Bareld's Lovehug blog
starting on 25 March till 8th of AprilHello dear Stars, Today I wish to speak today on Corona and the meditations we (where over a million of people participated in) did, from the 25th of March, the 4th of April, till the 12-04-2020 today. I wish to speak of the pro’s and the con’s of this virus and the way to turn to and of some Channeled words I got from guides. About the energies since corona started We have seen the initial fear it caused, and we know that is not the way, it has subsided and the effect was short, and we all know now that only calm response to everything can and will help, the calmer you are inside, the better and higher your energies will be in your aura and therefore your body. Let nothing of fear take control. Star family asks media to release more positive news on preventing and raising the aura field of the human body. The hero’s are the ones that keep going into hospitals yes, very true also, but they face it and go in without raising their field of energy and vibration! That is less smart if they are in resonance with fear energies. Life can only prevail through higher frequencies, not the lower ones, like viruses have. This is well known on Earth, even in general medical care. In order for a virus to survive, one, or you, have to resonate with that low frequency. This is why Star families ask media to bring more positive news in order to work with Source and not against Source’s will. They spoke on this: “…The years between 2020 and 2025 are crucial in how humans will progress and evolve spiritually/consciously. Those that will keep causing harm in lower frequencies, will be removed in these years to come, with a mere extension of it through 2035. The hard eggs to crack go first though. Love is the Way and the only way, as Source is Love first, its alpha wave is Love! Its Omega wave completes it, like a vessel. On the 25th of March our Channeler and contact called out for a mass mediation on one of your known social media systems, as the energies of that day suited the way to move forward in energies, on that day and would alpha a string of sequences to follow. The number 7 is one of the prime numbers of Source and will create a beginning for new ways...” I laughed when they spoke of hard Eggs, in this Easter Weekend, ha ha ... they sometimes crack me up...or, is that open, lol :) The benefits of meditations and prayer In this weekend of Easter celebrations I would like to speak of the benefits of what’s happening in the world and the wish of Star families we can begin to follow. They advice us all the time, and it is time we listen to them. With our life style and society we are destroying Mother Earth still, ourselves in a mind block (with no connection to Source at all) and with no sympathy to the other living beings on this planet. We see greed, money, death and mobiles rule this planet now and it has only brought death. Nothing new I hear you say, yes very true, but it is time we change, or viruses will make us listen and other lower energies… what we collectively resonate with will befall on us!! Let that sentence sink in deeply. Vibrations up means only one thing dear Stars, and that is this: To Love!! Without conditions laid out there. If you vibe low, you have conditions. What we see in these corona pause, or corona event as Star family calls it, we see the streets clear, the air get clean and the people socialize again with one another! To connect to others is vital and more importantly it means to connect in a resonant love vibration! I saw many souls still vibe way to low in response to what is going on. Ignoring this is low vibration. It is time to take a responsible posture and consciousness. Governments are not the way in that, although they like to pretend to be. Yet they mainly induce fear! And as stated, that is not the way Source wants it to be. The way is forward, not back in “time”, where we have seen too many examples of wars filled with fear. Loose the fear…also this means for governments, lose your fear, for there is nothing to fear in being love! The benefits of prayer and meditations is that your vibration goes up and the frequencies of sickness will not harm you, for your aura holds then the light of love and openness to receive love. And love rules the highest vibration in the Cosmos of Source. To vibe low, like in fear, aggression, ignorance and simply doing nothing, means you start to resonate with frequencies lower than love, making you vulnerable to be in your sickness, viruses resonating with your lower frequency etc… As Tesla spoke, all is to be seen in frequencies, numbers, vibrations and light. Listen to Earth’s greatest scientist ever lived. He knew. I know this, because in one of my previous lifetimes I found these same numbers and have found them again in this lifetime, for those who have read my E-book. Love resonates through a list of numbers, 4 being among them, in which 13 is a resonance number. Ergo, not a number to be feared! That is medieval nonsense, or should we say mid-evil. ;) If the number 4 is used, it always connects back to the original spiral of the 3-6-9 number you use it with. Also 4 means that you have as an individual soul a two way spiral going upward, the kundalini spiral, which goes upward like a Pindala and Ida going upward, so each has two spirals going upward and downward. Doctors know this symbol and should respect