Bareld's Lovehug blog
Four is Love
Follow up post on the Crop Circles and so much more!New energies from Star family and the Holy Ascended SoulsGood afternoon dear Stars, Today, on the 8th of July, I present the follow up blog post on the new crop circles that have emerged and there intended meaning and the sacred connections to these. In the previous post I already pointed out the importance of the three main heart chakras and the new way forward with that. Also that Sirius and a few other Star families were involved in creating these, together with the Ashtar Command and Ascended guides, yes, holy souls, to say the least. Today we will dive into these four extra CC’s. Three in England (or Great Britain) and one in Italy. They tell of a story and a guideline, read also my previous blogpost. And a glimpse into the new formed ones, recently in July. First the CC’s from end of May and June 2023. As the messages are follow up’s of the first one, on the left. Side note here is, that not all CC’s are connected and not all come from the same source(s). These four plus the recent three in July, are all connected, because four is love. And the total of them is 7 is what the intention was and what the the Holiness is all about, as I write today after the 7-7-7 date of yesterday. Also note the dates, these are important for the follow up energies. It is of utmost significance to name the energies and souls that have been important in these energies, besides all the numerous earth workers, working for the freeing of children of bonded energies! It will all become clear for you as I keep writing. Most important to mention is that it is all about the energy called Life! Source only holds this as the highest regard, to honor Life itself and nothing else. The number associated with Life is 18, as explained in the previous blog. These 5 main energies and souls, connected to these 5 CC’s, are:
As we were on holiday, exactly between or on either side of two of these divine energies, which represented the grand protector, the virgin birth Mother, the protector saint, connect to AA Michael, the destroyer of old poison energies, ergo, Shiva and lastly on the divine creator of ALL that IS, Source, working together with Star family. First on the crop circles, or CC’s: First we will connect to the CC in Italy, which was found in the Cascina San Michele area, which is just below the city of Brescia. This city of Brescia, an ancient site in Northern Italy, was our (my wife and me) holiday location around half way of October 2022. I have found that in the past wherever I travel or go to, energies follow, because of my ancient connection to the Ashtar Command, the Sirius Council and sacred guides. I have seen it happen before and it seems the sacred, astral, Star family and holy energies are connected to wherever I flow. It leaves a Mark, in a good Way. As have always been connected to the Feminine Universal energies as a Lion Being and also strongly connected to AA Michael’s Blue and White Ray, I am not surprised this spot was selected for this CC, in the end of May. Something personal happened for us at the beginning and end of May. I will reveal this at a later time. There are Holy energies at play. The CC at Cascina San Michele area, a name and area which was not chosen by chance as you will read in this post The interpretation of this circle is one of Feminine Light and of Protection. And yes it also connects us into planetary alignments and planetary energies. It may show a few Sun eclipses ahead, like the one of 14th of October this year. With the Moon being the darker circle and the Sun in a white shape. In reality it shows a polarity unison image. This circle feels to me as a Way to show the Protective Masculine Divine energies in unison with the Wings of Protection of the Divine Feminine. It spreads out like two Isis wings, like a Feminine Moon energy, often seen below the feet of Mother Mary images. The CC was formed around the 30th of May. So it was before the CC of the previous blog post. We can state here it was the first, in a line of CC’s. The second CC, in time, was the one spoken of in the previous blog post. Moving on to the third CC in line, formed around the 11th of June, see just here below, was the one of the Steering Wheel or the Guided Compass, as I like to call it, for it refers again to our Inner Hearts and Heart Center to be our guiding compass, or steering wheel, from now onward. This CC was formed at Roundway Down (what’s in a name with this radar like CC, ha ha), near a town called Devizes. Again, what’s in a name. Star family knows exactly what to choose for their CC sites. This third CC holds a number of important trinkets and symbols to be aware of and use. The Wheel of Dharma is the first One that I’d like to mention, with its 8 virtues in, or, of Life. Again the number 8 is prominently there and the Life guidance is given. The Wheel of Dharma s also called the Dharmachakra. It all connects completely to your Inner Hearts Compass! The true “religion” is simply Life itself. And when you know that Life comes from Love you also know that Love is Life and therefore Life is Love. I have mentioned this so many times before. Also as we can see, Source works not within One religion, but in every one of them and much more! Life is the main Source! The word, or energy, of dharma, finds its root meaning in the terms: to hold, to maintain, or to keep. Why the Dharmachakra? Well, simply because the 8 values, or virtues of Life are mentioned in there. Buddhists call this the eightfold path. If you follow these 8 guidelines, you cannot go wrong. They are meant to be kept, to maintain, or to be held firmly in your heart center. Buddhist also know this to represent the reincarnation cycle. Isn’t Life a big cycle indeed ;) When we focus on the CC again we see the vibrations going upward, downward, and eastward/westward going. It means we are asked to put our