Bareld's Lovehug blog
Four is Love
Some words cannot be ushered until it is "time" to speak them...The energy of the Sacred numbersDear Stars, Last time we spoke on RNA/DNA and we will expand in this. We will do this in a reflection to you with sacred and holy numbers. The Cosmos and its Universes is a remarkable space and hides many places within its unending chambers of love. The effortless in which Source combines all this is itself an mouth opening experience to feel.The ways that are imaginary ( ha ha) are also the ones that are real. For in truth, what is imagining? Just another reality... ;)) The words we will show today is a world of numbers, especially a few numbers, which are deeply found in the symbols of the sacred way of Source. As you all know what I have stated on Source before, it has no Name, it simply states it as this, its utterance: I AM. Before we start this, we will show you these numbers, to feel in, as each letter has a number in our alphabet, of 26 numbers, an infinite number 8 and its flow. So just look: I AM I = the 9th number of the alphabet. A = the 1st letter, the alpha, the first creation, out of Love. M = the 13th Letter, a Mother's energy and a Four. 9 + 1 + 13 = 23 = 5 Infuture we will speak of the 5, the Pentawave. In many religions they gave Source names and energies and all are just flows of One Presence-Essence and Omni-Present lives through ALL you can imagine...I am one of the few who has never given it a name, not in the Tao (Or Dao), the I Ching, or even now again. It simply IS and Exists and forever will BE. A Name is not needed, when it is the ALL. ALL = 1 + 12 + 12 = 49 = 13 = 4 = Love. We ALL are Love. And therefore we ALL are of Source. Now before we will speak of numbers we will state that the Way Source works is through imagining, seeing, feeling, symbols and numbers (they come often through scientists). But, numbers are also deeply given through spirit and as a gift of IN-spiration. So the Teaching is given in many ways. The Way is a structure to combine it all. In Egypt, Source was simply called Pu, if we convert this into the modern day alphabet, it's number becomes a 37, or a 10, which is the number of Source, the Whole. 1 Codon or codegen, and one Stop code. Our DNA has four bases, four triplets, or codons/codegens, 4 to the power of 3, or 4 x 4 x 4, is 64 codegens or codons. Also, 10 to the power of three, or 1000, Source's Holy Number. The breath of Creation, knwon to the ancient Egyptians, which is simply called Hu sometimes, but more specifically it is Huh...just speak this word...and breath these will feel the importance of the h behind it, in the outbreath it is sounded. Huh in numbers is, 8 + 21 + 8 = also 37, again, the 10! Why does our Sun have a mass of 1,988 x 10 to the power of 30 kg. This is an 8, or 1,988 and 9 triplets of zero's behind it. Like this: 1,988,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg But that is a long way of writing it down, so the above is more handy ;)) but the weight and mass of our Sun, is an infinity number: 8. Why do I/we mention this up front in this post, you will read more below. The Teaching When Source teaches, through science, or spirit, through IN-spiration it gives IN-sight into its truth and we come a little piece closer to its vats knowledge, wisdom and Essence. The only difference between Earth teachings and Star-family teachings is in the Way they have received it, from which base point and what they have studied (spiritual and scientific) and the Way they have United both these fields of expertise. Star-family have complete merged science and spirit, therefore, seen through Earth eyes, becoming magical and light. On Earth we still see a big gap between both, but we also see here and there more merging fields emerging, between both of these...this is because of the new energies coming IN and the fact the Earth overall consciousness feels that it needs to come together to be able to move forward, as a whole. Going in separate ways is not an option anymore. As Scientist become more aware of particles and energy (quantum fields) and spiritual ones connect even higher / deeper into these fields, to guide in alignment. It only sad to see that media mostly scientists are credited for their new "discoveries". From this observation we can tell there