Bareld's Lovehug blog
A message from the Fornax system Dear Heart-Stars, dear Stars, This blog post will be a little follow up on the previous energies of the 3-6-9 sequences flow, of the trinity of trinities, and today we will speak of another Universally known flow. When we look into the world and the state of it today we feel a lot of worried hearts and emotions of fear underlying these worries. Around me I hear a lot souls speaking about. This is in normal 3D boundaries the flow most tend to still go into. Today we wish to call upon your hearts to change your energy and away from these worries. Let your low fear and worry energies not enhance into the overall flow. From the higher side of things let your worries go and flow into a state of Joy. Let worries slide of your shoulders, for they are always unnecessary.Why we say this is because of the following energies we received from the Fornaxians and their Star system. Most of you have heard of the Flower of Life and all the energies it contains and the sacred geometric patterns that belong to it. The ancient symbol was already found and a very ancient building called Osireion, at Abydos, in Egypt. This is a picture of it on the Osireion walls. Many of the known symbols and patterns are known to all, like the platonic solids and the Flower of Life etc, like below. Below here you can see four of these known essential patterns and energies of Source. On this day we wish to speak of a higher energy we can give the energies that we have been presented with in this time-frame on Earth, and that is the energies of Joy. This connects us directly to the energies of the 7th dimension of Joy, Enjoyment, Forgiveness and Contentment. The Fornaxian gift I was present was shown to me by two souls dear to me now. This is of course, first, my Twin Flame Tee'nah,who is also my soul, who showed it to me on 06-09-2016 already and gave this a very feminine explanation, as the symbol had a feminine eye in it. The energies of Joy flow again IN, from a deep Universal feminine energy. The second soul who gave me the explanations with these Fornaxian info, was my friend Rochak, who is aboard our lovely Lightship the Mythia. Now, Rochak is very known among the Ruatians, where he is called by the Master title, Ala'an. Ala'an is called by the Ruatians, the Decipherer, and knows all the codes there are in the Universe. He always reminds me of Thoth a bit, when it comes to sacred geometry and numbers. On this sacred complementing energy he gave me the following words, at first glance: "...Walk in Joy my friend, it will uplift the Heart and the Soul, for everything given must be taken in Joy!... " Next I got a lovely message from Tee'nah as I was struggling with some news facts, bad non-loving politics, I was given a more calming message on 4 November 2016, which I will share today, for it is meant for us all to feel Joy again, not just me. Awaken your Joy! Tee'nah called it: Mysteries "..Speak the Truth, Walk the Truth... Learn the Silence, Hold the Breath, Teach the Heart, Make the Way, Feel the Union, More IS YOU! ... Darling Bee, I love you, be silent, don't react, respond in silence, until the Awakening... Respond in hearing, like a warm bed of love, need nothing, walk in the Ai, go withIN, now and always... Bi Lenda atcharah E'len Miratar Atuar me du Per A Ni Me tu da atselar These words mean: The Story of the Mysterious E'len We watch the Sky afar from you The House is driven by Love's Hug. This language is given is from the language called, Kroshah Badi, language of the Fornaxians, closely connected to Sirius B humanoids language, anciently. The Len is a way of Joyeous Love. The Len only Joys ; Live in the Joy of Len Walk as a Fornaxian again Enjoy...breath as they do, do more breathing...* L'enjoy... (Tee'nah laughs here...) Love is Life T ..." * = To explain the breathing here a bit. The Fornaxians live in a airy and moist environment, meaning the combined the air with the water, meaning to breath the air and the energy particles of light softly with Joy into our watery bodies... As Fornaxian have yellowish pigmented skins, with a purple cheeked flair on their cheeks...I love these colors on their faces. This was the Symbol given to me on 06-09-2016 by Tee'nah, with the Feminine eye Joy flows within the Feminine Universal energies again, I made a very first simple sketch of it of what she showed me from our Twin Flame data banks: The mysterious E'len given by Tee'nah Now who was this being E'len and what was its message... The above symbol given by Tee'nah is found in the sacred Flower of Life and relates to a feminine flow. Just find it in the Flower of Life. After this symbol, which I needed to feel into first again, I let it all settle for a while because so many sacred tasks happened in between, which we performed with the Mythia and other Lightships. After two months I began two feel more into this again, as Tee'nah came up with new images and visions of this sacred energy. Joy is a powerful energy which can be used in many situations. Also the energies in which we spoke of in the last blog-post would come up again , of the 3-6-9, and the sacred four is love wave is in this interwoven. Also the sacred connection between our own Flame and the Flame of Jo&Ashura, made complete sense, when more deeply understanding the flow of Len. Crystal aboard the Mythia On April 9, 2016, Tee'nah had already spoken to my Raiba higher self before, about one of our sacred crystals aboard the Mythia, called Crystal of Ba'di'n (also called Badien, or Badian), and this crystal helped me then to do a sacred soul