From the Higher Dimensions
Channelings from B.Nijboer
![]() Dear friends of the Heart, This morning I connected to the Light of Isis. I asked. When I did my Daily Practice, I was called by one of my known guides, Serapis Bey, to bring you all a message of enhanced balance and feminine love. I asked Serapis to extend on the DP and enhance the strength of it. He said always Discipline into Daily Practice (I have this also within our file section) and as to the new energies of Isis, to follow the Practice he gave below. Now , I asked this practice specifically for the masculine to flow into, as many masculine probably feel the need to become Divine too. Now this Love Divine, the Unconditional One, is best experienced through an open Heart and Light, merged with Source Divine. The next one is specified for masculine, but can be easily used with the Feminine half too. Use it in the same manor and flow. Before I speak of the practice with Isis, I will explain why the masculine flow is important. As you know, the dark forces of Earth come from an old masculine energy of control. Still their ways are on this Earth, and their latest trick is a group called IsIs, designed to control the continued emotional solar plexus hurt energies, through new war(s) and damage of the emotional field of the solar plexus, keeping that region in a low controlling masculine state, or at least, that is their attempt. They will not succeed. As the Isis energy is feminine, always will be and is not an energy of control. It is freedom, for water streams always. So their energies are twisted to their needs, also the beautiful energy of Isis herself. This is where we will now change that old need, to form a Divine Masculine flow, one IN line with the feminine Isis love, the wrapping, the container (of) love re-created, Isis love. Now, the feel of the Giver, the Masculine, should change, or flow into feeling of the container, the wrapped wings of Love of the Mother (feminine) flow, to feel their/her Love, that SHE contains. This morning in Inner Heart I flowed with my TF (this Twin Flame will be disclosed at a later divine time) and asked her to help me in the Isis flow. So when asked we flowed into a making love scene, energetically, after this practice, then the amazing grace flowed instantly. I will not describe all of that Inner Heart, but what is important for masculine to KNOW of it. Then you will feel the title of this practice. I will first speak of the practice, given by Serapis, as lead IN, then followed again by a bit of that Inner Heart session which was connected. He called the practice, remember, this is for masculine, by this name: Serapis Bey speaks: Love of Ice IS Dear Son, dear friend, Discipline this energy IN the enhanced new balance of the feminine Life, Inside your Heart. I ask you to envision a Big Sun above your Soul Star. Its color is Yellowish, Red and Pinked aura. Open your Soul Star, let this Big Sun, descend, into your Soul Star, next, let it hover for a while, then let it flow Inside your Head, with an open and awakened pineal and crown chakra, greet this Sun Light Inside, let it shine for a while there, let the head be empty, just Sun Light. We now ask you to flow your Sun lower into your Throat chakra, for it is important to speak the truth of the Light, flowing through the Sun, straight from Source Divine, let it stay there for a while, feel it hover there, then flow it to your Higher Heart, let it hover there, hold it for a while, until settling IS, feel the winged love, then flow it to the sacred heart chakra, going through the heart chakra, but first the sacred heart chakra, just between the solar plexus and the “normal” heart chakra. Shine its light in there, feel the old energies of masculine, through timelines clear, with this Light, and let it hover for a while there, just till you feel the feathery feel of freedom emerge there. Then let it flow UP into your heart chakra, your own Heart, then your Inner Heart, which you have entered for so long. Tell me now after you have done this, my Son, what do you see? BN: I see, a woman, I believe it is the image of Isis, with spread wings, she smiles and has these colors of that Sun shining from behind her Being. Wow…so colorful and peaceful. What is this image? SB: the Image is an enrolment of the Isis wrapping wings of Love IN and around your Core. Feel its warmth and love my friend. Now keep this wrap with you, when feeling women, feminine and the Love of Mother when you meet, speak, converse, flow with them. Balanced. Next I ask you to see this Lightened Sun again, with Isis wings around it, from its back. Now send a beam of Love, Light, from that Sun, in your Heart, down through the Sacred Heart, the Solar Plexus, the Sacral Chakra, the Root chakra, into the Earth Star, straight into Mother’s Crystal Core. Speak the words: I love Mother! I love IS IS! I Am Serapis Bey, the White Flamed love of the crystal of Venus, the Light of Aye-Ur, the Sun’s Intended Suraya of Love. Blessed BE your White Pure of Heart. Now continue your IH…end of message. BN: Thank you Serapis, my father of old times and thank you Isis for your love and guidance, once again. Returning to information from the Inner Heart: Now I have connected to Isis before, but this time it was different. Now the reason for the Ice factor for masculine in there is the next energy. Men, dear Masculine, please feel it. The energy of Isis asks for freedom, not control, not in anything, not in work, not in your house, not in war, not in believe systems, not is sexual behavior, not in general towards feminine, for they are free water energy, streaming creation. This also goes for feminine by the way, as there have been reversed times to in certain timelines, of feminine controlled domination. Now in IH (=Inner Heart) when I was in the scene with my TF, which I will keep personal, there was one important thing I saw. Which is the COOLING effect of Isis. Masculine energy is fire, feminine is Water, now when making love, feel the energy of an Ice Cube, when firing UP, in anything your fired masculine can BE, feel this Cube in your solar plexus, your emotional field, bring this Cube of Ice let it melt on your fire, and slowly turn to Water, flow with that water stream of Love and feel Isis, Ice IS, feel at peace with Water. The Ice Crystal is Cube like in shape. Feel this romantic touch in it, when you feel like making love to a female, your love, or even your TF, if you have found her, take an ice cube, feel it from a higher Cube perspective, melt it on her and your Solar Plexus, let is melt, then kiss her solar plexus, Be gone old energies, too much fire, cool them with Isis love, just a suggestion from my side…coming from IH. ;)) Dear Masculine, learn Isis, she loves you too, she loves All, now let us Ascend our Masculine Love, from controlled energy, into Divine Masculine Love, so the hurt feminine becomes Divine Feminine again, which sees our true Light and Love. Wear her feathery love in your heart, then truth IS, justice IS, Balance IS. Now can you say I C? I CE …Sounds like an Immaculate Conception… Emerging. Now do you C? I thank Source, Serapis Bey, Isis and my TF for this lesson and teaching. I love you All, Bareld. (Channeler: B.Nijboer)
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