vibrations and energies there. As we are asked to hold the Wheel at these four cardinal points now. As we can see in this example of a steering wheel of a ship or boat, we are asked and guided to take the helm of our Life and Hearts! The other four virtues of Dharma are also important as these four are pointed out too, but we are asked to take hold of these four more firmly, as we may soon shift to the other four as well. Hence the radar option in this CC. We need to keep focused with everything. The 8 are also pointed like little 8’s on the steering wheel, which I find a nice little touch from Star family. Nicely done my friends. Here are the 8 virtues in of the Wheel of Dharma: Now in this CC we are guided to Four main points of this Wheel. These are North, West, East and South, ergo, Right View, Right Livelihood, Right Speech and Right Concentration! We are asked to focus on this right now, like a vibrational radar, to keep track of ourselves and the Earth. Like in this picture below, feel the Whole circle, where also four directions are monitored. Just feel into this picture. Focus on the 8 virtues and in the center all will come into view, the samhadhi, as to what and where we need to steer. We are all at the Helm now. Mother Mary calls this the Rose, which is simply put, the Wind Rose of our Heart, or the Gyroscope and Compass of our inner knowledge, the Wisdom of the Soul. Feel into these pictures for guidance. The Fourth CC, see picture here below, was found near the town of Bischopstrow (Eastleigh Court), in Wiltshire also. I will mention this name for you all here now, Saint Bernward, who would be pleased with the name of this town. This CC was found on the 18th of June. How all of this relates to our holiday I will reveal more below. You will feel this name Bischopstrow even more when you that we visited a certain two churches on the 17h! See our personal story below. As we talked already on the vibrational radar of our hearts, we see here another vibrational image in the field, or is that the quantum field, ha ha. Our hearts vibrate and the Celtic lore on this planet, used the triskele or Celtic triquetra for the vibrational shape of our hearts. This points to three main pillars of the religion of Life, meaning polarity, energy/light/spirit and Source. Our hearts are beating and through its four chambers it creates also a bio electromagnetic field, which beats and created through these three main pillars of Life. As the third CC pointed out we are guided by four chambers of the wheel in this NOW and we are asked to listen to that important compass. Also know this…Life is created through three nucleotides, a triplet energy in the genetic code, of a codon. We are asked to make the right choices in how we approach the creation of Life as well. Manipulation of DNA is the wrong way. I do not need to go into that too much, as we all have felt the dark wave of the past three years in that. It’s time to take hold of our hearts and our true compass again, the trinity of wheels is right around our heart center and working with our heart center. Vibration is the Way forward, as this CC shows us. The 3 is the first start of the cycle of the 3-6-9 sequence, which I wrote of deeply in my first E-book, Sacred Numbers of the Angels. So the order of the dates of the CC’s were as follows:
Know that at the time of this writing, three more CC’s were formed and will be explained as well, as it all connects to the same energies, it’s like a story being told. ;) Now we come to the personal touch and story of this blog post. Our holiday and a first glance on these energies happing there. The 16th to the 20th of June we were on holiday in Hildesheim in Germany. This holiday was going to be special. As we knew we were going to visit two Unesco buildings, which were devoted to AA Michael, Saint Bernward and Mother Mary. These two building are known as the Saint Michael’s Church and the Maria Dom. Even though we are not religious people in the sense of going to church every Sunday, we do like to visit churches and cultural buildings. For myself I am a devotee to Christ consciousness, which is Universal and different than the Earth form called Christianity. As I am deeply connected to Christ energies, as you can see through many of my previous channeling’s of JIS, there was an extra layer added to these connections. As JIS has guided me many times in my life, which is the truth of Christ consciousness, we are made aware of its several layers today. When we visited the first Church, the Saint Michael’s Church, we heard a young man playing the organ very frivolously and it sounded awesome to me. We visited the space where inside Saint Bernwald was buried and a sacred tomb figure was placed in his honor. I loved the fact that this tomb figure was in the middle of the space and he had an open heart to show, with an inscription inside. Also his tomb figure is shows his body is supported by Two Lions, a clear symbol that this has Frisian roots written all over them, as two Lions are a Frisian marker, perhaps even a Saxon one too? Though this was a Saxon bishop it clearly shows they had connections to the nearby Frisian population of East Frisia. Also remember that the languages of Saxon and Frisian are closely related from ancient times. Bern means children in old and modern day Frisian, and maybe also in old Saxon. Ward means guardian. In a broader sense his name may mean, Born to be a Protector, or Ward, as the Frisian word Berne, means, to be born. Here’s his tomb figure in the Saint Michaels Church: After doing the inner work and mass meditation for the children of Earth, where I felt as doing the work as a children’s ward, ahem, Berne’s Ward, so his name and open heart in this tomb figure really spoke to me. I also loved the four circles around his heart, connecting to the infinity hearts flower symbol, The inscription said this, see picture I made, bit more below.
