Bareld's Lovehug blog
Proofs of spirit...Dear Stars, Greetings to you all, hope you are all well in these pressing times. Yes, pressure, is a theme these days and some feel it heavily, while others flow. Keep relaxed, even if the body and your physical can't keep up with the energies. Breath, all will be well. I wanted to speak today about scientist, making progress into the field of spirit, yes, finally, I hear all our spiritual friends sigh now...ha ha. But let's also cheer, for their helps them awaken! But I also want to speak of some true concerns here with scientists, as they often forget Source, or whatever name you wish to put on it still (God, Brahma, Allah, Creator, Great Spirit etc.). It times of change, experiments tend to be too far gone... Well, it is true, some scientist finally venture beyond the Einstein or ancient physical mainstream flow and dare to challenge ancient ideas of old science, which sticks to the old idea of there being solely a physicality, discarding the energy fields and dimensions completely. Now we finally see some scientist venture into ideas of spirit and the laws of higher dimensions and l know they will still call it science. ;)) Oh the humorous... Humans humans, let us become more and deeper spiritually advanced than we are now...thinking of and solely doing it with our mind is truly and sincerely so past tense...ancient to be precise, become knowing, enter thy hearts! It will open us in ways we have never done before, we will become truly ethical and wise, a new Star Nation! No matter what scientists still believe of this statement, in this now, it simply proofs what many true Star Beings on Earth know and feel already, that we are beings of energy, light, ions and of dimensions! Like some love to call it, we are Star Dust. I will give a few examples of souls from the so called rational and logical thinking science field, like spiritual souls are still too, may I remind you, which many skeptics of spirituality most of the time seem to forget, and give you fields into where they have wandered: the fields of magic and spirit. First there is the field of UFO's, the field where we all believe that they are vessels of magic and other dimensions, vessels which can be easily created right here on Earth, and have already been created here right on Earth. ;)) Other than that, I will state this now for every one else who did not know this already: Rationality and logic is also part of the Spiritual Community! We are not just a bunch of dreamers...It is truly time to listen to our knowings...and bring it into the Earth realms. I will speak of two scientific researches now, which bring spirituality into science or science into spirituality :)) Example one, Israel, scientists: There is a group of scientists in Israel doing study in the field of Levitation, which of course is closely related to the UFO sightings all around the world and the magic magnetic technology the Starfamilies use. Now when we go the website of these scientific friends, called, quantum levitation , we read that they make use of the Maglev technology (Magnetic Levitation) used also in another form by the Keshe Foundation and is using super-conduction. They speak about the Meissner effect, flux pinning, flux tubes etc, and have a beautiful diamond energy symbol on their website. Will come back to that later. Now isn't this what Star family speaks always of, the Diamonds, MerKaBah's and Pyramids? See also here: Ruba Messages They speak of Fluxons, also called a Josephson's vortex, so we are already in the field of spiritual science or scientific spirituality here, which ever you prefer, because vortices's are both! Vortex is important to understand traveling through the Universes. Quantum science has wandered into the realms of spirit and spirit has reached out to scientific researchers, to answers about spirit itself now! Let us also not forget the God particle they now search for. But, let us certainly not forget we do not want to go to far with certain stuff, which have our deep con-CERN, as knowing spiritual souls. First one must be spiritual, to wander ethically into other realms! Dear scientists of CERN, take that advice into your hearts deeply! A quantum leap? A quantum is a minimal amount of any physical entity that is involved in or for any interaction. This is the physical theory behind the quantum. The other field that is often forgotten, but often spoken of by Star family, is the field the light quantum, or as we better know it, the photon. I would like for all scientists to embrace both fields more and combine them finally together. The Spiritual field of the light quantum and the physical quantum, or entity. Let us call it: the all-in-one quantum. Now here is where scientists get very sketchy and forget the light quantum's, speak mostly of physical quanta and do not speak of the light realm, photons, particles and quarks even. Before we wander into quarks and hadrons etc, when scientists do not understand light realms or dimensions, we cannot begin to work on stuff like they are doing at the Hadron collider at CERN. Playing with forces of the Universes is not stuff one let's children play with. And yes our scientists are merely children compared to Star family. Do we also let our children play with matches and fire? Do we? Have these scientists talked to Star family on what they are doing? I know not...why because CERN scientists are about too much ego, searching for scientific glory and fame. Be very careful where thou will wonder into. A spiritual and universal law is