Bareld's Lovehug blog
Crop Circles part threeAshtar, Teenah, the Pegasus and more...Hello dear Stars, Today the 3rd follow up post on the Crop Circles coming from the Ashtar Command, star families of the Galactic (con-)Federation and Holy energies on and off Earth, in the Holy dimensions. I want to remind you how it all started, with the mass meditations on the better future for all our children (involving child trafficking and the movie Sound of Freedom) and animals, how to improve their lives on Earth, and how sacred life is to the One true Source of Life, the eternal “God”, called Source. Its eternal Light and Love will keep giving Life. We should respect and honor life accordingly. Source existed and exist, always and eternally, it never was “born”. It simply IS. It IS existence itself, within us and as it-SELF, called the I AM. I have made the journey towards Source, through a deep medative state and since then I know its form, light, love and its diversity, and no, it is neither male or female. It is the beginning and the end form, of everything that exists in-between. It holds all forms, of everything that exists. It knows all that exists. It IS Life. It IS Love. Alright, with having that stated, let’s move it to the created field graphics of Gaia and the AC, better known on Earth as crop circles. They explain current and future energies. I will dive right IN and talk about the first one after our last beautiful and energetic post. First CC I mention today, because it is this series of the AC, was still placed within the month of June: Allan King Way, Nr Owslebury, Hampshire. Reported on the: 26th of June As we have connected with in the last blo post, we see and feel in this crop circle the holy Mother Mary energies again, her Celestial Crown, which is represented by 5 Stars. This energy goes deeper, which I will not explain here, but here 5 Star is shown clearly here. Pointing towards her celestial presence and her other important energies. Also we see her Moon, below it, which is supporting her and the energies, like spread wings wrapped around the Moon, the Sun and the Stars. For reference I will show these 2 pictures again on post of the Way of the Rose and her Moon energy reference. Mother Mary is the keeper of the Divine or Higher Heart Chakra energies, which is just above the normale basic heart chakra (=energy wheel) The Name of the town where this CC was placed, has significance to the energy of her again. Because the Lady and Mother has many different layers and names. The Inner Circles, as seen in this crop circle: Now the inner Sun ( Circle) energy is a reference to her Celestial side, her inner Core. We see here some reflections on her sacred numerology. Also we see an inner circle of Star, the main core. The framework looks like a dial or Sun / Star dial, which feels again like a Way to guide us all towards that compass of the inner Star, the Heart Star. We see 12 bigger outer circles, on dialers, or rays! We see 12 smaller and angled circles, also on dialers, or rays! A total of 24 circles on dialers/rays. With a central circle in the Middle. You will notice, that this pattern of 6, 12, 24 and more of numerology, will come forward in this blog post. These are vibrations and tones of harmonics, one harmony to another, like a scale of octaves. And I also want to mention this is a reference to the 24 old ones of the Bible and a certain Lady with some Stars on her head, or is that a crown? Just read Revelation 12, dear Stars ;) I love this circle. So connected to what me and my wife have felt in June. Will you also dive inside your and wear a crown on your soul? On to the second one after this one., which was this one: Chillandham Lane (1C), Nr Winchester, Hampshire. Reported on: 4th of July. Here we see a new introduction of the 8 energies of the octahedron, or Egg of Life energies. Yes, portal energies, this times in pyramids and triangles, so the 4th of July message was one of explaining Dharma wheel energies in this form, the Way of the Octahedrons. It is a way of using the 8 folded path into a Sirius way, connected with the Arcturian, Pleiadean and Orion merged way. We see 5 circles. One outer, the big one. Source encompassing All. Going from outside to next one inward, the inner white lighted/colored octahedron, with its 8 triangles, which is also a side of a pyramid, a irregular shaped pyramid, symbolizing all Star families named. We see also 8 dragon flyers or kites, like this kite shape, with Stars inside. This reminds us all of the Crystal of Lyra. See on this website. A kite geometry, in infinite