I speak of this symbolism with the same purpose as I spoke of the CC’s with the same energies and symbolism inside them. Feel the same Dharma wheel inside them with its 8 directions and four main petals. Nothing is unconnected. Also this symbolism will be spoken of in the next blogpost, because it is connected to another ArchAngel. Here’s a link for more info on Saint Bernward. Before the tomb figure, on the left side of it, I saw 13 angel figurines hanging in front of it, remembering that Bernward was the 13th Bishop of this church and area. The number 13 is holy, it is not bad, as so many still think, even to this day, and it connects to the sacred feminine energies, mother energies and especially Mother Mary. Even Muslims know the sacred Mother energies of Mother Mary. Friday is a holy day in that religion and is connected to Her. The number 13 stands for Unity (1) within the Holy Trinity (3), or Oneness through the Holy Trinity. It is a sacred feminine flow and hence it was probably darkened by the many masculine layers within the church. See picture: Here are the angel motifs, zoomed in Next we visited the real burial tomb below and went there to both light some candles. In my prayer there I thanked Mother Mary deeply for her work, for her help, for her care for the Earth children and for giving us Jesus, without then knowing why? I just had a strong feeling I needed to thank her in that sacred space. Later things became more clear. This is an outside view of the sacred Saint Michaels Church, build by Saint Bernward And the sign of AA Michael on the building in front of it. See picture below, with AA Michael defeating the dragon. Which is what we are doing at present. There’s more inside this church to see and feel, so here's a link on it. Then we went to the next church, the Maria Dom, where I first encountered another old familiar energy. That of Shiva. As I will not go into details here, to keep this post as short as it can be, I understood and stood there to admire the guardian image of Shiva, just outside the walls of the Maria Dom area. All the imagery I show is of importance, as all these energies and souls are involved in this. It shows Shiva in his Bhairava energy form, as a destroyer or annihilator and Lord over the Dead, ergo a protector form, or destroyer of dark Earthly energies. It too comes in 8 forms. Shiva is a personal note for me in this journey, which I will not explain further in this post. As we moved towards the Maria Dom, also called the Hildesheim Cathedral, we first walk around it before we went inside the Church. Also this felt hugely symbolic. A view of the outside of the Dom. As we petaled on, we saw this symbolism, on the Maria Dom, on the outside. This symbol is important to remember, when you start looking at the CC formed on the 777, or 7th of July, 2023. See at the end of this post, as this post is about Life and how to walk in it! When we went inside, where we saw a big bronze door, build by Saint Bernward, made of bronze. It’s called the Bernward Door, which can be viewed inside the Maria Dom On it are Biblical scenes of the Book of Genesis and scenes of the Life of Jesus. See link here, if you are interested to know more. I saw also some incredible symbolism inside which was trans-religious Like this Sri Yantra like symbolism on this pillar. See the inner triangles inside the Sri Yantra on this pillar. Sri Yantra, the circle, the cube and four and eight pointed way. My wife and me also spoke out to each other how peaceful the energies were inside this church, it felt sacredly serene. We both felt it. A warm feminine blanket feel, a Motherly touch of Love. There are many amazing attributes inside this church. See here the Rose symbolism below the picture I took outside, which was on the inside of the church door, a Rose symbol. I love that I am also in the picture, merged in the energies, as I always am. Then we went to what we wanted to see, and that is the world famous Rose of the Maria Dom, the sacred 1000 year old Rose Bush of Hildesheim. My wife prayed to Mother Mary in a church in Paris, while being in Paris on holiday, in early May 2023, and we prayed again to her in the AA Michaels Church, this time together, while burning a candle for Her. Bless Her energies. Now a we came into the back of the church where there is a serene garden with flowers and of course the spoken of 1000 year old Rose Bush, together with a small chapel, all connected with the sacred Rose symbol of Mother Mary. I made some shots with my mobile camera there and captured some sacred and holy