Bareld's Lovehug blog
The Sunflower mass meditations and the Crop Circle of the SunflowerDear Stars, Dear Hearts, This morning, on the 11th of June, I got reminded to give you all an update on the meditations we did around full Moon, on the 4th of June. They reminded me of this at 11:11, on the 11th. See picture of today, as I started writing this on the 11th of June, on our kitchen clock. A harmonious 6th, in crystalline hexagonal form, and this will come up much in this blog post, as we enter a time where we all may touch or get in touch with our 6th and 7th dimensional friends and 6th/7th dimensional selves. Now before saying this, you cannot go there, if you do not know 4th or 5th dimension. So if you have not done your work, star doing that first. Spiritual knowledge those not come without doing the work. We all need a discipline in that, daily. It’s like doing regular yoga, or physical workouts, to keep yourself in shape. I wish to speak on the cleansing we did for the children first, later we will heal the animals as well. First we will speak on the negative energies concerning children and how it must be uplifted from our mass consciousness. This weight feels heavy and must be dissipated from our consciousness. All souls involved in this negative flow should considered themselves warned. It’s time to stop and get a more enlightened “hobby”. We did a first step, which was powerful, but more fine-tuning will follow. And we will heal the hurts of animals in there too, think into our mass consumptions in that as well, not to mention other negative stuff. To go in the up again and not focus on these energies, we will speak of the confirmations we got from JIS, Sai Baba, and Ashtar with many of our Star family showing an important crop circle. As these messages were strong and powerful. I will help try to translate and interpret them for you all. In the meditations In the meditations, I did a small one on Saturday and a strong powerful one on Sunday, I provided all souls, or let’s say, I send out to all souls a powerful Sunflower, to give to the children who were in need of renewed Star Light in their hearts and souls! So I sent these flowers to all souls on Earth, especially meant for those who were praying and doing meditations with us. Each flower may have been slightly different, according to each soul’s intent of giving. That’s all perfectly normal. I hope you all did that giving with your soul Star’s intent of Highest, Purest Love! So on Saturday the giving of the Sunflowers and on Sunday a huge powerful unblocking of the dark energies around children to bust them free from certain chains. These energies will be picked up by those around them or people around those people, these circles will be touched. Action will come forth from that. I will not share my own full meditation, because of time purposes and also I wish you all to just trust it was powerful, and because the main message today are the aftermath messages and crop circle interpretations. For your information, the time between 17th of June 2023 and the 4th of November 2023 is a good time for clearing and change, so let’s make use of this important time. This has to do with some major planetary influences around this mentioned period. So we will make use of this major input, especially Saturn. Aftermath and messages after the mediations, given to me around the 6-6 JIS and Sai Baba were speaking in the aftermath of the mediations of a task well done and thank all souls helping in there, the ones doing the meditations and prayers, but also the ones helping in 3D works in this! They know who they are. Sai Baba spoke something I heard as: Prekat amari jin An internet search got me this: Perekat = glue/something that sticks / stay Amari = eternal / immortal Jin = gold/bright/beautiful/a Buddha So it means something like: They stay eternally golden (or, in the light) In essence they spoke that the children were held in eternal and internal light from now on. I am glad JIS and Sai gave me these words to give to you all. Bless them both! On June the 6th I also place four important pillars of Light around Earth, the four corners of the winds, as they say, to keep this energy held. I have used this energy before in previous life’s, it will hold again, no doubt. As it is 6th and 7th dimensional imprinted! Star families involvement The Star families involved are the Arcturians, Pleiadeans and Sirius souls, at this time and space. Andromedan are aligned in this as well. In our messages it felt important to give in these Twitter posts the images of the Sunflower, as these flowers hold sacred energies, as explained in one my website pages, see here, if you wish to study that after this blog post. Star families involvement is real and guidance is always given. Also on the Full Moon meditations we got guidance from on high. Brothers and Sisters of Earth, we precede the intensity of what is to come. The intensities were already felt as the