Bareld's Lovehug blog
Today I would like to share some of my thought's with you and what seems to BE going on right in front of our faces. Now these are my thought, you don't have to agree. But know, that within my thoughts, I mix knowledge of deeper Core truths. :))) Now I do not like to give much attention to some of the lesser Lightened souls on this planet, but this one is connected, to show you and make you feel and see how sacred knowledge can be twisted into something of less Light. Bare with me. We go back to a prophecy now. The Blue and Red Kachina's. First a little movie of that Native Indian Prophecy and the story of true energies to BE. First watch the vid on the Prophecy. Now we have seen, in my opinion, the Blue One already in the form of the Ison comet, I have posted something on the Son energy of it before, the bringer of new energy. The world has not seen, at least in full sight, in full public, the Red one now, only the Blue one. Both are bringers of new energy and both are carry the message of the clearings needed. First I wish to speak of the Arua language, an ancient Light Language of the Lion Beings, consisting of tones, colors and Light, which make UP sacred sounds coming in connection with Source. In the Lion language there is a word called KatchiN, which means Arms, which can also mean Arms as in the Spirals, like say, the Spirals of a Star system. It is a bend, or curved arm, or something that can bend in its path, it has a wide range of aspects in its energy, this word KatchiN, for that is what Words are, energy consisting and made of Light and Tones, which has a wide range f aspects. Some languages on Earth still have this aspect of more or wider range in words. Not narrowed down, as physicality seems to do. Now from where the place the Lion Beings came, not from this Universe, closer to Source, called Mu, a system so filled with Oneness and Love it is more powerful, loving, delightful, soothing, lighter, than the civilization of Mu that once existed on Earth, in Earth's past. From such a space, the arms of Source reach into the All of the Cosmos, touching all dimensions, sentient beings, alike itself. The Lion Beings know the arms of Source, the Network of the KatchiN, its arms. Now the ISON image and crops circle image we all remember, I will show you also again here for your remembering. It was a beautiful Cropcircle in a good reflection of the KatchiN that would come, the first One. The I Son energy. If you remember this image...? Here are some more of those beautiful images seen at that time of the crop circle ... and later the Comet itself, which made a spiraled Hunab Ku like path, sling shooting around the Sun, furthering its path and Icing its debris and energy...past Earth. Now some channelers spoke of the presence of a cloaked ship of the Galactic Federation just behind the ISON comet a cloaked or shielded follower of the comet. Protecting it. This view s not crazy at all when I come to my next subject as we come to the twist of the less Lighted souls who twist sacred energies to their own needs. This started in Louis XIV in France who twisted the sacred Sirius knowledge of the triangle into the twisted less Light eye it is now here on Earth. Now maybe he should have learned more from the true Sun king of who used his heart to speak truth, we all know as Akenaten, the true Sun king, or pharaoh. I should know...I was him! ;)) That is another Sun dial we need to do soon... With that being said, there is the next matter I wish to address to show you their laughable twists. Okay, I come to the beautiful art of what we Frisians call draakjen, which means literally translated, flying dragons, which must be connected to the Chinese dragon flying, but as the Malay say, Wau's, or Kites, of Malaysia. A wau or kite is accompanied by a hummer, which makes a various humming and purring sounds when soaring up in the winds. The young leaves of a palm, the strings, called Ibus or Ibos, connected to the Bow, make the sounds. These Wau's have something mystical about them, as they fly quickly Upwards and seem to defy gravity in no time. ;)) That is very Hunab Ku related, but will not go into the No Time stuff now, the spirals of the Hunab Ku are important, Kachina like. Now it is the tones and the strings of these Wau's we need to focus on the sound of peace, calm and tranquility, the Ru, the Hu, that focuses us on the No Time, the Core, the place of No time in our Hearts, where we are One with the ALL of the Cosmos! From that place st your tone, Light your Light, spark your Star, nothing will harm you from that space. Back to the Wau (pronounced like wow): There are many different Wau kites out there, named Wau Bulan (Moon kite), Wau Jala Budi (women kite), Wau Burung Puyuh (bare busted quail kite), Wau Merak (Peacock kite) and then there is last but not least, the Wau Kucing!, yep, the Cat kite! And to me Kucing comes pretty close to KatchIN. Is the shape of