is still much to be don eon merging and balancing together here on Earth with these to fields of experts. Today we will speak of sacred numbers and symbols. And a bit of science too. Why we speak of numbers today is because of the fact that they have come IN, into inner heart from the soul (IN-spiration), and not through science. Some numbers and aligning have been made aware in science, but not these. When we first start to see the Whole Light, instead of the fragments, we will see the whole spectrum of Source and not the pieces we want to see happen and proof it is like that. We need to see first the Whole. What is the Whole? The Whole is simple to explain as everything revolves within spirals and circles, it simply means that the Whole is a circle and a dot. Everything in-between the dot and the circle, moves in spirals, within cycles and fragmented cycles and spirals. Yep...all the other sacred geometry fits within the circle... How can we see this?...Well, like this, the 10: This is an infinite bubble flow, as the spiral moves through the dot, it become a macro circle, which spirals within that circle again, etc. Also the reversed flow can be felt. Between these flows the sacred symbols and numbers flow, also, in its infinite sacred spiral(s) and wave(s). It is simply key to find the sacred symbols and sacred numbers belonging to it. Ancient man has shown them to us, as they saw and felt from within. Shamans of ancient times and ancient Sun worshipers/gazers knew the truth and gave these symbols a long time ago. The mind does not understand such matters, only the soul, working through our heart's. Feel only into the sacred spirals they gave and ancient Sun signs given to us. Each flower on Earth shows us this sacred wisdom and symbolism. But it is also given in modern day Science, by gazing through Telescopes, where we see the spirals of the Macro, the Spiraled solar systems and even Universe. As the Macro, so is the Micro... Now, we could easily start a blog on Fibonacci and Binary Star systems, but we will just go into numbers and let you feel them. This is important, for it needs to go INside, taken IN. The soul needs to reflect. Not the mind. Read more here on Fibonacci, if you like to know it. Or the Phi number (1618..), for more golden spiraled ratio information. Tesla and the 3, 6 and 9 Tesla once spoke a few famous words, a real cosmic truth, on how the cosmos works more so, also how energy itself works, through the sacred knowledge of these three numbers. He never detailed on the real "lines" of these numbers, which is more like, spirals. This only means he knew something profound inside his heart and soul. Which is true, dear beautiful Stars. When we go back to our circle we showed already above we will unravel a few things about this. Remember this from my Lao aspect now: "... The Circle is the Dot ...and the Dot is the Circle...unending..." Within the circle through the dot, lies the spiral of infinite flow. That being said, we will speak about the spirals of 3, 6 and 9 first and expand with the 4. We also like to show you again, the Infinite 8 flow , filled with 3, 6 and 9's, in there, the rhombus of the 4 and the 16, as we showed before the Lao geometry in this post. Love is eternal and never dies, even if your heart seems to be a little shut down to "it", the seed of love never dies, ever! So don't let your mind , and even your own heart, fool you...the soul inside your heart never forgets the love. So...remove the inner children in your hearts that hold on to hurts...and Light up these children that hold on, for nothing. Remember the Light bubble of Love you felt...not the hurts. For those who have missed that geometry we will show it here again: Numbers of the Circle and the Dot When we take the Circle, which consists of 360 degrees, we will see something emerge immediately. As the Circle encompasses everything and it is the most profound form in the cosmos, as all other geometry fits within it. The eternal Flower, or Infinite Flower, is its energy. As a simple little thing shows us that the Circle is made up of three numbers, as 3, 6 and 0 and it consist of 3, 6 and 9. Just look with me... we see a three, a six and a zero. We will explain further. 