stars, like the outer kites in this crop circle. Third ring and circle is shown with 8 smaller triangles. After that the 4th ring of again 8 triangles. And last but not least, the inner 8 pointed Star Each pyramid has 4 main pyramids, and 8 smaller ones, which points all again toward the The 8 pointed Star The 8 pointed Star is a reference to an ancient connection between 8 Star systems but also on Earth to the ancient Sumerian, Egyptian, Syrian area. All of these 8 Star systems, have had influences in these areas, in Earth’s vast past, even in Atlantian times. The starry octagon is an evolution of the ancient symbol for the stars. To let you all know, that this CC has been made by members of the Ashtar Command. The whole AC series will end with the CC I call: A, but before we comes to that one, we will explain this one more deeply. Star, is what we ARE. A star comes from the Greek term Asteriskos, or the modern day word: Astarisk The term asterisk itself (8-ray graphic sign) comes from the term ASTER, ASTAR, ISHTAR, star, which evolves into other languages, such as Star in English. Venus is also connected to the number 8, and has been referenced to be an 8 pointed Star. Within the central 8 pointed Star there are 8 main A-styled triangles if you can visualize this, representing the symbol of the AC. Remember dear Stars, we are ALL Heart Stars! We shine from our Heart Star and Soul. Next crop circles was this One at the same location, Chillandham Lane (2S), Nr Winchester, Hampshire. Reported on: 4th of July. This CC was made to show that the central Star of Source shines down upon is all in a diamond shape represented way, by sending the sacred vibrations to us all. This means everything originates from one Source, one central Star, that created all. Again we are pointed towards the 4 sides, as we have seen in the Dharma Wheel CC, the 4 main points, as Four is Love. Last thing I’d like to write is this: 4-7-2023, is a totaling number of 18 (4+7+2+2+3), which I spoke of in the first blog post, the eternal life, which is connecting to the eternal Light and Star, of Source! I could go into the diamond energies, but that is a topic for those who want to know more on this, if you do, then email me. For reference and thought fruits, I will place this here, count the 4's: Next CC is the one placed at: Norton Plantation, Nr Norton Bavant, Wiltshire. Reported on: 7th of July This was placed on the 7th of July, on the sacred 7-7-7 Portal day, of which we had two days of in July, also on the 25th of July, which is also a 7-7-7 Portal energy. The 25th being the opening portal just before the rising of start of Lions Days, or Dog Days (pointing towards the Sirius system), maximizing in the 8-8 Lions Gate, in August, which is in two days. The CC was presented in this form: The way it is shown it is symbolizing the number 6, the number of Harmony. Also the outside “stars”, which ar e shown in a lotus like uprising position, are connected to the inner circle. The Flower of Life, which can be read like these forms: The art is to connect to the inner circle, of the Fruit of life, from harmony (the number 6) comes, through the fruits of harmony, the infinite life (as spoken in previous posts, the number 18). Rise and open up like a lotus. Each Star, see in kite picture, or, opened Lotus connected to the other, like an inner harmonious circle. We see also 24 petals, which is a reminder also of the Crown CC. On to the next one, with two CC’s created on One Day: Lane End Down, Nr Beauworth, Hampshire. Reported on: 9th of July And a close up of its center. These were the first words that came IN: Circles of Life Rays of Life Geometry of Life 6 Outer circles 12 smaller inner circles 12 even smaller inner circles 12 even smaller inner circles 1 large inner circle (Source) Total of circles: 42, plus 1 Here we see the mirror of the 24 coming forth. The number 42 is connected to the Ways of Justice (think of the Children here again and the future we need to go into) and the ancient Goddess of Egypt: Ma'at If our hearts are as light as a feather, we can fase our own self, in the mirror. 