conscious levels and sensitivity of those involved are rising. Also those previously unknown to specific energies, are awakening quickly. No time to get left behind. The Wheels of Energy of Gaia are speaking before you every time we wheel it in. Yes we are wheeling it in, you heard that correctly. The signs given inside your fields and crops, we give with energy writing. The whispers these give are like a whisper in your ears, as silent yet very loud signal that we are alive and with you all. The Sun has a wheel, the Stars have wheels, so have the systems they provide. All cycles are read like a book, read like board of symbols and time scales. The spaces they provide are calculace. We have written as sign to be heard as a answer to your meditations. This soul we know as Raiba will explain it, as the answer was already in his heart knowledge today. We are the birds, the eye in the sky, the wheelers of wheels and we see all, that Earth does not. I Am its speaker and voice, but we are many. I Am Ashtar. There are two Life’s, but they are merged as One. Dear friends, today I am asked to speak a bit on my knowledge and info on the sacred numbers because of my knowledge of the sacred heart. Life is a wheel, that holds multiple wheels, life’s within life’s, within life’s, cycles and energies whirled together in one big wheel. As we live we see many other life’s as well. Not one is not connected to your higher self or oversoul. The symbol of life is often captivated by the number 18, the incentive for life, as the Hebrew’s know. One stands for one life, the mortal one and 8 is the eternal one, the infinity number. Life is eternal and mortal, it is everlasting and dissipating. And it can be infinitely implemented. Also the Life given by Source, is in this Universal plain seen as an upper and a lower. On the 7th of June a crop circle appeared at Potterne, Wiltshire, see picture below, with a large image of a Sunflower, with two wheels of 18 petals, with one being more inward and the other more outward. This means one of these is closer to the Sun / Star (and our inner heart). So what is this about? For starters it was a reference to our meditation, to make us feel how connected Star family is to us all and also how Gaia is connected to us vibing upward. As you all know we did meditations with Sunflowers and also with other flowers, see our Twitter posts with the children in the Sunflowers. Now, as we felt, this had to do with the Sun/Star Heart practice, which is also on my website and with the Golden Apple practice. We gave the children some help with putting these flowers inside their hearts. Also I am asked to speak about the number 18 and 36, which is connected to many Star families, but it began with the Sirius family and the Arcturian family. More importantly it has to do with our new chakra system, our energy wheels, which means, the new wheels around our heart, especially connected to love and our emotions. The 18 petaled wheel or chakra is called the sacred heart and it is situated between de solar plexus and the heart chakra. This chakra holds sacred knowledge and we are able to connect more deeply into sacred knowledge of life it we activate this chakra. That is why it has 18 petals. The other chakra is the higher heart chakra, and is situated between the throat and the heart chakra, and has the multiplier of love, so it has 36 petals. The heart chakra is our own personal SUN/STAR, and the Heart center has the strongest electromagnetic field. The signal of the 18 and 36 , and also united the 54, give us three number 9’s it means it is angelically or divinely inspired, as 9 is the angelical number and also the feminine spiral of Source. The Starfamily systems involved in this CC are Arcturus, Sirius and Pleiades. Especially the numbers 36 springs to the for me as a 36 is the top angle of the golden pyramid or golden triangle from the Sirius system and divine practices known from that system. As 18 is an Arcturian sign, so are 36 and 72 Sirius signatures. Now 54 also, but that also has a clear Venusian signature too. Venus is a story for another blog post. At this time of writing another circle has formed in the crops and I will explain that one as well, in a part 2 blog post. It is connected to this one. For now it is about Light, Love (of the Heart/Soul) and Life. This sign on the 7th of June, a Pleiadean signature. Remember this my friends, the Star, an ancient 5 pointed Star sign, or 7 when we reference Pleiades or Arcturus (9 pointed too), the Golden triangle is connected to sacred numbers, divine sacredness and divine knowledge coming from Source, the One Creator of All that IS, and it was given through sacred Star Gates and Portals. Each Portal had Gatekeepers and also One Divine Universal Godhead. For now I will refrain on who these are. So the Sunflowers are connected to the three hearts chakras, Sacredly and Divinely, for Life is Divine and physical life is beginning with the