Bareld's Lovehug blog
Four is Love
... and it's depthsFour is Love, is a nice phrase, but do we all feel its deepness? Today we like to explain it's depth's a little further than before... The Petals of the Four When we realize how deep the flow of Source IS and the gentle touch of Source is within us all, when we truly ask, we are shown also all of the flowers of life it holds. We would like to take you all on a journey towards the fantastic fauna of the Flowers Life holds (sacred geometry and energies) and the Joy it will bring to your hearts The last half year, to 3 quarters of a year we have not posted much because we were so occupied with keeping the Earth grid and Star grids flowing of love and light energies, to heal our sacred Mother, as her veins got drained pretty much and her reconnecting energies to other flows of Life, had to be helped. Also the energies causing bad flows have been silenced for a very large part, yet the certain pockets are still active, but scattered and minimized. Posing no thread to the love energies any longer. The Mythia has had much work to do and also our new Lightship is a force of creation, but more deeply in line of further transformations, we fly, ha ha... Which will be needed for the new time ahead. Much will change in 3D... The tasks and energies the Mythia were involved with, year around, cannot be disclosed for now and may in future be recognized energetically and for those with keen sensing and intuitive ways, already have noticed certain flows... We have worked with many ships of Light, which work all together with the Ashtar Command and other inter Galactic con-Federation of Light (and its ships), or iGcFoL, for short. The New Jerusalem is the Head ship of iGcFoL, a leading ship of this long track initiated program for Earth, which started a new fine tuning years ago, for this time, and of course initiated more than 15.000 years ago. And is each day fine-tuned into its end scenario's, as we are living in them now, from 3D to 5D. Each dimension is fine tuned, each time certain installments are set, gates open, star portals align, before 3D changes and 4D to 5D are upgraded. There is no stopping this process and progress, for it is Source initiated. Love & Soul Love and soul is basically set in the fourth dimension, for the heart chakra of the 7 basic chakra's is the base of the foundations of love. Real love roots, take hold there. The three "lower" are stepping stones towards flowing into this love base. And it is this love base the soul will connect its life line to. To make it easy, we will skip the new chakras and all it's installments for the fundamentals must first be understood, and many meditating souls still practice the fundamental basic 7 chakras. This means, that the first three chakras flow towards the fourth. In energy and practice, one would have to flow this flow upward to create this solid base of the begin with. Secondly, the journey of cleaning and clearing the three lower chakras is another pathway, which will run parallel to the first kundalini steps. This sounds easy, but is a long journey, some take a life time doing this. Reach for your inner heart and soul, to find love of trueness again. The Four ...and everything in fours When we look at 3D Earth, we see many cycles flow in Four sections or parts, which make up a whole cycle, circle, or time path. Some examples within third dimensional space. For instance, look at the clock, how we measure time in four sections, or 4 quarters, 15 minutes making one hour, or the seasons of an Earth year, is sectioned in four quarters, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Four petals of a cycle. Other examples are the cycle of our Sun and Sirius A, the ancient 4 elementals: air, water, fire and wind, 4 counts in one note (=music) , 4 water cycles, 4 main elements make up our body, 4 phases in a woman's menstrual cycle, 4 main elements that make up our physical body structure etc etc. There are countless examples to show you here. Four Circles make a Petal What we have shown before in other Channellings and blog posts is that a circle can be divided in Four parts. This means that these four parts work together to create the whole of the circle and if we look at it from a soul perspective and body perspective we can view it as this: The Lower Self and the Higher Self work together as One, creating half of the Circle, the other half is the Twin Flame, with his / her Higher and Lower Self, to complete the Whole of Oneness, "making" One Soul, they already were/are. To put this in a broader perspective than just the TF example, you all can work as such, with three other souls, creating a near as wholeness feeling, between the Four parts, but not as real as the TF wholeness. But that speaks for itself. Four souls can create a similar type of space, creating an opening for the four souls, to the fourth dimensional Joy, Love and Life, to put it also in a dimensional view. Three is the minimum circle energy to do anything like this, but it is different working through the triangle energy, four can make a complete circle. Some of you may be familiar with this kind of work as an old Lemurian soul (or Mu energy circle work). It works in similar ways. But Four is the minimum to create the circled and petal flower energy. See below for what we mean by four parts of the Whole. We have shown this in the post on the Len energy of Joy, which is connected to Four is Love or the number 4. We will today also reveal two new aspects of this energy, as you continue to read more below... In our above example, of the Len (Joy) energy, we create a bond of four souls which is on an energetic and dimensional level everlasting, if you do it right. It will create Joy as we said in the Len blog post, but it will also create two other things no human