energies there. This was the first and second shot: What you see here on the first picture is Mother Mary beaming an Arc of white light, with also the sacred covenant energies of the Rainbow light, which is in our 7 basic chakras, or energy wheels, to show that the sacred covenant still is standing and reaffirmed. The first shot has 7 rainbow colors on top and the second shot has two different rays, with different energies coming from her two hands, where here energies must be felt as coming from the right, this is where I felt Her energies coming from when I was there. I was a fourth witness in all of this and the symbolism is about the Trinity, symbolized by a Crown (of a Three Pointed Way) and three lovely young ladies below, with one of them being my wife, on the left. :) The symbolism speaks for itself… see third shot. The Crown of Mother Mary above the Church and 1000 year old Rose Bush, the Crown in a heavenly cloud form and the three females below it. Feel also the clear energies around that Rose Bush, it glows. See next picture. Here’s the Crown more in zoom. The last picture is the most amazing one, with Mother Mary beaming here energies on my wife, like in a way I have never seen energy being focused on picture before, but it feels like it has her imagery written all over it, for those who have watched Mother Mary imagery before with beams of light coming from Her hands and heart! I was amazed at this shot, where Her energy was beamed at my wife: I have never seen energy beamed in and outward like this before, like it went through a prism. Diverged and Converged again. Mother May clearly pointed Her energies at my wife (notice how it goes over the other two ladies) and we were both so blessed in feeling Her so close. It was clearly meant for my wife. We still are feeling the blessing of it. Now when we I saw these pictures, three of them, with a fourth (four is love), showing Her own crown, I thanked Mother Mary again for her blessed energies. For now this will amaze you all enough, I feel. It surely amazed me! I will share a few communications I had from Mother Mary, as short channeling's: This one is from 19th of June, given at exactly 11:11 o'clock: Trust thy heart Trust thy love Trust the Rose Trust its Art Next one is a guidance on how to be from now on, called, the Way of the Rose, a channeling from Mother Mary, give on the 8th of July: Souls need to know the Way of the Rose again, to forgive through the pain, no matter how great the pain. The three wheels of love, the energy fields of the heart, will give souls the Way to do so. It means that nothing is forgotten, but it be forgiven through this trinity Way. It is called the Way of the Rose. 08-07-2023, Mother Mary & her Son, Joshua (JIS) Bless you Mother Mary and the Immanuel, for being with us and all. Back to the newest Crop Circles, more precise, the one formed at the end of June, the 26th to be exact, and the three in the beginning of July, for some short few first words on their symbolism, as it is all connected. - Feel the symbolism, of the 8 - Feel the Star symbolism, the Crown symbolism, the Way of the Rose, the Trinity and the Heart Flower. -Feel the meaning of Life, the Flower of Life - Feel the meaning of virbation, of the right frequencies, the meaning to be in sacred and divine love for yourself and others! Here are the four CC's, on that, but next time we will dive a bit more into those. I'd like to finish this post with a slideshow of energies and images that have been connecting with me (and my wife too) since June and still are present! Enjoy these, and I wish all you Stars a blessed day and weekend! Stay Love, Stay Peaceful, stay an open Flower, Stay the Course of the Way of the Rose! I love you All, B. Be Love and Light
Marlee B
9/8/2023 02:23:25 am
I am floored B. I read this three times. It resonates so much with me. Thank you for sharing. I feel I was very much a part of this, and you know why. Much love, a divine light, and infinite blessings. 🙏🏼😘💖🦚💫🦋🤍
31/8/2023 12:05:53 pm
I know Marlee, I feel you. All is well, our alignments keep flowing and are daily "work" for us, as you know. Sending divine light & love back to you, as always, infinite blessings returned. B. 🙏🏼😘💖🦚💫🦋🤍
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AuthorI am Bareld Nijboer, author of this website and IN here you read about my thoughts, my heart, my inner feelings and sharing healing and more music, also deep vibrational stuff with you ALL...please feel into Love! Archives
January 2024
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