3=3 6=6 3+6 =9 3+6+0=9 and the zero= the dot. Now we will divide the circle into smaller angles and segments. We will do this by dividing them into 12 numbers. All of these numbers dissect the Circle into a smaller segment of the whole, which is a part of the spiral of 9. So let us first divide 360 degrees into the 12 segments of life, making new angles. 360/12 = 30 degrees 360/11 = 32, 727272 etc..connected to Thoth and Lao 360/10 = 36 360/9 = 40 (=4= Love) 360/8 = 45 360/7 = 51,428 etc (making a 9) and is also the Egyptian month, without Thoth's number. 360/6 = 60 360/5 = 72 (Sirius pyramid) 360/4 = 90 (the Atlantian symbol, with the four is love cross) 360/3 = 120 360/2 = 180 360/1 = 360 Now as we glance upon these numbers and angles, we see that only the dividing by the numbers 3, 6 and 9, the result angle will always be different, than the result of the divine angelic 9 number. It will flow back to the same number then as its divided with. With 3 and 6, it will be a 3 and 6 again. With 7 and 8 it will be a 9 too, but dividing the 360 degree circle by 9, it becomes a Four is Love number. Some numbers have special meanings. More below. Angels and their numbers! Patterns of the angelic numbers first...numbers of unity. The following are the holy pattern of 3,6 and 9's, with them too. 111 = 1+1+1 = 3 222 = 2+2+2 = 6 333 = 3+3+3 = 9 444 = 4+4+4 = 12 =1+2 = 3 555 = 15 = 6 666 = 18 = 9 777 = 21 = 3 888 = 24 = 6 999 = 27 = 9 101010 = 10+10+10 = 30 = 3 111111 = 6 121212 = 9 131313 = 3 141414 = 6 151515 = 9 etc... E-book, called, The Sacred Numbers of the Angels We have written a little more in depth E-book on the sacred angelic numbers, which you can buy soon here on this website's own Store for € 0,99. But wait, we have the E-book already written and ready for you all. You can have it today, in your email. See below for details. With your contribution now, your money, but most of all, your love and (light) energy will flow back into this website Lovehug and into the Hearts United Foundation. This small E-book contains a much wider explanation on the angelic numbers shown above. You will be even more amazed than the numbers we have shown here today in this blogpost. At the moment the Ebook is ready and ready for souls to read. Why this price, well, it's price of 99 eurocents produces an 18, and that is a 9. A small price for a deeper knowledge. Enjoy that coming soon and if you like sacred geometry, sacred numbers and sacred crystals, you should read it. We are glad this E-book is finished for all souls to read now, but it takes a little more work to get a working Shop up at Lovehug website and we've put this blogpost up first. We will update on the Store too, when it's ready. If you are interested in this Ebook, you can already send me/us, an email concerning your interest. The Ebook is ready and if you have Paypal and know how to use Paypal, then please send € 0,99 to this Paypal address: PayPalMe and you can have your own copy already today. Just remember to send your email address too, so the E-book can be sent in pdf form, to your email-address. Your 99 cents will firstly go into HUF, the Hearts United Foundation and we will put this money to good use, for Higher Plans and higher dimensional energies should be carried out into 3D too. Namasté Sacred frequency So why are these specific numbers on the Mark? We will let you all feel into that one, ha ha... ;)) read on... Next we will flow into frequencies, and as you all know, they relate to vibrations: The 432 Hz! The natural realms of frequencies, sounds, light and energy...and inevitably Vibrations and Dimensions. Harmonics of Life. As spiritual souls know, the longer a certain frequency is attained and maintained within your own energy field, it becomes your new vibration. Vibration is simply the length of a certain frequency maintained...a wave...or spiral that is kept flowing. For that souls like me and other meditating souls, use daily practices to keep this frequency flowing or attain even higher frequencies, so more can be seen, felt, smelled, touched through these new frequencies reached. The Golden Apple has this kind of stabilizing field effect and vibration. It works gently within your heart as you expand it through your auric field, when you first connect within its dot, its golden space within your inner heart and expand it slowly outward, through out all your body of physical and etherical.It touches every layer till all of your field can maintain this golden energy within its particles, or energy. it is surrounding all of your aura at one point or even beyond that, if you are able to maintain it for a longer period of time. The more souls you will touch. We all know 432 Hz as the most harmonious frequency and there is a reason for it. The reason is called 9! And when it becomes a 9, it becomes a 3 too. Let's see, we will divide the 432 Hz, again into 12 sections. Always returning to the 9 spiral of triples. As Source has 12 major sacred Flames and energy lines. 