5 Rings of Power and Light , and the 5 will be in my next E-book. 6 Rays within 4 circles, plus inner circle, Source, making the Holy number 7 6 Rays of 3 circles, plus inner circle, Source, making the Holy Number 7 6x3 = 18 6x4 = 24 7x6 = 42 The numbers are significant, but that will be a topic for a future blog. Or you can read my second upcoming E-book for more on numbers and Source. I’d like to reference here also the Hexagon shape of the outer six circles, on Earth called the Winter Hexagon, or what Raiba calls the Sextant, the larger area, where we (Teenah en Raiba), used to do our Ambassadors work, for the Sirius High Council, as Lion Beings. The AC works pre-dominantly in these Sextant, 6 main Star systems, but in fact 7 Star systems. ;) Feel into the inner circle of that Winter Hexagon. The purpose of mentioning this is, because as this represent an extended the Fruit of Life, where we obviously see 12 circles, but it is always connected to the 13th circle. And 6 Star systems and the 7th in the middle, are enough food for thought for those souls into learning and seeking knowledge. Compare this Fruit of Life picture. Next CC, placed and formed on the same day: Barton Stacey Belt, Nr South Wonston, Hampshire. Reported on 9th of July First feelings I had then were... Chessboard, 3 in total...of 36 pieces or square areas, black and white. Blocks around all three chessboards, of 10 blocks each, a total of 30. 1 Giant Propeller...or triskele petals, or is that the Mitsubishi logo? One inner Beehive. And an outer Beehive? Beehive cluster in Leo? Mitsubishi motor logo in the center of the Propeller...look at what this word means below. So what about that Mitsubishi thought and feeling I had. I searched for the meaning of the word. . What Does Mitsubishi mean in English? Mitsubishi is a fusion of two Japanese words, “Mitsu” and “Hishi.” Where does the “b” sound come from? In Japanese, when an “h” sound happens in the middle of a word, it often changes to sound like a “b.” First off, “Mitsu” is one way to say “three” in Japanese, but “Hishi” might leave you scratching your head because it just means “water chestnut.” Yataro wanted to honor both his clan, and his own family. Because of this, he chose a three-diamond mark to represent the three-leaf crest of the Tosa Clan. He also represented his family with a three-stacked rhombus, which is the Iwasaki family crest. According to Mitsubishi Electric, “The name “Mitsubishi” refers to the three-diamond emblem. Interesting fact is that it represents three diamonds, a theme we have seen in the previous CC, at Chillandham. So, the Rhombus, or Diamond energy field is important in this CC, like a propelling triskele, on the protecting Beehive ringed circle, because this reminded me of the Beehive houses of Skellig. Skellig is o the AA Michael’s leyline, all the way to Israel. In the past we did a lot of missions and tasks on this leyline, on board the Mythia, one of our personal lightships. Beehive type are modern Rhombus types, and ancient ones are the types like in this CC. A hint to Celtic tumbler stone beehive huts, built on Skellig. A reference also to Saint Patrick's (day, 17 March) and AA Michael line... with Skellig on the top left, near Ireland. Holy Monks involved, working from the spiritual realms with us, as we have seen with Saint Bernward, who is connected to AA Raphael. See the Mark in his Heart. As we can see we are referenced here clearly to monks, Archangels and the Holy trinity of Source, the great I AM, or, what early Christians and gnostics spoke of, as the One. Last CC is the signing off CC of the AC, but other Star families have put out more after that one, on the 14th of July, near this site, not without purpose: I will sign of for today with three messages from the Ashtar, and the AC, as they gave their signiture clearly on the 14th of July, of all dates and with a last personal note from our main Lightship, the Pegasus. There are more ships, but we will speak today on the Pegasus, which holds many Star brothers and sisters. It’s a vast ship. As July was all about two 7-7-7 alignments and the therefore ending with on the 14-7 seems quite fitting. The AC signed their involvement with all this, in this CC, which I laughed about ,ha ha. When we feel into this one we clearly see a barbers razor. As barbers are used as a male clandestien public and oriented to the right brain sided population of our Earth, this CC shows us a left handed razor, meaning we need ALL to activate our left side of our brains, our creative and feminine side, we also see a Horse symbol in the middle, like a child's playing horse, a hobby horse between the two main frames, the Handle and the Razor. This is shown by the AC that the Handle consists of two ships, the Phoenix, the main AC ship and the Pegasus, the second main frame ship, made of one handle, in one. The Horse connects the blade and the handle, this our hobby ;) It’s how we handle things, so to speak, ha ha. So I am now able to speak a personal note hear, that the Pegasus, our main frame Light Ship, is