Bareld's Lovehug blog
The energies in human’s at present …connected to Earth’s magnetic field and hu-mans themselves! Dear Stars, Today I would like to speak on the subject of the Earth’s magnetic field, which is in turmoil, shifting (Serpent of Light) and more deeply I would like to speak on the subject of humans not in touch with their Heart Core and Center. I feel we all know this expression: "Talk to the hand, cause the head won't listen!" See picture above... As my Twin Soul, who spoke some time ago also about the turmoil our magnetic field of Earth is IN, we humans cannot give this field the “blame” for what is happening to us and for what we ARE. For if we would “blame” this solely on the magnetic field of Earth, we would never have to do anything about ourselves, right? ;)) We would not have to look in the mirror, which is something most humans love to do still. In 3D we still like pointing at someone or something else, to have “the blame” or to be the “cause” of a disturbance, or our disturbance. IN fact this is quite untrue. So, I come to you today with the subject of our heads, which is related to the ego, the mind and the physical body and the stubborn centering of our souls, in the chamber of the brain. When the Sanskrit writing people wrote of man, a word which means mind, this meant that the creating being, who was supposed to be using creative energy called Hu, was only creating with his man, or mind. It still does, hence polarity is still with us. This means, he was only using his brain, his mind, or ego. The true Egyptians revered the way of the Heart, the Ib (or Ab) and connected their soul’s IN there and found a greater truth than the souls of the mind in the Eastern lands, called now, Asia. They knew because their priesthood came from Atlantian ways, who knew the ways of the heart, this means, the good priesthood from Atlantis. The Eastern philosophical world revolves around the mind and reaching nirvana from an above perspective. The Egyptian truth is of the Heart, of the wholeness of Center. The eyes of the mind tend to see a lot, but it is the Eye the Heart which is way more balanced and sees more and deeper truths, it can see wholeness. But more importantly, the heart’s eye and brain (yes, it has brains cells too), it feels. This is what the eye’s of the brain lack. Therefore the inner heart’s sensing is more complete and whole, than the rest of our sensitive energy field. Also with our Golden Apple field, we can sense other beings in a most genuine and true hearted way. When I hear scientist speak, I continuously hear them speak of the fact that we on Earth are "an advanced technological civilization", I tend to smile and see the unbalance of these words. I will tell you why? Our love center, the heart, is found in your Core of your Heart center, not in your head, or brain. Emotions are found in your Earth center, which are also related to physical hormones and also the glands, also in the back of our brain, to be more precise, the Well of dreams chakra, is connected to that. The love center, the inner heart, is connected to true ethics and harmony, something the ego and head lacks, for it mostly thinks of itself. Oneness cannot be reached by the ego of the brain, or our heads, to be 3D humans of science, will not get us into peace,but will let us stay in continues polarity. So we need an extra something to that dear Stars, meaning: Energy and spirit….connected to Light and Love of Source. In reality there is no "either / or", there is only the magic of Unity. Science and spirituality are One. Yet, science has forgotten this, so has spirituality, because both mostly live still in polarity. At present we still choose too much science en mass, as we call our Earth an advanced technological civilization. It is time for ethics and balance seeking again, for true balance comes with a big doses of magic. Science does lovely things, but let us not make it into a divinity. As Albert would say it in a true scientific way: If Albert would have been completely honest, he would have said: By my pondering withIN, I knew this knowledge, which is divine energy and magical! When we balance both, we will all say: "By being balanced in spirit and in science, we flow as One, we attune as One, we are a merged civilization of Oneness and Unity, working together for the progress and benefit of Source, ourselves and all other beings in the Cosmos." It is this we should change again, if we are to become of true essence, ethical, genuine, which is connected to meekness, humbleness, harmony, mercy, love, appreciation, allowing and joy! What happens when we remain solely in 3D and the ego of the head? Good question it is, so let’s answer it. The world who’s seems to love it’s created pyramids system of power and control keeps on loving this system, with schools where we learn from our heads, about our physical bodies and of the power “social” political system we have on Earth, which is all about top down control of a so called “democratic” system. What happens is that we never break free from system of control, of economic failures like crisis, debts and of health systems with large pill industries to control pain. Also when we step away from the flow of Source, we also step away from its flow and become automatically resistant to its flow. This