Friday, which was precisely at 17:17. When meditating on this one and asking JIS in IH, He said, these are related to Jeremiah 17:17, which flows as follows:
“…Do not be in terror of me, you are my refuge in the day of disaster…” So here I thought okay, that is so true, we are living in the days of great terrors and therefore it is time to have trust and faith in Source and BE of love. And Source speaking of being Love. It is about letting go of lower energies and embracing higher heart energies, to be able to trust your heart and work with Source again. Source is trusting me also, by, giving me faith, to ACT in Love. As Source gave to Jeremiah. To Act in Love! For many that word, to ACT in Love, mean little, for they live in constant lower energies mostly, which shows a lot about their energies, but for me it has always meant a lot, to ACT in the heart’s love energy and to feel that as your most important Essence and highest good! I AM and always will BE ACTing like that. The words reflect my past life energy and my present energy. I have always ACT-ed in the energy of the Rose, a few lifes set apart for other learning’s. It is the returning to and flowing IN the Rose energy that is important. Love IS forever, Life IS ,therefore, also forever, for it IS Source and Source is Love, therefore Life itself, or as others would state it, Source is the soul of our souls. When Source speaks IN our heart, we listen, we hear, we see and cannot remain still, because we are asked to move, alter, yes, Resurrect and ACT in what we have received, or should I say here: REsurrACT! The last number I received yesterday was concerning an unlikely apostle to receive the energy of Christ through Light (which is Love/Life energy) while on the Road to Damascus. This is important, for now we are also again headed on the Damask Road, and it is important now to realize where you want to go into, which energies you feel to BE IN, to ACT in. As a famous scientist, Isaac Newton, once put in a scientific law: To every Action there is always opposed an equal Reaction. Each ION sent, will Activate, another ION. Or as Ashtar always has said, when BEing in his Thoth days: “…To Cause an Effect, is the BE IN Effect, IN resonance, with the Cause…” This simply means dear Stars, to resonate with Source, is to become a co-Creator! As one of my old energies of the Days, would say: To ACT! …in Accordance with the energy of Source. So I speak of the last number now, the path of Saul, from Tarsus, the Pharisee, who was enlightened with Christed energy, to become the 13th Apostle, like many now have been enlightened too with Christened energy, to ACT according this energy, which is received through the Rose. Damascus was symbolic for this feminine energy of receiving. He called himself afterwards Paul. He was later known as the 13th Apostle, as was Mary Magdalene, by using this Mother energy, the feminine energy of the higher heart, the Rose, the ACT of BEing Christened and to ACT IN Christened energy, flowing from the Heart! Connect to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of JIS. Apostle Paul was Resurrected by Christened energy. This means these energies can only be received in your Heart. Last numbers I received were, 20:02, when I asked JIS for these, He said it meant, to read into ACTS 2:20, as JIS pointed out, and IN this we read the following: “…The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord…” Now I do wish to state here that it is important to Resurrect your hearts energy into Love and ask for the Sacred heart chakra to be connected to the receiving Higher Heart chakra, which is connected to the Immaculate receiving of the Above. This is the combined energies of the two Mary’s (Mother Mary and Lady N, also called Mary Magdalene) and JIS’ sacred golden heart. Pray, or meditate, which ever you prefer, to both divine beings, to open your full heart center to speak in the name of Source’s Light, to yourself, your inner soul, to BE of love now. Furthermore I also have received some Words for you all, from the blessed Mother Mary, of the Immaculate Heart, as She embraces the Rose energy, once thorned: “…Son of Light, Walk the Words of the Father, Embrace the Cover of the Mother; now dear Ones, We are with you All. Collect the Essence of Life and Love, for the wait is nearly done…” The reason I call to you all today is because it is time to BE of heart love and to arise the imminent energies that awaken the current war mongering even more and have a strong wish to inflict damage to energies of love. I wish to state that we have had two big wars before on this planet, do we really wish a third one? I remind you again of John 7:07. Or do we start to open our hearts and raise our vibrations for the higher heart spiritual evolution of man, IN to the ethical age of Christ consciousness? Will we listen this time? Your choice, make it soon. Or the real third secret of Fatima will arise sooner than we will know. My advice will be, take the Damascus Road, as Saul did, awaken your Rose energy and flow Immaculate Love from above into your hearts. Talk to Source, Walk with Source. Love IS, Life IS. I will end first with the words of Rumi, and then with Words of the Prophet Muhammad, for both are blessed souls, who knew the Garden of Love, which resides in your Heart. Rumi: “…There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled, there is a void in your soul, ready to be filled, you feel it, don’t you? ” A hadith of the Prophet Muhammad states: “…When you pass by the meadows of the Garden, graze! They asked: O Messenger of God, What are the meadows of the Garden? And he replied: The circles of remembrance…” Walk in the Garden of your Heart, for it is real. Flow now. Bless your hearts, I love you all! Namaste, Bareld. An old Chinese proverb says: If people are of one heart, even the yellow earth can become gold. This proverb tells us that as long as people are unified, any goal can be achieved
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