From the Higher Dimensions
Channelings from B.Nijboer
The bow in the Sky, a sign from on High...Dear Stars,
Hope you are all in fine energies and blissful Joy in your hearts. In this sacred year of the number 7 (which is 2023) I have been receiving some sacred download and messages throughout the year and I will share one from JIS today, in union with my Higher Self, Raiba. This is the short name of my HS name. I will not disclose the full name. I have been receiving some input from Ashtar from the Ashtar Command, the Arcturian light ships and aboard our Lightships and the Pegasus. It is a time for remaining focused on your inner Light, your Inner Heart, Your inner Crystal there and to remain true to the Divine Source that is with all who connect to it, through their inner Hearts! Also the presence of the Pleiadian brothers and sisters are highly active, as well as other feline races and also huge inputs form our friends from the Andromeda system (thank you my friend Joanna, love you!). A special thank you also goes out to our friends from collective of the Salina, and their fronting voice, who's name was Josh. We love you! Now, as you all can read, lots of friends from up high, popped up and flew by this year and also last year. Time to write everything down was limited. On the day of the 15th of May I received this message from JIS, Jesus Immanuel Sananda, in connection wit my Higher Self. It is connected to the number 7 and those who can read, feel, see and hear, will know why. Know that Source can expres itself in many forms, it also expresses the most important thing we must feel: Love. Okay, the message I received, enjoy this message: You are a prism of light That receives the white light and scatters it through your body like a rainbow, displaying seven main colors within your aura and ethetical body, touching your physical through water and DNA crystaline structured the sun shines its white gamma Ray light upon the raindrops...becoming a rainbow in the airy sky...the ARC of Covenance... We are the light turned to body... The waters turned crystaline... The truth without the prism... The earth within the schism... The rhythm of the waves of light, turned to music of bright ... Fractured beings, returning to wholeness, veined within fluidly rains, that the light can sustain within an artery chain, captured in a cascade brain, quietly in chain, until only the heart knowledge shall remain, and the soul becomes your domain, unlocking the gateway to the great MAIN, that flocks your Aim, towards the primed Name, of the I AM Game! AFTER you have learned that light and water give birth, then you will understand this... 42 is the angle 42 is the carier 42 is the channel 42 is the chamber and cube 72 is the giver 72 is the Pillar 72 is UNLAYERED 72 is the Way For none shall be of knowledge, but those that go inside, for there is the passage, of the 6 and the 9... Mystic is not further Blood it is not thick Structured is the sided house The tent rebuild a quick... Language is not spoken Beauty us not seen Broken are the blind ones Meek become those in between. Seek not outside ME, seek all within I AM your Savior, your next of kin My union is now, all is to be Great Use my hearts wisdom, before it's too late... I write of union, as I am in line Joined with this Channeler A true friend of mine Ask not his beauty, for he knows not one He is but humble, speaking no violence to none Love every soul now, for my hands are near, Love is all our rescue, magically without fear... light in your heart IS, open so you will not Miss... Able are the Ones who, feel me so close, blessed are the Truthers, the Way, the Love, and the Ones I choose... I Am JIS...speaking in Harmony with Raiba, thank you for listening. Open thy eyes...Revelations are near, 14:3 and 13 fully my dear Ones... Also speaking in Truth, of 13:4 and the 13:13 are on the booth... Hmmmm, an Interesting one to say the least, for the number 6, 7 and 8 are revealed. I do not know how many are familiar with the Christ Consciousness teaching and awareness of this Universe, and its sacred number, but it is connected to the Divine 8, which is also connected to infinity, and to the 888, the divine number of Christ consciousness. The 8th dimension is also of divinity. Christ consciousness is larger, well a better energy word be, more expansive, than the Christian religion here on Earth. There are more sacred "religions" within the Universes, for lack of a better universal word, better would be to say, teachings I guess, that many Star-systems know, or teach within their systems. Christ consciousness is one of these teachings. Christianity on Earth is related to this Christ consciousness. Another teaching I know from previous lifes is the one called, Shi or Shii teaching, also a beautiful way of learning Life and the depth of Source. In total I know of 15 major teachings, of which Christ consciousness is one. About the verses JIS named: I searched for two verses named and on the word Booth, which is related to the sacred number 7, Hebrews know so well. I will show them below: Rev 14:3 And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. And no one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. The number 144.000 has many meanings, especially sacred geometry (like the golden triangle, which is Sirius knowledge), sacred souls the have inner knowledge, sacred divine seals and sacred numerology etc.. Rev 13:4 They worshiped the dragon who had given authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can wage war against it?” Feels like the Earth "powers" that be, at present... Rev 13:13 And the second beast performed great signs to cause even fire from heaven to come down to earth in the presence of the people. Looks like these same Earth "powers" that be, have something major in store or next hand to play, before we head into the good days to come... ;) Last thing JIS mentioned I found very interesting, the Booth, feels like He spoke there on the zedek (means; peace and justice) that is to come, the peaceful and justified times that we are heading towards, despite the Earth "powers" intent and attempts. Because noone can go against the will of Source. It's that simple. Also booths, I feel has to do with the Feast of Booths, or also called Feast of the Tabernacles, which is heavily based on the Hebrew number 7. Has to do with the 7th month. Also the Moon is in play, but will not post too much here on sacred numbers. So, let's gather our huts, you may also read this as, fill your hearts with light, love and joy, for we are heading for 7 years, I feel, of first some resistance against the will of Source, but after that we will be set op our camps with Light! Ergo, Lamps ON, little lambs, ahem, I mean, but your Heart Star ON! :) Much love, light, peace and joy to you All. Amen and Namaste dear Stars
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Channeled messages from B. NijboerOn the left one can see changelings that have come through and were received by me. Rest assured I will post every once in a while the right energies for all in here from guides speaking through me. Messages Archives
December 2024
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