these kite an ancient flying vehicle of the ancient ones? Some local history of the Wau Bulan flying tradition. Kelantanese oral tradition mentioned that kites were introduced to this part of the region through the old Malay kingdom of Srivijaya. One of its great kings, Sanjaya, describe the Nusantara (=the Island WithIN), traditionally known as the Islands of Indonesia, as in the shape of Wau Bulan. In local folklore, Malay kite has been strongly connected by Malays as a divine aircraft which transport princes to enchanted and magical kingdoms high above the sky. This has been the case of Dewa Muda, who flew on his golden kite up into the sky, as the seven petaled flower asked him to do.He did so by eating fruits from a heavenly garden, consulting the spirit of the sky living in the heavens, with the sky princess, who he falls in love with, he is killed, brought back to life by shamans, by message of them flies up to the heavens again on a green horse (manifestation of the Gods), to see the same garden of heaven again. He marries his love there. The point is, that the golden kite mentioned in this story is already ancient there and in his families care. Sounds much like ancient flying ship's to me. The Wau Kucing: The Wau Kucing derives its name from the sound made by the Wau’s busur, or strings, that very much resembles the sounds made by a cat. Rrrruuu. Here is the Wau Kucing Here is a vid of the high pitched cat like, Ru sound it makes, coming from the strings. Ru means, Lion Being, in the Arua language. Enjoy this sound. Wait till its in the air to hear it. The point of all this is the old ancient folk know so much more than we "westerners" seem to know. ;)) The Twist: Now as you may know there are some less Light souls on this planet that still feel like they need to control things, which is so unneeded in the current energies. Now as we know, there have been two occasions by which a plane was involved in a "missing" and a "crash" happening. I will not go into that, it has been less Lightened enough. The thing is this. The Malaysian Airline Company, carries the logo of the Wau Kucing, because of the legendary story of the magical ships they once were. So why did something happen to two of these planes, from the same company, in such a short time frame? Well....the symbol has two colors, blue and red, it is their small twist of the blue and red kachina my friends, trying to create their own little prophecy and prediction, of lesser light energies. The blue and the red Kucing, the blue and red spiral. One went missing, like say, going into and sling shooting around the Sun, the other plane the second one, crashed... now when is that "crash" of the real Red kachina coming? For then, they, will not BE prepared for it. I ask you to not believe too much what you see on TV or in pre-programmed media on the INTERNET these days. We create our own truth, by seeing and feeling the truth from our own hearts and beings. Back to root knowing, heart, Earth, like the natives did, without the need to believe what others make us want to feel or see. That is always deeper and wiser than what we see through a looking glass of lesser lighted manipulations. Now the triangulations are being reversed now, reprogrammed, for us to waken up, back to their original Light and Truth, as they have been set in motion from Louis the 14th onward. It is time for WE, US and Oneness again, One heart. The Light is winning and returning to its full glory. How to BE: Now I will end wit this reflection for you all the sound of love, Hu and Ru are ancient, deeply embedded within our Core knowing, which is ancient too. So when the Red one comes, prepare to BE still, at heart, BE calm and hum the sounds of Peace, nothing will harm you, shine your Star, we all are One. A big thanks to the knowledge of the ancient natives all over the Earth! I love you! Wakan Tankan Nici Un (May the Great Spirit walk with you)
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For all those souls in need now of some support and love. I give and hand you a big hug to your hearts and being. Sometimes it's hard to see, sometimes it's heart to see. I Know... Breath... Life IS... Love IS... I extend my graceful love to and for you. From Source I gratefully thank, From the Christen Oneness, let love from your hearts flow. We are all children of Source. Know that heaven is in all ways, always IS, even when its hard to see it. Namaste. Please listen to this relaxing music, to sooth the senses...feel the gift of life in all dimensions...not merely this current one. Much love. |
AuthorI am Bareld Nijboer, author of this website and IN here you read about my thoughts, my heart, my inner feelings and sharing healing and more music, also deep vibrational stuff with you ALL...please feel into Love! Archives
January 2024
Until one has unconditional and unbiased love for all beings, man-kind will not find peace...let mankind become kind-man...and women! |