means we step away from being in contact with it and forget to feel Into its love. The flow of Source is one of the dot and the Circle, not of the pyramid. The pyramids are used for healing in its center and pillar the energies. That’s all. On Earth it has been misused to make a powerhouse of control. It is definitely time to make a house of the dot and the circle, connected to Source. By doing our daily practice and our daily energy work, to center our hearts in alignment with the Mother and the Father, we become One with, instead of walking around in limbo, not knowing what is happening. How can we step away from such head (ego) tendencies? When we learn to meditate and also calm our centers, by breathing Life Inside ourselves, we learn to step away from our heads and flow into our center’s of Love, right Inside our hearts. We have all the “power” we need, right Inside us, to give us health, joy, happiness and peace. If we only focus to just use it and will it (grow into allowing). The heart love “power” shows us true Essence of Source and avoids strive and does not harm to others, or causes others to experience pain, for it is serving to love and harmony and has mercy on others… and please do begin with having mercy on yourself! This however does not mean the same as staying in your ego and go about doing the old ways your were always doing, that is being stubborn (see more below) and unaware.... ;)) The heart experiences the whole, the dot is the center, as the head (brain) merely seeks to understand the physicality of things. Even the right side of our brain (the intuitive side) cannot fathom what the heart experiences and is IN experience with. For those truly in connection with-IN their inner heart can understand what I am speaking of here. It is an experience of perpetual flow, in unison with Source. The scientific side of our brain, the right side, can only approach stuff from an angle and of a certain numeristic, or mathematical point of view, but never experience it. This is what the heart can DO and BE. What do I feel of hu-mans and Earth these days? The teacher at present… As the magnetic field seems to be in turmoil, the teacher of the status of humankind, one can begin to feel how important it is to BE in your center and Core, to be of a balanced state, in order to BE stable as the field around ourselves is in constant flow, until it stabilized again. Many have spoken about this, until the shift is complete. In reality it enhanced the old template states at the moment, which gives even the Lightworkers community a state of flux. I have felt and encountered many souls, Lightworkers, or not, who are in a heavy state of up and down, in a jo-jo effect, which means they are not balanced and of Core. Sometimes we feel to flow in harmony and the other time we flow into heavy 3D-ness. Meaning we are in our old selves again of ego and head. It is spiritual discipline, by doing a daily practice, which makes us BE in balance. Serapis Bey has often spoken to me about being spiritually disciplined to BE in a stable flow. If we loosen that flow, we are often under the influence of the magnetic flows of Earth, other souls and their fields…or “worse”, less light energies. Because of this jo-jo effecting we feel ourselves IN now, many flow into old energies going into loss of faith, heavy energies of unbelief and old emotional temptations. Do we recognize ourselves here? ;)) So when we feel like that, it is time to let go of our old selves and our old inner children raising their heads again. When we don’t we again become stuck in heavy old self and stubbornly hang on to it. What is Stubbornness of Ego? This is a state most hu-mans are in on this Earth, even many so called “Lightworkers” and alike. We all carry either a light form, or a more heavy form of Stubbornness, no exceptions, or we would all already be in Light realms, wit no need to be here. I am here to address and speak today those who carry the heavier forms of this stubbornness. On Earth there is a being that carries the symbol, given by hu-mans, of stubbornness, which we call the mule or donkey. Also the goat carries these energies quite well. See picture above. The energy of the donkey has forever been misunderstood by humans, except by One, who once was called Jesus. Stubbornness can be explain by the word of Love and by the word, resistance. First I give the explanation, by the word: resistance. After that through love. I have spoken above of being in alignment wit Source, the I AM, as it calls itself, who is ever existent and always was/is, therefore, it is for YOU, yourself, important to feel IN, as to how Source flows. When we do that, we are never out of alignment and feel its flow. When we do not connect, we get into an automatic state of resistance because we forgot to connect and become out of alignment with Source. Often we will say something then like: why does God not love me? It’s simple, because you did not connect to its flow and swam another path, because your ego and head wanted another way. When, for instance, we feel sad, we feel maybe an emotion of loss of a friend or a child, we experience the 3D loss of the 3D presence of the loved energy of the friend or the child. This means we are in resistance of the fact that we are not somehow worthy of being loved, or