Bareld's Lovehug blog
How does the 4 become a 5? And what about the number 20? Dear Stars, It’s been a while since I have posted, this is because I am taken on a study at present and also because I have been doing vacation and some Light work for the Venusians, in cooperation with the AC and the Arcturians, in between the busy schedules I am in. Also the usual 3D Earth matters are quite busy at times… Today I would like to speak of some of the things I have been busy with. So a short update. For those who do not know the three main Temples of Sacred Geometry on Earth, the three main Temples are being awakened again and will be RE-opened for new incoming energies. You know, in many ages on this Earth, I have been working with the Sun and its energies and know all about its knowledge and why it IS, as it IS. The world is changing, as the new is unfolding and nothing can alter this course. When you understand the Sun, you understand the Father, the Mother and the Child, which in masculine energies of old, was called the Son, in even older ages, of feminine and sometimes called the Daughter. Dear friends, just know, we are all Children of the Sun and every other Star in the Cosmos. Their uncountable species and energies are beyond the capability of the human minds to fathom, but easily received by the human inner or metaphysical heart. The inner Sun, which we all are and have, shines less or more brightly within each of us, depending on the evolution we all have gone through spiritually and what we have done to balance our selves. First a little introduction of sacred truth of the Cosmos, introducing a Universal knowing. A “Law” long forgotten by Earthlings, let alone, of it being carried out by them, or truly followed. Many have come here again to give it again, in 3D forms and ways, only a few poses its true knowledge. All goals however lead to this one truth, the “Law” of Oneness, also called, Law of Ra. The Knowledge of Ra The real knowledge of Ra consists of the knowing of Oneness and of the Circle of Oneness, the flow of Love from Source and the frequency it carries from Star to Star. The Light bulb connection, arching and spiraling forward to the next Star. This means there is no separation of us, of anything, therefore nothing, at all. Division comes from lower forms, lower dimensions such as 3D, which dissect this knowledge into other geometrical forms and shapes of existence. Law of Oneness connects it all. Truth is, that all is One and Source IS this Oneness, for we all have that spark of Source within us, weather we are in denial of it, or not. It IS what binds all and holds the Cosmos together. Every connection of Life it touches, it simply IS and always was. It never ceases to exist, no original spark created it, it always was there already. No exception to this Law. This is the Law of One (-ness). Ra, our Sun, merely expresses it. Ra, our Sun, or any other Star, is a representation of this Oneness and the circle of all around it, which it touches, is sparked with Source knowledge and knowing, a mini version of Source. The Egg and the Spiraled Rose are one. Every dimension is touched by this. Every layer feels this, within. Every existence within each layer feels a part of this Oneness. Every sentient being (which are countless) can feel this knowing within. It is natural, as Love is Life and the Life is Love frequency, given from Source, IN Light, throughout the entire cosmos. The frequency of One. (Overtone Neutral Essence) In lower densities we will have tendencies to see and feel half truths, part truths, of this Oneness flow, especially in 2D or 3D where polarized energies tend to dissect all things of Life and the Love frequency of Oneness. I will speak on this more in the future, within a forthcoming eBook. The Three main Energy Temples of Earth. On Earth there are three main Temples which hold and give through three main energies of Life for Mother Earth and her beings there upon. All three have the main engines for the energies at hand. When the engines are toned to the right frequencies, the whole of Earth will feel this upgrade. And no, 3D energies have no effect on these energies, nor will one feel these energies at such layer (if one would research it at such level). Giza, a combined project of many Species, but blueprinted by Sirius A council. Teotihuacan, a Venusian project Yonaguni, from ancient Pan…currently connected to the country known as, Japan, near Taiwan, from ancient Mu instigated. Now in the month of late April and beginning of May I have been working on the energies of the pyramid of Teotihuacan, more precise the Temple of the Sun. I connected back into my Venusian life, where I was once called Kolmek and flower the Sun spiral knowledge, or Butterfly knowledge. I preformed some rituals and energies connected to this pyramid, especially Sun rituals, while deeply in a spiritual traveling stage of being there, but of which I cannot disclose much more here. The Toltec’s and later also the Aztecs, who adopted the Venusian knowledge partly, were more knowing in the Venusian knowledge of the Butterfly speech, or to be more precise the speech of the Butterfly tongue, the spiraled feather, or as the Toltec’s or even Mayans translated it, the feathered serpent. The Teotihuacan people knew this speech. To hear what no ear has ever heard… This speech is the wisdom of the spiral, the Rose way or the heavenly pathways coming from our Sun’s core, or every other