or channeler has spoken of before. Often we hear humans speak of second sight or third eye sight, but this comes from a higher/lower level connection and viewing only through the third eye. Hence, the second sight. But what if you would combine four individual souls...or this can also be done by TF's alone, because of their four way alignment of the whole... Four Way Sight, called, the Ring of Life! We have seen many souls speak of the Seed of Life, Flower of Life, Egg of Life, Flower of Life etc... Today we reveal something new, which is called the Ring of Life and why it is connected to the number 4 and the second thing is the Four Sighted Eye. If you have not already read it through our picture we will make it more clear for you in the next two pictures below. This Ring of Life energy passes through the Four Souls connected and joins their higher EYE's together like a sacred circle, to work as one harmonious view and Light. What is the EYE we speak of here? We know that there are many spiritual people (souls) who only believe that the sacred sight of the third eye is the EYE, but sadly that is not true because it is only partly true,as your energy self has three main sections (centers) and circles of energy and therefore consists of three eyes, which, if and when joined as one ARE the EYE. Your lower self (body) and Earth Center acts as One Eye, have you ever used it? Of course you did, but you did not realize it, that it was seen from the sacred heart chakra and felt by the combine Earth Center chakras (and glands) as a Four way combined Eye. That is One of the Three. the Second One is The Heart Center itself, the Eye of the Heart, in the Middle, or Mitha, as the Sirius Lion Beings call it, the Inner Heart's Eye. The Third is more known, but it is not just the Third Eye Chakra by itself, but it is the combined Star Center chakra and glands working as One Eye there. Each Center has a four way connecting into One Eye, and making all Thee Major Eye's working as One, we get the One EYE, we tend to speak of within the Ashtar Command and the iGcFoL (Inter Galactic Confederation of Light). So that is a completely different EYE, than the third eye chakra by itself, so that one is good to use, but limited in its usage. It is not the Whole EYE. Connect all three, and you will see/feel the difference, ha ha. Here is the the concentration of the One Whole EYE, of One Soul, of the combined Four Sighted EYE, seen in this picture. The Ring of Life! ...connected to the four way connecting. The Ring of Life is brought in Four Ways, creating an infinite energy, called Life. When you have four friends who are all doing their spiritual work and want to try a next step up and feel they are ready to connect in a long term relationships, ha ha, so, all of the fours souls feel connected and want to create a lasting energy of love (for this must be used for the good! or it will turn against you, because all spiritual work starts from love and only that can bring Life!). So, four souls, who are willing to connect in this four sighted way, and have certain mastery in seeing/feeling with their full EYE, can do this. Connecting all Four EYE's will make you create a Ring of Energy that will IN-spire you all four. The EYE's of Four will fall precisely in this Ring and will show you all what needs to be seen in a most synced way! Because syncing is a flow you will go into, when entering this energy of Life, created by Love. Four main energies must be in there and this will carry the Ring, in infinite length of time. 1. Love (from the Inner Heart) 2. Joy (from the Len) 3. Committed work on your Whole EYE 4. True Friendship This will create a Circle, the Ring of Life, as shown below. The Ring of Life is colored in blue /purple and the Len you can see here as Yellow colored. The Four EYE's, colored in Light Blue, are touching on one side the Len (Joy) energy (and symbol) and on the other side the inner Circle of the Ring of Life. The outer Circle of the Ring of Life runs through the dot of the Four creating circles (souls) and this means that that it runs through the inner Heart! This is no coincidence dear Stars, for all within sacred geometry, frequencies, dimensions and vibrations are true and in synced ways. But you may ask this now: "...But Bareld, what about the diamond we all can clearly see in this energy and symbol? ..." The Golden White Diamond energy which is in there prominently will bring a smile on many souls working with diamond energy or crystals, and our Arcturian friends, for the diamond energy we also have spoken of in our E-book on the Sacred Numbers of the Angels, which is for sale for € 0,99 here on this website. Email me, for now, if you want it. Read more about it here The Golden White Diamond energy as you can see (and maybe feel) flows also through each of the four souls inner hearts and will touch all souls making one flowing diamond energy and larger heart infinity flower. This will look like this, as we have spoken of in the Len blog post. The Golden White Diamond energy with the sacred numerology of 16 and 4 as explained also by my ancient friend Dwal Kuhl with his Quadruple Triangulation energy, speaking of the same diamond energy as in the Golden Diamond energy. The Diamond energy is the Aleph, the first Love of Source, the beginning, the first Ring of Life, which will create more Life and Love. This is why we always say on this website and in the Ashtar Command, Four is Love and Life is Love / Love is Life! Never forget these lines dear Stars, they mean deep knowledge. It contains all sacred knowledge for it touches all areas of knowledge, like science, spirit, dimensions, numerology, geometry, cosmology etc. This week JIS gave me in a sacred personal talk, a sacred White Diamond to hold on to, which I accepted kindly and respectfully! This