first and always first, is to ask particles, ions and photons to be used for the good of the Cosmos and Universes. Have these scientist, who do not believe in Source, asked, I ask you all dear Stars? The Diamond shape Back to the Israeli scientists website. Ruba from the Ashtar Command and I have spoken before on the Diamond shape, the Pyramid shape and the Mer Ka Ba field, a fluid like transport field of the soul, in relation to the sacred technology behind and the fields of use it ca be conducted in. On of these fields is of course levitation, like a UFO. The Earth, the Sun or any other magnetic field force, can be harnessed to use as a field of transport, to move one's vessel or ship around. Why do they use the diamond shape, two pyramids hovering magnetically towards each other? A diamond, a sacred spiritual and geometric shape, is prominently used on their website? It is because the two merging pyramid fields as spoken of in Ruba's message, it is similar to the field that is created to the magnetic levitation (=maglev) they use. It is a field of transportation, either in physicality or for the soul (spirit). The Israeli use their sacred David Star energy of course, and feel this too, the Sapphire, gold plated, crystal that is being used, as a UFO like shaped moving object, along the maglev rail. As we spiritual souls, Star BEings know what power and knowledge sacred crystals forms and shapes truly hold. Has science finally begun to listen? Delft, the Netherlands, example two: Now what is lovely to feel is that their is another scientific team, from the Netherlands, are working on shattering one of Einsteins theories. I ask you to read this article, which speak beautifully on spiritual, ahem, matters, and focuses on how two separated particles of entities can do the exact same thing or have the exact same behavior, no matter the distance. Einstein said, this could not be, the Dutch scientists have "proven" by machinery test it IS true, yet, spiritual souls like myself, know this to be true for a very long time and like many spiritual souls through the ages of humanity. We are no doubt very please to see them make this step finally and feel pleased to be "proven" right after a, way overdue, long time. ;)) See the article here: Spooky Action Every action holds a reaction, no matter where one is in the Cosmos, Source always feels it somewhere else too! Remember this one, it is vital. Also know, that is is not a dice like game, as Einstein refers it, but in truth it is in divine order of Source being played (out)! Again these Dutch scientists used Diamonds to ahem, "entangle", This article speaks of the following, being "discovered": "....the existence of an odd world formed by a fabric of subatomic particles, where matter does not take form until it is observed and time runs backward as well as forward..." and that "....Now we have confirmed that there is spooky action at distance..." Their breakthrough is this one: "...that objects separated by great distance can instantaneously affect each other’s behavior..." Now how spiritual is that statement, I ask you all? This is the the affirmation of the inner heart to inner heart action, the ripple we can all do, to affect anything, no matter what the distance IS. Because ALL is connected, there is no distance, when we use the inner heart's sacred space. This simply means that they have worked the field of zero point and of no-time, which is found right inside your heart, connected to Source. Source speaking to science in these times This all simply means that Source is reaching out to scientific community now to enforce its connection to it, so they may also know what is out there...and IN there. ;)) Furthermore Source wishes to state this, which I received a while back: "...There is another source of INcome, than income...let it BE thy new life-Source" I wish to add to this that I don not wish to induce fear into what scientists are doing, but merely wish to help them understand that not all knowledge acquired by them, is sacred and can be also harmful. Especially when one wanders into fields of splitting up particles or colliding particles, it is better to wander into fields of merging and combined with loving unifying. Look at the mess we make of nuclear power, harmful and dangerous. Fukushima is still not solved, yet, we know that crystals will heal that situation. Some forces applied and discovered may in the end become a danger to humanity itself. Time to go pure and clean, without harming Mother Earth. With that being said, I also know that Source works for ways to reach out to science a distance. ;)) And with that being said also know that free energy is coming: Fee energy I love you all, Be save... PS: An old vid from 2011, but still beautiful to watch, as sacred geometry and Temples are not only physical. Felt connected for the Israel scientists to feel into... Live long...and prosper! It is magnetic and magic! Oh yeah, one more thing, please let us not forget the put our loving In-tent-IONs, of our heart energy, into water :)) It only makes up for 60%, or more, of our physical bodies ;)) Enjoy this vid too...learn, observe and transform thyself! Namaste |
AuthorI am Bareld Nijboer, author of this website and IN here you read about my thoughts, my heart, my inner feelings and sharing healing and more music, also deep vibrational stuff with you ALL...please feel into Love! Archives
January 2024
Until one has unconditional and unbiased love for all beings, man-kind will not find peace...let mankind become kind-man...and women! |