recalling, recognition, and remembering meditation. centered in our meditation room aboard the Mythia. This Crystal connected me then already back to a Star system that I saw starting with the three letters For... and then some more letters, which I did not see at that time, so when Ala'an spoke to me on Fornax and the Len meditation of that time, suddenly this also settled in nicely. The Crystal is of Ba'di'n is a Crystal we carry inside our Lightship Mythia. It was found by Ala'an and his sacred followers, who came from the Fornax system, and were also on a sacred journey in the Hyades system, where me and Tee'nah also once found the Irialin Crystal, when we were in our Pleiadean bodies, that was then brought to Sirius A for safe keeping. For more on this get our first e-book on the Sacred Numbers of the Angels, so read on it here. We are still writing our Twin Flame e-book which will describe our journey there in prefect details. That will be out somewhere this year hopefully too. Ala'an spoke of his own ancient story to me/Raiba, in the fact that he is known in Fornax as E'len. Ala'an is a higher form of all his energies and aspects. Rochak is also one of his aspects, he often uses aboard the Mythia, which is a bird being energy. He brought the Crystal of Ba'di'n to the Fornax Star system, to the Fornaxians, like humans are the Children of Ra, or children of the Sun, so are the Fornaxians children of their Star system, and they are Joyful beings, because they follow the Joy energy or energy of Len, through this Crystal of Ba'di'n. Their skin is beige, to yellow, with a purple wave on their cheeks, highly connected to a damp and moist airy environment. The planet that E'len found this Crystal had also an ancient Well, with Stones encircled around them, an sacred geometry woven into it. This is well seen throughout the Hyades system. Also the planet where we found Irialin had caves filled with wells, pools and underground rivers and we also found that Crystal within a Well. More on that in the coming e-book. Ala'an speaks to me on the Len: "...Many seek Light, many seek sadly also darkness, yet, the union of the spaces, is a bartered space. When seeking light, turn to (en-)lightened ones, when seeking less brightness turn to souls that dim the brightness, if it is unbearable for you to hold. Fleece the flow if you must. The Light of E'len is the light of the Four flow, from the Light sought by four beings, or four souls. The energy of Four is Love is always used, for the sacred space given in the in-between is the space of Len. Len, a being of the Source-kind, has given me it's older aspect name. I know all its digits, geometry and energies. Len is also known in other systems as Majulen, Majurulen, Mu'len and of course E'len. All these names come from the Being Len, and all these names come from similar flows of Joy, connecting to Len, the Joyous Space, each name coming from different star systems. The Being of Len is therefore known in different Star systems. Four is Love When Four souls connect to Len, the space of Len, we will see/feel, that their connecting comes firstly from their own four Heart Stars, but when united in the shared space, creating a fifth energy alignment, a new circle of Light, the space of Len, which is of a Joy energy and also similarly related to what is called a Pentawave energy, an alpha wave energy will emerge between these four souls, creating a fifth. We will show you the symmetry ans sequences of the Len energy, connected to the two, four, three, six and nine sequence. The latter three are called the sacred trinity of trinities, the unified trinity energies combined, weather they stream from a source-like being, like Len, Pu, Mu, Yahweh, Da'rthu, or directly from Source itself, or even a Twin Flame trinity energy, emerging from Twin Flames. The sound of Ee, or Ii, is known through many Star Systems. Sound your voices and meditate in groups of Two, Four, or groups of Three. Use the energies of the trinity (groups of three) and of the four (Len energies). Feel all the sequences flowing through it. 3-6-9, four is love and Source's holy trinity. We will show the geometries to you..." Next I was shown a set of geometric patterns belonging to this by Ala'an...which will be seen more below. The Joy of Len can be used in flows of Four and multiplications of 4, like 8, 12, 16 etc... It can also be created by two souls meditating, creating a number three energy of Joy. So settings of 2, 4, 8, 12, 16 souls/people, will be creating the energy. :)) Also souls of 3, 6 and 9 can flow harmonically with this, and their multiplications, as we have shown in the last blog post and the e-book. The use of of Len must be unconditional and free in the love giving/sending, for Joy is an energy that is to be shared in a Four is Love way, unconditionally. Tee'nah came back to me firstly with this image of the Len in October 2016. The Circles represent four souls and their centers is their heart stars, in connection as souls. The green drawn energetic space in between is called: Len Ala'an gave me these sacred geometries belong to the Len, for you all to feel into. you will see all sequences we spoke of, flow back into the framework. First the Four souls connecting as One. Some patterns within it start to emerge How to meditate with this? This is how the flow is created: ... by going Inner Heart (or IH) and connecting together in a two, four, or eight way of energies. In doing the connections, feel four souls connecting in love and in doing so creating Joy and Happiness together. Do this by rippling outward from your own hearts temple and