432/12 = 36 = 9 432/11 = 39,272727272727 = 39 + 45 = 3 +9 = 12 = 3 432/10 = 43,2 = 9 (this also means something more, but this will be in a little e-book forthcoming) 432/9 = 48 = 12 = 3 432/8 = 54 = 9 432/7 = 61, 7142857142 = 61 + 41 = 102 = 3 432/6 = 72 = 9 432/5 = 86,4 = 18 = 9 432/4 = 108 = 9 432/3 = 144 = 9 432/2 = 216 = 9 432/1 = 432 = 9 Solfeggio also reduced the numbers to 3, 6 and 9, always! But that you can find all over the internet. Whe we specifically look at the infinity number of 8, which becomes a 54 and a 9 we see two very ancient holy numbers. These numbers have been used in many ancient civilizations and religions. The tables of 3, 6 and 9 always relate to each other. As all of this happens within the Circle of Source, the Macro, and this also happens within the Dot, the Micro. Some more numbers and 3, 6 and 9 sequences to continue with, multiplying with the 9 steps of three's according to Lao: 3 x 9 Hz = 36 Hz --> reducing back to number 9 6 x 9 Hz = 54 Hz --> 9 9 x 9 Hz = 81 Hz --> 9 12 x 9 Hz = 108 Hz --> 9 15 x 9 Hz = 135 Hz --> 9 18 x 9 Hz = 162 Hz --> 9 etc... And doubles of the 6. As in: 6 to 12, to 24, to 48, to 96, to 192 etc, just look 12 x 9 Hz = 108 Hz --> we see here that the multiplier number 12 = a 3 24 x 9 Hz = 216 Hz --> we see here that 24 = a 6 48 x 9 Hz = 432 Hz --> we see here that 48 = a 3 96 x 9 Hz = 864 Hz --> we see here that 96 = a 6 192 x 9 Hz = 1728 Hz --> we see here that 192 = a 3 etc... The required flows will always extend their reach into the tenth, pointed into the middle of the Circle...or Octagon too, or other sacred geometric fields of energy. Next we will speak on Four is Love, and the Number 4. A Cosmic number for Love. Four is Love, the Alpha it relates to the 9! The Alpha ...and consequently, the Omega/Tau.. As we spoke on the 3, 6 and 9 and its triplet energies, as Lao spoke of in past times in his Tao of Life, and I Ching, this trinity flow will have also another aspect in its flow, which we will now speak of too. This is the flow of the Four, the main Love of Source, speaking it, through the feminine flow, one of its aspects. This does not mean it is more important (because that would be polarized viewing!), but that its spiral is just the feminine flow of things, as we have seen spirals of the 9, the ovary spirals, as we sometimes call it on the Mythia...ahem. It does not mean the Masculine flow is less important, for the seeding flow has other numbers...and lines. More on that in future, because it is a highly complementary energy and wave as well. Today we speak on the Alpha wave of Source, the Wave of the Four, in its Sacred Union with the 9, in numbers. A very beautiful clock work. When we put the number 4 inside our vision and look at its current form we see it as upright and not in its ancient form anymore, the alpha. The Sacred Union of the 4 and the 9 What is a Four I recently asked my new girlfriend...she intuitively asking herself from within said to me: Love! Exactly right, my dear Stars of Love. why did she feel this intuitively? We all on Earth are Stars, weather we know it and realize it or not, all 7 billions souls of us and these high souls orbiting around this beautiful blue planet. Each dot and circle of a soul is connected to sacred far away as your mind may be away from this knowledge, it is however true. Some realize it a bit, other are closely connected to this sacred awareness. Within all the Stars and systems there run clockworks and spirals, and in every spiral there is the Nine energy and the 4 energy of the Mother (yet, also the Father), the heart infinity, the Flower of Infinity and the Love of the United Source of All there IS, flowing its Mother Love and Father Love, through the