Bareld's Lovehug blog
"Chinese" Kites, UFO's and Mother shield energies Dear friends, Last year I spoke in the Channelings sections of this website, of the energies of the Mother, the first Revelation, through the words given by JIS and his messages on the Mother energy, the donkey, the shapes of the Kuchin, the crop circles, the carrying and birthing energies of the feminine side of Source, the flow of the Divine Feminine. As a Channeler I do not need proof of what I do, give and receive from Light beings, for it is genuine, truth and real, but for a lot of 3D minded souls, searching/researching for other so called explanations for what Channelers do and for those who still cannot fathom the (inner) heart center at present, named the so called down to Earth people, too many out there, I will post this today, to show you what the birthing energies really mean, in fact it IS, the start of something new, the new beginnings of some new thing or phenomena. In this case, the start of the modern UFO era. Now I do not like to become slightly cynical about it all, but please awaken your awareness and open your hearts to love, to see and feel, what is real. This means, Jesus the Ascended one exists, the angels and other light beings of other dimensions exist, Star family exist and we exist. We all exist. So, therefore, today I come to you with another little aspect connected to the birthing of the modern day age of UFO spotting, or Flying Saucers as they were called in ancient days. Today I would like to show you of the beginning of it, 1947, a famous year, right after the Foo Fighter years during the WWII happenings, witnessed by many pilots too, these birthing shaped UFO's popped UP in our Earth skies, viewed by a pilot too, named Kenneth Arnold, who witnessed the parabolic shaped (mother shield) like UFO's that day. Now if you have read it, you may remember JIS' words of them being mainly Arcturian, some other Starfamily have them too, but mainly Arcturian crescent shaped ships they are.Till today I never heard of the stuff am going to speak of below. But I will leave the believing, accepting and allowing all in your own hands. Below are two vids, interviewing Kenneth Arnold ( a witness of crescent shaped ships of Starfamily) and a vid on the shapes he saw, giving you all an impression of how energies are so much connected and are the start also of awareness, new awareness. You will see the resemblance of the type of ships Arnold saw, connected to the energies JIS has spoken of. Our friends of Arcturus are present...or should we say, the Arcturians are deeply connected to the angelical ones. Enjoy the vids about Kenneth Arnold and just view the resemblance with 3D eyes... ;)) It is funny to see how modern day fighter planes resemble these shapes.
And for those still not believing, I give you this second piece of information I, ahem, happen to stumble upon while giving and writing this blog. Energy flows INstant. We will be going now to Germany, modern times, to be precise, in 2007, in the city of Kelsterbach, where two German friends, saw a boomerang shaped or crescented shaped ship flying. Only this time there was not only witnessing and sighting of "UFO's" shaped like a boomerang/crescented moon shape, but two little clues were added to it! These were: 1. Clouds (in a cloudless sky) 2. the constellation of the Great Dipper Now as I know, clouds (cloaking), angels and Starships are deeply connected to the so called "UFO phenomena", but to be more precise, the ARE already identified, as I named above: angels, Starfamily and (de-)cloaking. UFO's are becoming so Identified these days, if you know what to read, see and feel. For cloud phenomena, I gladly also guide you to my Twin Soul' website, HeartStar and also the Wispy Clouds website. The second clue is most important, for the appearance, the emerging, is shown in the constellation they gave a clue from, namely, the Great or Big Dipper. The frying pan or Big Bear (Ursa Major) constellation as we call it here in the Netherlands, points with its handle of the frying pan, in a Bow, towards the system of Arcturus (Boötes), which is also related to the Cow energies of Nut, see Revelation Channelings. Now Boötes and Ursa Major are related as Starfamily, as I know the the first One to be home of the Arcturians and angelical ones, but I also know the Big Bear system to be home of the Alectians, closely related to the Arcturians. To read the whole story, go here: Kelsterbach I hope all of this has given you all a little glimpse of the function and true value our Heart's Center can give and to show you how all and everything connects to the Heart Grid. I love you all, Namaste
Dear friends, We are entering an exciting year of changing proportions! I hope all of you have been living, feeling and flowing in a good energy and have felt UP in spirit and IN heart and soul.The Christmas holidays have been feeling as one of longing and expectations, strong family energies and of home feeling. For all of you who have been searching still, close your eyes for one brief time, let go of the stress and worries and slide your hand on your heart and feel your heart and self there. Focus on YOU and on the Love you feel IN there. Let go of politics, wars, fear and of trouble makers wanting us all to be in another energy than what we truly ARE, which IS: Love, peace, happiness, joy and Unity! Let go of the old dualistic flows of worrying, fear and dividing...we will now learn to become together as One world, One Earth and One consciousness again. There will be lot's of disturbing stuff preluding this Union and Oneness before it actually takes a firm place in our mass consciousness, but it already has settled in a place waiting for us, to let it settle INside us all. So for now I wish you all the happiness, joy, health and love i 2015 and the times beyond that...for the new, it IS coming! Please watch this relaxation vid, to begin this next half of January in a calm relaxed state. Let's spread the Love of all our Hearts together NOW. I love you ALL, Namaste |
AuthorI am Bareld Nijboer, author of this website and IN here you read about my thoughts, my heart, my inner feelings and sharing healing and more music, also deep vibrational stuff with you ALL...please feel into Love! Archives
January 2024
Until one has unconditional and unbiased love for all beings, man-kind will not find peace...let mankind become kind-man...and women! |