part of these circles and messages, you have all seen in three blog posts. Also today I reveal, that Teenah, and her other name, the Greek name, Athina, is in the Arua language (Lion Being language) written in this form, A Teenah, which means, I, Tee’nah. She captains sometimes this ship still, but their are many able to captain that ship as there are many souls connected to this big ship, and it has many sub, or acting captains on this ship! Remember that the AC is one big Love family and none are exluded. All are One family there. Another thing about this sign in the field of Hackpen Hill: The Hobby Horse, in Dutch called Stokpaard, is in the Middle, and it links the razor and handle together, and forms the bar in between the letter A, the mainframe of the AC. It’s time to ride your own horse dear Stars, to be that horse, to fly with us, on the Pegasus! We are with you all. The other representation of this horse is the seahorse, which is an Earth represenation of the SOUL, we are like Source, without polarity, ergo, no male or female form in soul / energy form. We choose our form as we go into the plains of Earth. The seahorse reminds us of our soul form and that water is part of who we are. The seahorse is also a reference to our two Hypothalamus side in our brains. We should tend our stress levels, not go into fear anymore and watch closely into our cortisol levels. Meditate, relax, sing, chant, sport, dance and enjoy life. Stress is not good for the hypothalamus sides and causes memory loos and even dementia. Here is a representation of a barbers razor and its parts, for learning purposes., You can see this one is righthanded. Showning below here is a number of symbols that have come through by other contactees of the AC, so you can see that the A is a symbol of the AC. Sharing three important messages from Ashtar: First message from Ashtar, from 3rd of July 2023: Message 1: we are conductors, we are wayshowers. Message 2: we are the reality show Message 3: we are the power shifters Message 4: we are the world drifters Message 5: we are the magic bringers Message 6: look at your inner reflection, is it you you see? Message 7: the cryptics in your crop fields are local enscriptions of Gaia, provided through our cosmic pen of Light Message 8: we are Light bearers, we are truth shakers Message 9: collect our data well and we will help your Way To all who find it difficult to understand this, know you will understand it when it is your time for it. I am Ashtar, of the Ashtar Command. Second message of Ashtar, for those worried in this topic of nuclear weaponry of Earth: A: my friend, as you know we will not condone it, we will not allow planetary distructions again, this is the only way we may intervene. Know that we have eyes and views on all possible buttons that may be pressed on your Earth. This allows us to monitor everything. No party of conduct, will be able to launch. The world is headed for peace, as we act under the embargo of Source 's primary law: ... that Life is to be primary! Life created by Source is precious... and valuable. BN: Thank you Ashtar. A: You're welcome my friend. I will close of with these words from Ashtar, in reference to the crop circle of 14th of July: We are the smoothers of the forming skin We are the gluiders of the waiting chin We are the hand of Source, and the beaken within We are the blade, as the need meets the grin Dear ones, The left handed way will clear away the old ways, the shine will be upon you all. The fruits of Life will be known and the purpose of Life will be Love. Tend to your Horses, as the World tends to overstep. Heed the obstacles ahead, but tread lightly and with a swift. We will keep a guide, as you sway the gluide, like a razor's sharp with truth and a Life full of Youth. The AC will keep drawing Lines and symbols, so all will keep feeling IN-to the fields of opportunities, which lay within you ALL. I Greet your hearts of love and light. I Am Ashtar. And finshing with a slideshow of pictures for you all to feel into. All of these energies were involved, in one way or another. Hope to feel you all Tuesday, when we will meditate within the Portal's maximum, of Lion's Gate of 8-8! I love you All, B.
AuthorI am Bareld Nijboer, author of this website and IN here you read about my thoughts, my heart, my inner feelings and sharing healing and more music, also deep vibrational stuff with you ALL...please feel into Love! Archives
January 2024
Until one has unconditional and unbiased love for all beings, man-kind will not find peace...let mankind become kind-man...and women! |