flow it towards the other three souls and the temples of the heart. The rippling effect will create a new geometric shape in the middle, called, Len's geometric shape. Synchronize these four ripples as one. This is how you will sit, when doing this, or when you are physically not together, create this space and visualize this energy inside your hearts. Face each other, like a heart infinity flower. Like this simple diagram and picture below, but then four souls meditating, not holding hands, and flow freely from your hearts. Sit in a crossed position with only one soul in front of you, like he, or she will face you, and also the other two souls facing each other. Ripple out from your hearts temple and feel the fifth emerge in the space in between...feel what will happen. remain feeling joyful and keep sending this outward... As the Len begins to form, we will also flow now, from the fifth, the energies of 3, 6 and 9, which will emerge. For two souls connecting, just face each other and create the form of the three, like this, in the sacred space of Len, or Joy. The two will create a third circle of Joy. This is not the same as the Twin Flame trinity energy, but it will create a third circle of Joy and Happiness. :)) Next the six...six souls working in one Len...but, can also create 3 Len's... And even the 9 spiral...the spiral of 9 souls will create 3 or 6 Len's... or One Len, as seen below. As you may already have guessed, the difference between all these sequences is the strength of the Joy being created. The more souls, the more powerful the the energy of Joy, the bigger the energy of Len. Joy is a wonderful energy, also the the Cetian beings are well familiar with, especially the Dolphin species and Fornaxians are family with Sirius B humanoids and Cetians, called Cetaceans here on Earth, or aquatic mammals. On Sirius B and C mixes of these two emerged, known still on Earth (from soul memories) as Mermaids people or other mixes. Fornaxians are a mix of the Star family from the Whales constellation, Cetus, where we have spoken of before too and Sirius B and C mixed races. Also this, Fornax is also connected to Eridanus Star Family. Len can also be voiced, via the throat chakra, but more on that in future. The next thing we will speak of in this Len energy is the the Four Eye's also watching an flowing as One Eye and Space. It is represented in this picture. As you will see it holds many energies (crosses, triangles, bows, diamonds, rhombus', cubes, circles), but the Len and Joy geometry is in its Center. The Last thing we wish to speak about is the energy of Spring. For most people Spring means the first Sun rays beginning to shine again after a long winter season. Spring is one of the Four seasons, but I feel most will agree when I say it brings a huge Joy to feel the new seasons of Light begin again, to warm our bodies. It is this type of energy that Len brings. It happens to be so that the Dutch word Lente, or Len-te, has the meaning of Spring time. This is very significant, for it to be connected to a season which brings so much Joy to our bodies and feelings, isn't it? ;)) As we have spoken of the Four is Love flower before, the Heart Infinity Flower, this Len energy comes from the Heart Infinity Flower flow, creating Joy and Youth! This is the HI Flower, shown below. The Flower is created from Four evenly made circles, also it has four rhombus'around each petal. Read for that our previous blog post again, for the 9 is prominent as the everlasting spiral. You will feel the 9 and the 16 in this again. The Dutch word Lente, I looked up in the dictionary today, to really see what it means. it means many things, like a boys or a girls name (feel the togetherness flow of masculine and feminine we spoke of) and it is the name of the first season of the year.
It also means this: youth, young-hood.... and youth of your Life, where Flowering is hugely connected to! So youth and flowers! That is a huge coincidence right? Or, are there no coincidences in Life, ha ha. ;)) And what does Easter have to do with it, or as the English say, to lent...for being clean and clear IN-side is essential to be able to work from your inner heart in this meditation. Germans call it Lenz. Easter, Pentecost and lent(e) are such old season names and cleansing rituals come to the fore, which are part of being clearing, and so cleansing rituals are prominent in this time and season of the year, which consists of 4 seasons. Yes, Four is Love. March is the time of Lente...of Joy and RE-Joy. And we are entering this time of year again soon... Lente also means the lengthening of the Days, the growing of the Light of the Sun in the days. So, we advice by doing it in Fours, you will create Joy, with a clean and clear inner heart! How do 4 become 5...dear Star friends, Venus is on the Rise...Love IS. Give Joy wherever you go, in whatever you do and whatever you Say, or Speak. Wise and owl souls will always speak in Joy, to flow happy energies, with harmony in heart. It will bring you into the sixth and all the way up into the ninth...eventually. ;)) In love and joy we have brought this to you, or, as my Tee'nah would say: L'enjoy! Namasté, B&T
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AuthorI am Bareld Nijboer, author of this website and IN here you read about my thoughts, my heart, my inner feelings and sharing healing and more music, also deep vibrational stuff with you ALL...please feel into Love! Archives
January 2024
Until one has unconditional and unbiased love for all beings, man-kind will not find peace...let mankind become kind-man...and women! |