it may even be that one feels the energy of never feeling or seeing a friend again, so we resist the fact that the other way is not possible. The idea of one way, or the other is in fact the energy of resistance and of denying ourselves the opposite experience when in truth it is both sides which are of reality. So in energy, we should maybe for a while choose resistance of love, but it is prevalent we soon flow back in love and with Source! It is wise to have a short while of that sadness, but it is unwise to maintain energies of resistance for a longer period. Of course there are many forms of resistance, we all know them and have experienced some of them, like, feel in anger, I am in hurt, I feel a blockage, I grieve, I resent, I don’t like, I do not approve of this, I feel down, I feel weak, why is this happening to me? , etc… This is also why JIS decided to ride the donkey, for it is also known for its resistance energy. It is for us all to rise above it, by being in the unity of our hearts. Also, Source itself resides inside your heart and waits for you to BE there to. Hence JIS spoke once these words, Matthew 19:26: "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible" This simply means as you will feel soon, that the mind being (see more below on the word man), cannot BE itself, but only when connected to Source, INside his own heart, can BE. Stubbornness explained through: Love. When we feel love, we have let go of resistance and experience joy, happiness, well being and flowing into love. This means when we love, we have let go of resistance of the emotions. This however does not mean love is of un-emotion, for it is an “emotion” of many things merged as oneness. When we do not Love, we are in resistance and being stubborn, like a mule. For instance, when a mule is not in resistant energy, it is a beautiful being of peace, but even in resistance, it is deeply beautiful for it shows us all a very instructive teaching of what not to be. When it s aligned with its will and joyous flow, it is IN tune with the heart, it rides the waves of happiness, appreciation and allowing. The symbolism JIS used once! First a lovely clear symbolic vid of the difference between head intelligence will and heart intelligence will. The Stubborn Donkey will stop…but when allowing, it will be only listening to tunes/sounds that make his heart swing. When we look only up toward that mountain climb (the way to the above), or when we look (top) down for that long fall (the below), we will view in resistance almost every time, for it is a polarity path we see and read. When we attune to our heart and listen to the music withIN us, we will flow again and our path and the steps we need to take, will be in ease, peace, appreciation and of allowing. We view from center and love's Core. This voice we should follow. What we need to get into in this NOW For all of us to feel unconditional love, with no expectations, no set boundaries or outcomes, we are to be gentle and humane, open, sharing and caring for each and everyone, no matter how they treat us or how they see us. This means to be of higher heart, of mercy, of meekness and of true genuine Love. This is not complete ignorance as those of head would like to feel it, but it is of true love for others. I would like to watch this next Inspirational vid I also found, the vid is called blind devotion, but is deeply connected to the love heart's flow and its tune/voice. Do you love "blindly" ? Do you follow your heart? When you have watched this movie, you have seen a man loving his wife, helping her when she is (becoming) blind! Without her knowing, he is showing support…without being acknowledged at all…like also our Star-families, guides and Ascended Masters are doing for us…who do the same and have been doing the same for a very long time. Trust, for only the meek and humble shall inherit the Earth. What is of the head ? This is what it’s all about my dear friends, this is the key point of where it is all about. When we come from the brain, where many souls having taken up their main seat of being, to act within 3D. Also me myself use this way to be in 3D still, although also more connected to the right side of my brain. See below. However, I have learned the way of the heart, the 4D of living and into the 5D and higher ways, for this is where true Ascension of yourself begins. The brain, as a physical PC-like machine, or if you will, instrument, functioning as a world of synapses, of bits and bytes working like a PC, targeting functions within our body for it to work. Many have also taken their soul to be seated, residing in that head chamber, firmly seated. Stubborn like, for all systems on Earth function as the pyramid, which is quite a firm seated aspect of Life here on Earth. Life in 3D seems to be revolving around control and power from the top view, in too many ways of life. It is how polarity evolves and maintains its ways. Add the emotional band of energy, forced through hormones and glands up to it and the whole system can get pretty intense. ;)) Here is a picture of how the brain functions and which halves its physically steers and controls. Mark this word control, for it is a pyramidical functioning, very 3D, viewing from above. The right side of our brain lets the left side of our bodies