heart, always. And together the form the Heart Center, and together with that Trinity, the Inner Heart and its Star, form the Sacred Four, as explained on this website page before. Four is Love! And this is just one way of explaining the sacred number three and four. The Sirius Connection of the Golden Triangle The numbers 18 and 36 are clear signs of the top angle of the golden of mean triangle and also it points to the top triangle of the MerKaBa too, so there is the reference to the upper tetra, that is made here. The pyramids on Sirius were of this kind and also other ones, but this was the prime pyramidical shape of the Sirius pyramids. This had to do with the sacred spiral energy coming forth from it, and also certain sacred numbers and mathematics On Earth some numbers are known, such as the Fibonacci and the Phi. To read more about this, go here on the Sunflower page. Another reference is the base of the pyramid or golden triangle, which is 36 + 72 = 108! This had to do with our Moon meditation, on the 4th, the Full Moon. 108 is a reference to the spiral and radius of the Moon, of 1080 miles. The diameter of the Moon is the frequency reference of the half (216Hz) to the of the sacred 432Hz frequency, a reference to the angelic number 9! Much can be read in my first E-book about this. Earth’s radius is about 3960 miles. About the 396 or 369 that is story for another blog post topic. Then speaking of the 108, 216, 432 ladder, it is that we also have a reference to the Sun, our Star called Ra. It’s diameter is: 432000 miles So we get to a small conclusion here, because for those who have ever read the practice page on this website, we are referencing here to the Union of the Father and Mother energies (Sun and Moon). We all must be in union inside with ourselves, with our Masculine and Feminine energies. If those are not in union, our inner Sun has problems with Starting UP to shine fully. It will shine, but not to its full potential! These two new chakras will help us unite better, the Higher Heart chakra has the pink and rose colors to guide us and the Sacred Heart chakra the Golden / Peachy color. These together with the Green Heart charka will give you deep insides when meditation IN and with these colors alone already. They will open you up in ways. I would like you all to also read the Father / Mother practice on this website, for guidance into the above/below energies and how to combine them, if you are a beginner in meditations. Awaken the Sun/Star The Heart must be touched, must be lit with inner light and active to able to see and feel the inner Sun or Star, that is YOU. This can be done by activation of these two extra hear chakras, with named petals. A sunflower has also petals, the are opened widely, to receive the Light outwardly. For us all it is vital the open up, the send widely, and also receive broadly. The knowledge of the Sun/Star practice was given to me by my Sirius Mother, Sesherat, who is a main figure aboard the Phoenix, the flag ship of the Ashtar Command. Sirius has played a main role in the knowledge of triangles, pyramids and spirals. Also the Lyrans, Pleiadeans and the Arcturians. The Orions too, but that is another story. To speak a little bit on the Sirius side of thing and Egypt, there is this connection, for the spiral of life comes from the 3, 6,9, 18, 36, 72, 144 etc. spiral. In Egypt Sopdet (Sirius) was known as this hieroglyph: The reference to the Star (or Seba) and the Pyramid shape of the Golden Triangle is clearly seen there. Also the words: Given Life, was written like this. So the Heart, the Golden Spiral and Life are interconnected and are divinely interwoven. So I will end with a few pictures at the bottom of this post and the wise words of Leonardo da Vinci, another soul divinely in the knowledge of sacred numbers and Life! I could have gone into more subjects on this, like Nubian pyramids, peacocks (phi connection), spirals, the Thymus gland, Schumann resonance that spiked, but see pictures below to enjoy those. Stars /Suns are needed for Life. Light is needed for Life. Love is needed for Life. Fathers/Mothers are needed for Life. Four is Love. Life is Love. And my last words to this crop circle / mediation /Sunflower /Life connections is this, as the Hebrews nicely put it: L’chaim! To Life! Next blog post will be about the other crop circle that came after this one, an interesting one. Also we will explain that one, for it is connected to this crop circle. A dia du from one of our personal Lightships, the Butterfly (but there are more, ha ha...) ;) Raiba/B, et all.
AuthorI am Bareld Nijboer, author of this website and IN here you read about my thoughts, my heart, my inner feelings and sharing healing and more music, also deep vibrational stuff with you ALL...please feel into Love! Archives
January 2024
Until one has unconditional and unbiased love for all beings, man-kind will not find peace...let mankind become kind-man...and women! |