Spiral of Nine and Four... We have spoken of the Rhombus before, with its Nine points and the 64 codons related to the Rhombus energies. The Arcturians are most familiar with these energies and smile every time someone mentions or speaks about it. I will also honor my friend Confucius here, also known as Dwal Kuhl, who has showed me in 2012, the flow of the 16 before, the Sacred Rhombus, times 4! A quadruple Rhombus energy, which Dwal Kuhl called QT, Quadruple we have shown in our previous post. This is a large Rhombus, which contains 4 smaller ones, a large Nine, containing 4 smaller 9's. It contains three energies, a diamond energy, a square energy and a circled energy around the diamond. This quadruple energy maintains the new energy chakra system, or new inbuilt DNA energy structure. This acts as a new module that was being built in. See below. Again we see here this number 4! There is divine zodiacal truth in the the Atlantians knew. They had the Circle symbol divided in four parts, or 90 degree angles. We will speak more below of these numbers 4 and 9. Okay, the sacred numbers from the four, connected to the Mother flow of the Nine. First the Rhombus, or as mathematicians or scientist call it, the parallelogram, and spiritual souls call it a diamond energy. And as spoken of by Dwal Kuhl in 2012, when he spoke of the 4 x 4 rhmobus of a quadruple kind, see picture below. We all speak the about the same dear Stars... ;)) Four is Love and the Sacred Union with the 9 The letter Aleph is an ancient form connected to the energies of the Four and the flow it makes. Alpha became the Greek form of it three Egyptian, Phoenician/Canaanite to Greek alpha. It also went into a Hebrew form, but that form went in a different direct-ion. As you have seen above in the Rhombus form, we see that each small Rhombus contains 4 alpha forms, or aleph forms. Again four. The Four has an energy that always flows together with the 8 and the 16 (or 7 too). Read with us, into the numbers, of 4 and 9 ...and multiplications of the 9: 4 x 9 = 36 = 3+6 = 9 4 x 18 = 72 = 7+2 = 9 4 x 36 = 144 = 9 4 x 72 = 288 = 9 4 x 144 = 576 = 9 4 x 288 = 1152 = 9 4 x 576 = 2304 = 9 4 x 1152 = 4608 = 9 4 x 2304 = 9216 = 9 4 x 9216 = 36.864 = 9 etc... If we make it an adding up, like say: 4 + 9, it becomes a 13, reducing to: 1 + 3 = 4! Always! Just look, two more examples: 4 + 18 = 22 = 2+ 2 = 4 4 + 36 = 40 = 4 +0 = 4 4 + 72 = 76 = 7 + 6 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4 4 + 288 = 4+2+8+8 = 22 = 4 4 + 9216 = 4+9+2+1+6 = 22 = 4 etc... As you feel the sacred Union of Nine and Four merged in One flow, we speak soon, some time in future, of a most sacred flow of the Cosmos. An even more deeper sacred energy, which we have spoken of before, but will explain in more and greater detail in future. All you need to know now is that the Four (Love energy) is connected deeply to the energy of the angels (the 9). And that there are is immense Love in the Cosmos and many angelic beings of many different forms. The numbers can be expressed, but they will not fit our calculators. A Lao lesson and the frequency of 432Hz Speaking as Lao here: "...When I started seeing triples, in an age where shamanism was just a short passage of and to the past, the works of litterature became popular and the flow of the Garden of Flowers brought sweet nectars of wine, the sectors of the sand I examened, of very specs of the infinity flows, taught to me by Quan Yin. The spiraled Rose flowed the union of the inifinite numbers of Life and sacred voice of the WithIn. The flow of every twist of this 8 seemed to enlighten anew and a new energy felt from the Earthly field of magnetics. The flux of Life was described into 8 sections of the darmha and the trinitized energies of the Well of Life... " I will continue as combined Lao/Bareld energy now. When the sacred heartbeat of the Mother and here energies, which Quan Yin guided me into in the day, we spoke of it as an 8 flow. An introduction into lucid dreams and flower essences gave the strength and wisdom to flow into this system of Life. Each angle was researched and given an aspect and a call to refelct upon. The basic flow of the Corebeat of this planet is connected to this triplets of energies and to the 8. I started with the 8, on the basic knowledge of the sands