Star’s core, directed and received into our higher heart. This in fact means the Rose flowered pathways that I have explained about in my previous blog posts. Words / energy, speak through such channels, Tesla knew this too, but, ahem, spiraled it differently... That is another story. This Venus knowledge I will speak more on later in this blog post. Let us pool it a bit for now. Earth, Egypt, Sirius and the Sothic cycle Each spiral (light spirals/frequencies of a Star) and each light bulb (a Star) is connected to each other, as family is never apart. Sirius and her sister Earth (Ra) have a unique bond, which is connected with the number 4, or as me and my Twin Soul have always stated, four is Love. It is connected to the unique connection of Earth and Sirius; the Sothic cycle represents its number: The number 4. It is also found it the Heart Infinity flower, with its four petals. See on Joanna’s website for this. This number represents the four winds or four directional flow of the infinity flower. This sacred knowledge is also connected to the Christed energy. Jesus, which we knew and know as the Christed One was and IS connected to the heart and inner heart. This unique connection makes the two Star systems very closely linked in energy and IS therefore a family bond. Also the Sirius B souls, the humanoids, have a strong bond to Earth, an ancient Mars colony and still to the Venusians, which the Sirius B factions once inhabited their surface and on Earth once did too. Now Earthlings are bit different in appearance, more closely looking like the Pleiadeans. How do cycles, pathways and circles converge? What is the Sothic cycle? Each year around the 20th of July the heliacal rising of Sirius was celebrated by the Egyptians for a profound and grounded reason. The remembrance of this ancient Sirius / Ra connection was held on to, for it was the Sirius souls who gave it to them to remember. Why? The Sothic cycle and its number IS connected to the heart and most importantly, the metaphysical heart, or ib (or ab) as the Egyptians used to call it. It is important, for it holds the seat of our souls, which is connected always to Source. Ergo, Source resides within thy heart, where within IS thy soul. Then Life IS, Love IS. The number four is connected to the infinite heart cycle the 2x2 petal-ed flowers, as each petal is a cycle, either being masculine or feminine energy. Anyone on this Earth that claims the soul might reside anywhere else than the heart, is a false messenger. This may sounds a bit polarizing, but I only speak from truth and nowhere else, so I will state it very clearly. So it is your own choice if you take this truth in polarized energy (way), or not. The heart and inner (metaphysical) heart is the place of truth. As the Egyptians would state it, of Ma’at. Truth is Light, as a feather. They would say it is a just place or space to reside in, the lightest space to BE. The number 4 is a natural number, a cosmic number, for this unique connection, for it occurs from the Sirius A Gate, which we Lion Beings (with remembrance of being a Lion) on Earth still call the Lion’s Gate (NB: this is not the same as the astrological assignation of the Lion’s Gate, when the Sun is in the astrological sign of Leo) and the Gate of Ra. Both Light portals and gateways are connected. The rising of each system and especially its main Light bulbs, called Sun’s, are different in projection to the horizon, or equator, of the celestial sky. The wobbling of this equator is put in clear numbers because of the reading and mapping of this difference in the rising due to this equatorial wobble, of our Sun and the rising of Cyon (Sothis, or Sirius A) and the Star rising before Cyon, called pro-Cyon Alpha, Canis Minoris, in the system of Canis Minor, as the Greeks would later explain it. Procyon A would rise just some time ahead of Sirius A, so this gave Egyptians a good sign the Sothic rising was about to happen. Names for Sirius A: Greek = Sothis or Cyon Egyptian = Sopdet I am not going to explain the whole Sothic cycle, for those interested in more detailed explanatory, read here: Sothic cycle The importance of it IS, that it is called the Sothic year, or the true time, between Sirius and Earth. The 1460 year cycle was important also for numerology, for it gave us the number of 4, which is love and connected to the heart flow. Jesus knew this too. For 1460 years / 365 years = 4 There is however a ¼ difference between the Egyptian Sothic year and the civil or old Julian year, which is 365, 25 days long, ergo, 1461 would make a Sothic cycle in Julian terms. In Egyptian years, it would be 1460 year, making an Egyptian year 365 days. This would be around ¼ every year, making its complete cycle every 4 years, to meet with the Julian year. On July 19 this Dawning of Sirius A began and fully emerged at 20 July. Now there was no coincidence of me traveling to my Twin Soul this year at this date of 20 July 2015. ;)) That is why I always say: 4 is Love, Love is Life, Life is Love. Heart knowledge and Butterfly (Higher heart or Rose) knowledge. What about 72, Thoth, the masculine energies of birth… and the feminine Ovulation energies and cycle? Next I will speak about Sirius, the triangle of Sirius and Thoth (= Ashtar) and his knowledge from Sirius B, as a Humanoid Sirian, bringing this with him into Atlantean times and his Thoth times. When we look upon a true Sirius triangle it has three angles inside it, two