function. The left side does the other side of our body, just watch the colored sides of the brain and the side it matches with of the body. It is like a real data control center that lets the bodily machine function within 3D. It is of a physical structured system and space. Such a machine or instrument, like most of our current machines or instruments, cannot measure the energies needed to “measure” particles of energy connected to the aspect of spirit or soul, which are connected to Source. These God particles are there and can be felt (see heart knowing more down below), when we do the proper steps to get to that knowing. A picture of the head polarity of our brain. This can also be seen in the next picture, which shows more of the functions it relates to and the energies it can connect too. If your soul likes the head and love the scientific side of life, it is likely to have a strong left side hemisphere activity. Spiritual souls, still residing in the head chamber however, feel connected to the more creative and insight right hemisphere of the brain. I will here speak also of Lightworkers and Spiritual souls here now, who are there only, right sided, many scientific souls, are of the left sided hemisphere. Both however have no knowledge of the heart and its center. It is pure head intelligence and in the spiritual case it is combined with a deepened awareness of the third eye. These are the flying spiritual ones. This means clairvoyance is not the of genuine truth, for it lacks the heart knowing, the grounding to Mother too, of which I will first explain through the word intelligence of the heart. So yes many Lightworkers, Clairvoyants etc, make this tiny “mistake” still too. Mistake is not a good word, for mistakes are simply a human designed word for learning pathways. Hence the 3D school of reincarnation, which can be removed by creating purest Love, via heart knowing, or better yet, the Heart Center knowledge. What does the heart do? Simple: it IS. The heart function is a whole new ball game, it is of another “intelligence”. It is IN fact Holy Spirit, it is knowing, for it simply IS, for Life IS and has always BEEN. And the beauty of this IS, that we ALL can connect to it, if we want to. It is about what we feel to attract to our selves. Please watch this vid by Drunvalo Melchizedek, who explains it quite clearly too. Creation should from the Heart, instead of, from the Mind, for the Heart has the true Intention and center flow. Three steps Dear Stars, there are three steps to take before we ARE in heart knowing, or in the knowing. Starfamily and guides are IN the knowing of spirit and center and IN the knowing of Below and IN the knowing of the Above. All three combined make us whole, not before we reach this state are we in a completeness awareness and consciousness. As I mentioned there are three steps we can substrate from this pathway, these flow as follows. These are the three steps to take: 1. Head intelligence 2. Heart intelligence 3. Heart Knowing 1. Head intelligence First we learn head intelligence, which is something most on Earth are quite familiar with and some Lightworkers add to that the spiritual knowledge of the Star center which is connected to the center of Star knowledge, Third Eye, Pineal and Akashic and Soul Star knowledge. This is not the prime state however. For most however it feels like this to be so, but it truth it is not. Head intelligence connects to scientific knowledge and Star Center knowledge connects to clairvoyance of seeing and hearing. 2. Heart intelligence When we have done the step of deeper spiritual pathways we also connect to the Mother side of things, to the Earth knowledge of the Earth center and become aware that we are more IN balance again, than we were in the flying state or the eagle state of being (Star Center, top view, as Above). The Mother keeps us ground to this space of 3D and to the inner Earth knowledge, the elementals, the Agarthan and the Whale/Dolphin beings. This “intelligence” brings us into a state of heart awareness again, for we have done the connecting of the above AND the below, makes us more in balance with the yang and yin flow of Life again. This awareness brings us to a following step which becomes the stuff most important. 3. Heart knowing When we have become aware of the balance consciousness again, the heart intelligence is awakened again we have awakened also the flow to BE, the BE in the state of the Heart, to walk as a Being of the Heart. This simply means we have left the head intelligence, stopped the flying, have risen the Earth energies (kundalini style) and have become ready to flow from our heart, more so our inner heart. We have to learn to BE and always flow from our inner hearts, to BE the dot, the center, that connects the above and below truly, so there a third aspect has stepped into place, which is to be of NO space, of no polarity, no side. This step takes some learning but is a most beautiful pathway, or better yet ha ha, no pathway. ;)) In the beginning of this post I spoke of the Sanskrit word man, which means, mind being, this means a being who is living and creating from his mind (brain/ego). When we become heart intelligent and take the first steps into heart knowing, we truly become HU, meaning (Co-) Creator, from our Heart Center and zero