is an honor to keep...thanks my friend! How about the Four in Frequencies and Numbers (=Numerology) ? True numerology is not the numerology we have seen here on Earth, which is an ancient subtraction of a much larger galactic numerology, confined to a smaller "area" of "our" space and "time". So you may understand cosmic "time" and "space" is vastly different than our "corner" of the cosmos, yet, it holds also true values. We just need to widen our EYE's to see the lager view and scale of things. For that we need science, to measure, scale and calculate the other surroundings of galaxies, star clusters, stars and planets, especially in their correlation factors to our "space". Then it will make more sense and we will have a better understanding of what Source really means to tell us.... for yes it really speaks to us all in that sense. So scientist of this world, their lies your true challenge! If you remember us speaking in the lasts blog posts on the sacred numerology of the 4 and the 9 and a sacred frequency 432 Hz, you may remember that 432 Hz, starts with a Four. This is no coincidence we can tell you. This frequency brings us firstly in connections with love, joy, friendship and harmony! And this will connect you all to the dimensions you wish to be in, namely, 4th and 5th, for now. ;)) Listen to this frequency or one if its higher or lower parts, like 864 Hz, or 216, 108, 54, 27 Hz. They all are a number 9! Which is the Angelic number and as we have explained before is connected to this Golden White Diamond and also the Ring of Life. And the last part of this blog will be about you and your Heart! Source is infinite and wise, we just understand Source fragmentarily and some have parts of its vast understanding. Some parts may be revealed by inspiration of spiritual souls touching/feeling in and some through scientific fields of knowledge. Todya we briefly want to let you know this as we speak often of the inner heart and the Heart Star knowledge, we today will speak of your physical heart and the about the Hand of Source in your own physical body and to let you all know we you all have already tapped into this sacred knowledge of the Four. On a global consciousness scale we all already tap into this field of knowledge. Why, because your own heart is the proof of what we speak today: Four is Love! Or else you would not be alive! When we look at our own physical heart what is the main thing that is noticed about it, besides its shape and its pump function for our blood stream? How many chambers does your physical heart have dear Heart Stars? Exactly, it has Four main Chambers, and this is also no coincidence. There are no coincidences on a grander scale of things... See here for pictures of these four chambers and it's flows...through your bodily systems. Below the big picture are smaller ones, click on it to see it become bigger. Or hover over the big picture and click de arrows to shift between them. Hover on the left side, then you can click play to automatically run the pictures. The year 2017 where were in the numbers of the 1, 0 and the 10 stood central for beginning and ending , and of the Star Portal of the 222 and 2222 has been wide opened, the harmony of the 6th and the 8th were prominent, we have seen that the energies of the feminine balanced more in and the divine masculine and the divine feminine merged more together on a global consciousness level. All levels were affected, landed roughly on the 3D masculine side sometimes but revived the much higher needed feminine energies and side of this planet. Masculine will embrace it more, because there is no escaping it anyway, for the masculine has disturbed the energies for too long already on this planet, degrees of Source cannot be ignored! Time to listen... 2018 is of a number 11, ergo, a 2. Its gates have already opened, so time to follow up on this call... 2 + 2 = 4 ;)) And as for beginning, the alpha energy is love! Hence the Four of Love will start from 2018 onward... this is something we have been into in a different time-line before, so no need to be afraid, or fear anything. It is just an old upgrade we forgot, with newest and latest enhancements! And we see it also on a 3D planetary level, for words like gender neutral have come IN and come alive, for no "obvious reason", but we know better now, don't we all? Such words, which are signs we all feel this coming in... which is only a 3D way of saying, we accept the new incoming soul neutrality energy of feminine/masculine merged as one...for that is what we all in principale (Latin for: in principle) ARE: soul! Soul has no gender, it is purest light, like the Star Lights you all ARE. Again, have a blessed 2018, and may the Ring of Life, your intuition and your true EYE guide you to your new beginnings .... Nua dia du, Nua Asera du, * B&T (* We greet you, we love you) We will end with a beautiful peace/piece of music by an artist known as Acaiah Lynn, which is a beautiful name by the way, I/we find here music fitting to this 432 Hz frequency and her handpan (sounds a little bit like a hang drum) is lovely to listen too and the song is called "Leo". What's in a name... ;)) Here are some more links and songs of her... Link 1 and Link 2 We recommend also her songs Lullaby, Wounded and Trinity... Please listen and close your eyes and lay down...feel... Namaste, dear Stars. Be Love and Light
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AuthorI am Bareld Nijboer, author of this website and IN here you read about my thoughts, my heart, my inner feelings and sharing healing and more music, also deep vibrational stuff with you ALL...please feel into Love! Archives
January 2024
Until one has unconditional and unbiased love for all beings, man-kind will not find peace...let mankind become kind-man...and women! |