of 72 degrees and one of 36, the apex energy. These numbers are very important to understand Sirius energies and Thoth or Hermetic knowledge. Below is displayed the Sirius triangle: The Word or energies came from the Sirius Gateway from the 36 decans (coming from Greek), or phases, which make up the Hermian Zodiac. Egyptians knew this from ancient Thoth calculations. The Zodiac has a total of 36 decans. Each sign of the zodiac has a triplet of decans, dividing the sign into three sacred energies. As the Bible also shows that the number ten is a sacred number, these decans, or tens are the main element of the number 30 or 30 degrees, which make up 3 decans of 10 degrees. A decan is a new phase in the Zodiac, or one could say, the appearance of a new Star cluster. The circle of 36 ten degree portions, making it a total of 360 degrees. Egyptians called the decans, bakiu. In The Book of Nut, the Goddess of whom I have spoken before, contains some ancient sacred knowledge of the The Fundamentals of the Course of the Stars. See picture below of an example of a Hermian Zodiac. There were 36 decans (36 X 10 = 360 days), plus 5 added days to compose the 365 days of a solar based year. Decans measure sidereal year and the solar year is 6 hours longer; the Sothic and solar years in the Egyptian calendar realign every 1460 years. Every ten days, a new decanic star group reappears in the eastern sky at dawn right before the Sun rises, after a period of being obscured by the Sun's light), the ancient Greeks called them dekanoi (pl. of dekanos) or "tenths". Three decans are assigned to each zodiacal sign, each covering 10° of the zodiac, and each ruled by a planetary ruler; and correlated with astrological signs. Egyptian creation myth: In the Egyptian creation myth it is Thoth who wins a 72nd of each day of the year from the Moon in a game of draughts, as a favor to Nut, the Sky Goddess. He uses these portions to make five intercalary days on which the remaining Gods and Goddesses are born. Of course this connects it all again to the Sothic cycles and Sirius. So what does this all mean? You will soon see. Birth and rebirth, cycles and time! Or as Kolmek would say: Hanab ti. Masculine and Feminine energies now, to be more precise, the energies of the male and female body! Made up from our DNA energies… or more precisely, RNA, where my Twin Soul will speak more on soon. So I feel it is Time to speak more deeply about the birthing process of humans. Yes, sex. To be more precise: the pregnancy cycle. Normally, the cycle is a 28 day cycle, which connects the female cycle to the Moon, see here: 13 Moon Just remember here Thoth creations words on the Moon. During the 14th day after a period, the ovum is released. This process is called ovulation and the days 12 to 16 days after a period are said to be a women’s most fertile period. Again, I feel here to recall you all to the number 4, as seen in these 4 days. The first day of a period is considered as day 1. Usually on day 14, the egg is released and is waiting for the sperm to fertilize it. The egg has a lifespan of just 12 to 24 hours whereas a sperm can last for about 72 hours in a woman. Feel Thoth here again. Or do especially feel the trinitized energies of Source within the Sirius triangle. So to have sex on day 12 to 16 is important as it is the time that a woman has the highest chances for pregnancy. As 4 is Love. Love is Life. Life is Love. Love divine. So next time you feel like making a child from love together, feel into these numbers and use your deepest love inside your heart for creation. The knowledge passed on to Egyptians and Venusians was vast and deep. Venus, for those who have ears to hear How do 4 become 5? Earlier on I spoke about the Venusian and Toltec knowledge, the Butterfly “warriors”, the language of the pathways of the higher heart. The four directions or winds were the way of these warriors of love, for they knew the number 4 was of love. The number 5 is the extra dimension or sense of hearing which became a prominent energy with Venusians. The Voice of Source, the Word heard, through the spirals of the Stars, or Suns. Venus Butterfly Star glyph Butterfly and its tongue The cycles I spoke of are related to the commencing of the energies through time and its spinning around certain local systems but ultimately for this galaxy, spinning around the central point of this galaxy, which the ancient Venusians called Hanab ti. Or the great loved one. In Kolmek’s words I heard him say it like this: “Suraya smiles upon the central pathway, the opening of the Galaxy” When I connected to Kolmek, he spoke about the fact that any central point is in fact Hanab ti, no matter how big or small it is, but the Venusians found the central point in our galaxy as a measure point of time, for our solar system. This means their time and scale of it, was totally different. Suraya in Venusian means the Sun. The Hanab ti (or great loved one) knowledge became later known as Hunab Ku by the major Central American native tribes, such as Mayans, Aztec or Toltec’s. This central measuring point is a marker for time and energies, movements, when they happen in a certain space or spiral of what we would call time and measurement. Time depends on where one views or centralizes it from, therefore time in Essence, as its own, does not exist as an entity, for it needs always a base to start from. When we focus it from a certain central point, it becomes