and honor this as most high, but do they? So these life force energies seem start in your root chakra, but is actually started by your heart star, nothing else will start it, for your soul is the star spark of everything and your soul does not reside inside your root chakra, though it is connected to all of your chakra, of course. Source and your soul spark the energy and it seems to move upward first going round, and then going through the Earth Star, through your golden apple entering below there, then onward to the root chakra, before rising upward again. The old school teaching teach only of the root chakra, when in fact there is a larger path going on, the donut pathway of the golden apple. So when there are two moving in an individual soul, the if that soul find a mate ad that souls two way spiral connect at heart, we see love emerge, so the two become connected in a four way spiral, and move as one, in a four! They resonate through the four as one! Creating life! The spiral is Life…and the spiral is everywhere, screaming to make us see its truth! We tend to look only at the body as “existence” but in reality the more divine form is the life, which is found within the soul and it speaks through our energy field. The body is merely an expression of that field of energy, made into matter. Any quantum field scientist will agree there is no fine line between what is energy and matter, when it becomes so small that our bodily eyes cannot see it. Yet, scientist remain persistent in calling it “matter”. In reality all matter is energy, only less condensed and in graduations, or degrees. Source created “matter” from energy, for the beginning is energy/light. Through mediation you will start to see the reality of energies and the many many variations there are, when you become known in the fields of dimensions and light. Prayer sends out a vibration, but please listen back too. Then it becomes a ladder, or highway, not an upload only. A ladder goes two ways, up and down, unless you lay it down horizontally. ;) So I ask you to go vibe up dear ones, activate your inner Star, for that is in reality what you are. A small energy ball of Light, living inside your Metaphysical Heart Space, or Inner Heart. Be that connection. You will love it, once you know it. Corona In the powerful meditations of 25th of March and 4-4-2020 (the 4-4-4) we had seen/felt already a vibration going upward and it peaked into a high on the 5th of April, with a peak in the Schumann resonance of 76Hz. The date is stated on top of the picture. This is extremely high and will show you that in that type of field the energies of viruses will start to drop within the collective. As we are seeing now start to emerge. Now the collective consciousness has still a long way to go and the heroes will always be doctors and nurses in the view of most souls, for they see only the body state of our beings, but for me the ones that prayed during the days between 25 March and 8-8-2020 are also true hero’s. We will keep on doing so, as I meditate always in my mornings and give to Mother Earth every day. I know it works and have seen it through many occasions in my life. Guides are real and energy exists. So do Star families, who love us dearly. There’s a lot we (me and Star family) can say on pollution, air and our bodily lungs in the way we perceive the way we live and the environment we choose to live in. First thing we will say is companies that pollute, need cleaner ways to produce the materials they make. What we put in the air we breathe inward. Out lungs become damaged, vibration of our body goes down and we become resonant with viruses and other dis-eases. Star family has been pointing this out since the 1960’s already and how much have learned since the 60 years that past? Is it not time to through away destructive energies of Earth? How much more polluted to our skies need to be before we realize we become more and more resonant with viruses! If we continue we will destroy ourselves simply because we hold no respect for clean skies, clean waters and clear land! This is at a critical point. A virus point this out. We cannot create vaccines for this, for mutations will keep popping up and then we would spiral into more low vibrations. If there were not evolved souls like myself on this planet, to keep the overall consciousness more up, this world would be further down the road already. It’s time to listen to souls like myself. Factories, cars, energy systems, yes, literally everything needs to be cleaner in energy, for our environment, to live in. The more polluted our air, to more viruses and illnesses will pop up. And more lung connected dis-eases will show themselves, like asthma and COPD. Mark my words! If you live in Italy, China, Germany (Ruhr area), Netherlands (main Randstad area), Belgium, Egypt, India, South Korea, and big city areas like Paris, London, Madrid, Hong Kong, Singapore, New York etc. Above is a map showing the NO2 pollution over Europe, with purple and red as the biggest areas polluted. So if you live there it is vital to think about if you still wish to be living there, knowing that the air is already low in frequency and the air needs to be cleaned for yourself to be living free from energies of lower frequencies such as pollution. Anything produced in low energies will result in low energies. Simple energies of the Law of Attraction and Resonance.