of time in the flower of the Rose. Also that each step is a 3. The basis begins with 1000, yet, being the number of the All, we can feel its basic step 3. Dear Stars, just divide 1000 / 3 , we will get the number, 333,3333333333333, which makes a 3 again. Now, just look at this sacred number, 3 before the comma, and the 13 3's behind it, becoming a 16 figured number. As the Rhombus gives a divine 9 and 4 x 4 smaller rhmobus' we will flow also the 4 + 4 = 8. As we know know the number 8 is infinity and also the heart beat of this lovely blue planet called Earth. Remember also that the sacred bagua form of the octa energies gives a dot in its center, the sacred 9th number, hiddenin its center, combining all flow. And as my friend Konfu (Confusius) spoke before of the 16 or quadruple energy flow, the greaterRhombus energies. The energy of the thousand is the total of Source, the Whole, the 360 degrees+ 1, ahem, the 9 + 1. The total energy. On a larger scale of measurement it is the energy of Source. When the Heart Infinity flower was in there I decided to feel into this drum of Earth, and measure it as Octa. Just look, 1000 / 8 = 125 = 1+2+5 = 8 As we all know the Earth heartbeat is the Schumann resonance of 7,81 Hz, or approximate to 8 Hz. Also the 13 numbers of the 3 behind the comma is a sacred number to Earth Mother, as it is connected to the Moon and the Waters of the Mother's energy. The three numbers before the comma, to the Angels and the Trinity of Source (Father, Mother,and Child) "...The journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step ..." When you all take a closer look at the the sacred geometric drawing I made from my memory banks, which I simply called Lao, just look further above again, we see in its center two flowers, of the 4 petalled love kind and one smaller inside it, of 8 petals... a center of rhythm. A small drum. The future will hold an even more deeper look on Lao and his energy. Maybe another Ebook. For now we feel this is enough information and we hope you will feel the 3, 6, 9 and 4 better, next time you may speak of it, or mention it, to your loved ones. Remember, always, Four is Love and the spiraled sequences of the 3, 6 and 9, flowing in the tenth. And we hope you have also recognized the many triangles, hexagonal and nine energies in these sacred numbers, for they are deeply connected to the sacred geometry of Source. As Lao spoke of the 3, 6 and 9's, so did Tesla, both knew its secret. And we have only spoken a little fragment today of its true complete knowledge. Vibration, energy, frequencies, holy sacred geometry, particles, photons, dna, soul, spirit, physicality, are all part of All there IS, called Source. The Whole and the Dot, and all In between. All lies within the Circle and the Dot. All is with-IN it. Next blog post will be speaking about the energies of Joy. We will keep you updated on all things important. :)) Be blessed, stay in the Love and feel our warm Hugs dear Stars, B&T If you have question(s) concerning or regarding this blogpost or would like to know more on these numbers ...ask me/us, via our contact form. Be Love and Light
13/12/2018 02:35:36 am
Lao and Tesla are indeed bright minds that greatly helped in the modernization of our world. Without their contribution, I personally believe that the world will not be as advanced as it currently is. Their discoveries and knowledge that they shared with humankind enabled technology to grow and for scholars to have reference and such. I am sad that they did not seem to have earned the right credentials to their name. I hope that someday their works will be more recognized. Thank you for spreading word about Lao and Tesla!
12/5/2019 06:18:01 pm
Thank you dear for your kindness and response. Uplift your sadness, for all will be used inthe future. That is why we reference it on this website and if asked,we can provide more ...
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AuthorI am Bareld Nijboer, author of this website and IN here you read about my thoughts, my heart, my inner feelings and sharing healing and more music, also deep vibrational stuff with you ALL...please feel into Love! Archives
January 2024
Until one has unconditional and unbiased love for all beings, man-kind will not find peace...let mankind become kind-man...and women! |