existent, like say, the Sothic cycle; based from Sirius and Suraya as it central focus or even the Mayan wheels of time, and connected also to the number 20 and 8, which are interlinked to the Moon cycle again, therefore it is inevitable that it is connected to the All, or Source. Love is always the main energy of Source, not time or linear stuff as we perceive it on Earth, Love thrives the entire Cosmos, because Source IS Love. The ear spiral and the House of Hearing: The human hearing range is confined between two frequencies and not beyond those. Unless you train yourself to hear without your ears. ;)) So I will speak below more on the House of Hearing, of which we all poses, as human beings, the normal hearing, a portion of the complete House and then I will speak on the frequencies of higher language of the telepathic kind. The human ear, or more importantly, the cochlea, a spiraled snail house formed like membrane area, flows in sinus waves, entering there the fluidly tubes of our hearing, flowing through the cochlea nerve which goes all the way up and transformed into electrical or energy signals and ultimately flows through and is translated in our thalamus area of our brains, the primary auditory cortex! This is important to remember for I will speak on this later. The three sections of our ear, outer, middle and inner ear: The brain computer like interpreting area: In human, the primary auditory cortex (3) is located in the temporal area (2) within the lateral sulcus (1).
The normal hearing range of humans is limited between the frequencies of 2 – 5 kHz. The ear canal amplifies sounds that are between 3 and 12 kHz. The number 5 can be connected to this normal hearing of 5kHz, but also be connected to 5th dimensional hearing of the within. The transceiver area, or also called, the thalamus area: For those initiated into hearing within or telepathy, there is training in hearing with the white lotus, situated near the thalamus area and also connected to our pineal area. All auditory afferents synapse in the cochlear nuclei and in the thalamus. Now the pineal is connected more to the sight energy and the thalamus is more connected to the hearing energy and balance of things. If you work with your white lotus and thalamus you are able to hear more inner hearing, or inaudible sounds. Now an important note I will make here, for if you do not use your heart center in all energetic things you do, you will not be able to accomplish anything. Always work and connect from your heart and in this case more from the higher heart chakra! Rose energies and the House of hearing Those in resonance with the higher heart chakra and the Rose energies know of the spiral and of the hearing within. There are many inaudible resonances (sometimes in tech land called infrasound resonance) but by spiritual listeners recognized as inner hearing. The thalamus and the higher heart work together at opening this possibility. I will ask for you all to do this short mediation: Breath in softly, as you would normally do while meditating, feel these breaths, as you flow from your heart to feel. Keep doing this until you feel entirely still inside and are ready Inside, to listen. Next envision on your higher heart chakra a big pink Rose, which opens slowly, until it is folded open fully. Feel from that place flow a pink ray flow up accompanied by golden Butterflies, up to your white lotus, connected with your thalamus area, feel then to open that too. Ask for guidance from Lady N (=Mary Magdalene) who is connected to this higher heart chakra. Listen, listen and listen…to what your ear has not heard before. Practice this calmly and slowly, for as often as you need. Venus and the knowledge of the Venusians Pyramids, the Rose and Water The Priests of Teotihuacan used squares, filled with water, the measure and calculate the Stars and their movements. This enabled them to research the ways of the “Gods”. The water squares, were used as mirrors, to watch the sky projected into the water. Like a computer screen. This came from ancient Venusians knowledge, which was handed down to and via the Teotihuacan people, the Butterfly “warriors”, much later connected to the traditions of the Toltec’s. This gives one a sense of their nature, not fierce warriors, but with a very light touch. When I opened up to see into Venusian times I saw many square pools filled with water, resonating with small pyramids. The Venusians were highly technological and deeply wise into Star wisdom, but connected with a deep sense of spiritual insight needed for true interpreting of the signs of Stars, planets, moons and their cycles. This is something the Central American native tribes learned from their lessons given. There were more teaching Star family for Central American tribes, but I came here today to give you a Venusians, or more specific, a Kolmek insight. I thank you for reading, from my southern home of Perth; I send you love and light. We will both soon speak of what happened here. Walk in Light, connected to Hanab ti, wherever you BE, A dia du, an a sia du, Namaste
AuthorI am Bareld Nijboer, author of this website and IN here you read about my thoughts, my heart, my inner feelings and sharing healing and more music, also deep vibrational stuff with you ALL...please feel into Love! Archives
January 2024
Until one has unconditional and unbiased love for all beings, man-kind will not find peace...let mankind become kind-man...and women! |