Bareld's Lovehug blog
Hello 2020!Hello sweet Heart-Stars, I know, I know, it has been a while, for those knowing and following my website and blog. Life has a lot of surprises and sometimes unfortunate ones happen. Let's just say, without going into this too deep, that last quarter of 2017 and the whole of 2018 were a very difficult 1,5 years, but also deeply informative and transformative. As the year 2017 stood for a number 10 and 1, a beginning and ending, which proofed to be quite true, the 2018 year, and a number 11, or 2, was very polarizing (read: confronting) year, for most people/souls I know, including myself. Old energies came to the surface. We now have come into a new year 2020, with new energies, from a trinitized year (2019) where the number 3 gives us deeply merging new energies to make use of. So I will start slowly with reorganizing the website some more and flow in the new stuff and get you up to date on what we will be flowing into with this year. Love is whole, Life in 3D is sometimes fragile, but Life as a Whole is beautiful and fullfilling, surprising to say the least. In 2019 most people struggled in processing older inner energies coming forth, but the upgrades and inputs in DNA and energy levels within our human bodies gave us all the oppertunity to process them in the right Light and in the dawning of the energies of 2020, the year where first Light wil awaken en new things will start to be seen. In 2019 we did some important tasks with Starfamily, in important energy places and places in need of changes, for the whole of things, be it in the current, the now, the past or the future, and there was also lots of processing on the Self and the reasons of returning to innocense. In the year 2019 I was quite active on Twitter and Instagram, instead of this basic Lovespot and website Lovehug, and helped many souls personally throughout 2018 and 2019! So many were in need of guidance and support, and I am glad I did such work, very informative and highly teaching for myself as well. I taught many souls and friends the energies of the Ho'o Pono Pono, see picture below. Deeply healing and renewing. For those wanting to contact me use this link to email me, for any questions you may have: Bareld Love and Peace to you In 2020 the revealing will start and the layers will open up a bit and more of Earth will start to notice new "happenings", with their bare eyes or with a renewed higher sensing and knowing. The messages Starfamily gave last year were deeply needed and true. Lots came to be and lots was broken from "still waters", to be moved. This moving will flow into a roll in 2020, and onward toward 2021 and more so to 2030! Will end this first blog with wishing you all a happy 2020, with new adventures to delve into and some memories of the energies of 2017, 2018 and pictures below. You are a Star! Namaste
AuthorI am Bareld Nijboer, author of this website and IN here you read about my thoughts, my heart, my inner feelings and sharing healing and more music, also deep vibrational stuff with you ALL...please feel into Love! Archives
January 2024
Until one has unconditional and unbiased love for all beings, man-kind will not find peace...let mankind become kind-man...and women! |