point space. In Egypt the word Hu(h) was connected to creating and also connected to the sphinx, meaning a Lion being, for the original sphinx was a complete Lion. The human head was created in a later phase in time, to be on top of the Lion body. This is also very symbolic to the way and in which order these beings were created. The uttering of the word Hu meant to be a (co-)creator, it acted as the Word of God. Hu or Hu Hu was an Egyptian God connected to this knowledge, so was the symbol of the quail, a bird species connected to the Earth Center too, of which I have spoken in the Akhenaten Revelation. Hu knowledge also means its micro was equal to the macro. We can only create and BE in this space if we are truly in our inner hearts dot, which creates only truth and only creates love, as withIN, so it is OUTside or OUTER. So the heart is about the dot and the Circle, connected through the spirals of the Rose, of the higher heart and the golden energy of the sacred heart. The green healing comes from its pure center for all IN Core is healing. Love IS. Life IS. First a few pictures for you all to feel into. Feel where you are drawn towards. To know thyself, is the very first step to the next One! The merger of yourself When we are male or female, we feel we are completely different, right? This however non existent. It means, it is an Illusion. Though the Earth Illusion is very strong and persistent. Let us dive into to this a bit. There are many layers to consider to the outer, to 3D, but when we go inner heart, we will feel both sides within us. The outer, means, emotional layers, hormones, brain, ego, mind and many more influences that shape us in what we think we are. The Essence is of another matter, it lies within and is of a unified way. When we balance the both sides we truly are, within our heart, we will become unified. Consider this, all of you in One place, one space, your female energy, your male energy and your soul, right in One place, what immense Light and Love would that hold? ;)) When we compare energy of females and masculine (males) with each other we will see the flows of energies going counterflow around the Chi or Ki tube, we feel the "difference"of the spiraled energy flows of male and female. In polarity, the brain and head is prominent, so we connect to one energy flow the most, being either female or male, for we choose to be that form. This is true. But also feel this, every-time both energies flow through a chakra, there is one center point in each wheel where both energies meet, where the X Marks the spot and the flow is One, the center is felt as One. In the heart center, all of the above and the below are combined as One, as One Being. This is the true X Marks the spot, different from the other smaller Oneness points in the other chakras (energy wheels). It is true we choose a spiral to flow in, be it female or male, but it also means we can choose to feel the other side of the flow too. In inner heart we are merging both and they BE as One. If we were to view this from brain intelligence, one would get a picture a bit like this, being female side energies and masculine flowing energies. The key is however to flow these two pictures in one, so the energies overlap and flow / merge together, as One, so yo can feel the whole energy of your being. Look at this picture and feel what I speak of here. Merge these two men, feel one as the female energies and one as the male energies, completely "opposite", but when merge into each other, they become One flow, one energy, One being. That is how energies merge. It s also how we are INside the heart. One. Where all IS and all is beautiful, is the Garden of the Heart. I wish yo all the BE thee soon and if yo need help on your path there, ask ... and it shall be given.
I will give a few a message I received in January now, some Words from JIS, about the polarity game, which I received on 8th of January 2015, which should strengthen your energies about this subject. He called it: Slots The slots will take shape soon...arranging themselves IN pattern. Jackpot The Moons will rise in, in alignment with Universes you can't see... The Sun will center with Universe Center... The Earth will be in this center movement... Rejoice...sparkles...lights...collidance of energies and mergence...of new patterns! Believe. Be IN your heart, Create, from your Inner Heart, then we make a true change! To learn the ways of the Inner Heart however, is of another matter. To make first contact with Source and your heart again is never too late. Given in Love, given in Love for Life, for ALL, Namaste PS. For those wanting a good read about the first steps into heart intelligence and being IN the heart, go here, to flow with these books. I advice reading these two good books: 1. Living in the Heart, by Drunvalo Melchizedek 2. Journey to the Heart, by Melody Beattie And always remember: Have fun in all you ARE to BE. :)) Bareld
AuthorI am Bareld Nijboer, author of this website and IN here you read about my thoughts, my heart, my inner feelings and sharing healing and more music, also deep vibrational stuff with you ALL...please feel into Love! Archives
January 2024
Until one has unconditional and unbiased love for all beings, man-kind will not find peace...let mankind become kind-man...and women! |