In order to for us all to breathe freely and in high resonating frequencies we need clean air to breathe and for our lungs to be healthy! Pollution makes the low vibrations start, so viruses can get hold... So if we are going to help any companies from now on, it should be clean energy companies, not the ones that polluted the skies already, cause they are much in this blame too. I suggest they all buy a mirror and take a hard look into it. Love brings you higher dear ones, not money and economics. Amen. Okay, with that being said, we come to some messages I received and wish to share some stuff of that with you all. Messages that came through in reference to corona As I did a meditation of 36 minutes exactly, I felt pretty full of energy afterwards, from all the souls, guides, and angels that gave prayers on this day. I saw many sacred numbers before hand and the days afterwards. Especially the 555 was shown, very in front, which adds to a 15, or a 6, of harmony! There was also Ashtar pointing at the Penta number, given 5's in triple strength! First Sai Baba came through and spoke two words: “Brahma Sutra (and Sudra)” This needs explanation, for what I felt was Massive energies behind these words. The string or thread of Brahma was in the meditations. Now later I found on the Internet that the Brahma Sutra consists of 555 verses, in 4 chapters. And we all know by now that 4 is love. Coincidence…?, I feel not. So there are 555 general truths…or divine principles. Then Anpu came through, or known by many as Anubis in his Greek form. Anpu is an old friend and stated this, in light of the corona virus: “…The dead I will guide as their hearts will be carried as feathers of angels on the Rivers to heavens alike…” Interesting that Anpu of all beings is taking care of the ones that will pass towards the higher realms of Source Divine. Then JIS spoke, the Immanuel, as follows: “…Son, in times of crisis, the Isis brings the I sense, and the bringer of Light is the Father in the presence of the Mother’s beauty; the wake IS…” After that AA Raphael appeared, after I did my inner heart settling more firm and ready for the giving needed and intentions to be sent. The AA spoke first: “…brother in Light, speak in unity with me, in your heart of Light…” “…Father heal me, heal others, bring Light, bring healing, bring utterance, into your beings, as the truth you are, and the Word that IS you! Heal us, heal Mother, heal this World in Pain and denial, to become One, and in Unity! Amen…” “…Roksa ri ethelion ma talieph arun…” (Apparently this means in angelic: River in joyous light, stream!) After that a ripple of green healing was sent to all souls needing this inside their soul! The JIS addressed me again and said: “…My Son, you should know that you are Ichthaniel, the Light bearer, your angelic / Arcturian form, I ask you to make room for Words, guidance given by me is coming. Strengthen your light, yourself and your energy! …” Then I asked, JIS, can I ask what advice you have for souls / people of Earth in light of Corona in a physical sense? “…Source and I say: “…Wash your hands in zinc powder, the synced powder, or white powder, to create a layer of protection on your hands…for daily usage…read on zinc qualities…” Then I was shown two hands that rubbed and washed each other in this white powder. I read and found after the meditation on internet that it was actually called zinc oxide, a normal element found on Earth, also found in sunscreen milks or protection oils. It’s Element is the Elements table is 30! 30 add to a 3! Now as we prayed and meditated on the 444, which adds to a 12, which in turn adds to number 3. Coincidence…?, I know it is not! A set plan in motion by Source to give. In the meditations I always thank all guides and give them hugs of Love. May these message be of inspiration to you that help is given and that we are not alone. As last section in this blog post I wish to give you all the insurance, that the Ashtar Command is in possession of certain pearls, just call them energy balls if you like, that can wipe whole areas clean of viruses, by just dropping them! I have seen it in action, and they can use it again, if need be. May we in future, as a whole start to see and know, that we need to work with Star family to lift ourselves more higher upward in consciousness and also technology, to be able to receive open contact in such advanced magitech! I specifically do not call it tech, for it is not technology, it is also not magic, but a mix of the two, in full balance! The meditations through the 5th till the 8th of April were a continuation of energies we gave. Today a reboost was given on the 12-04-2020, around 11:11 hours! I end with the wish and impulse to say, I love you All full heartedly and may wisdom and inspiration guide us soon in a unified Earth of Love! A dia du, Bareld
AuthorI am Bareld Nijboer, author of this website and IN here you read about my thoughts, my heart, my inner feelings and sharing healing and more music, also deep vibrational stuff with you ALL...please feel into Love! Archives
January 2024
Until one has unconditional and unbiased love for all beings, man-kind will not find peace...let mankind become kind-man...and women! |