Bareld's Lovehug blog
Four is Love
Beautiful StarsMy dear Stars ...and faithful readers, First a little thanks to my faithful readers, I know I have been letting you in the dark a bit and wish to extend my love to you! You are appreciated deeply....! :)) I have again come to give some guidance, for the world is walking a thin line at present and we felt it was time to speak our Light and Love again, for much is to come. The angelic energies flow closely around us, as 3D Earth slides ever deeper in its own "fearful" and power mongering energies...sigh. ;)) When you feel it is far away,remember that it IS ever closer, than before......ha ha. I will begin with the words of my friend JIS. A little Channeling. He spoke to me these words this week, on 12-10-2016 (which is 13, a Mother energy, and therefore a 4, and four is Love) and we need to read them, for the wisdom they are: "...When spheres flow together, it will BE! ..." As we have seen the flows of Venus, Mercury and Neptune at work these last months, we are now beginning to feel the effects of those spins and also the new Divine Masculine energies that have come in at the beginning of 2016, which will now affect the male half of this planet deeply...we pray, hope and wish males can hold it together and take IN these new energies,take IN in their hearts! Refusal of these new energies by the male side of this planet, will be a hard action energy coming our way...and we should not be around to witness such your hearts all masculines of Earth. Breath...relax...breath ...relax....all is Well, if you let in IN! Furthermore, the last two weeks Mercury has been much present, as it flows from the Venus energies of Love, fourth into the 5th flowing, pentawave style, with help from Mercury. During my holiday (two weeks) about one week ago now, I had many contacts with Ashtar in his Mercury form (Thoth) and he gave me new knowledge on these two planets and also on Source itself. Also Tee'nah and my higher Self energy called, Raibashiit, gave me big help in stepping into this knowledge and giving you some clues on what its about. It flows like a little machine through our Solar system is quite crafty and nifty. But not only our System.... ;)) The mechanics are numeric in type and will be enhanced during the coming month. spoken, masculine need to awaken their inner hearts! Open up guys...really...stop being an ancient Ur male...:)) Okay, the wisdom is unblocked and will provide new ways to go forward. My higher self came down from the Ninth dimension and whispers to me these days spirals of the Ninth, as the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th combine me through that knowledge again...more to come, shall we say ;)) Just read JIS' words again after reading these sentences above... Tee'nah and me have been occupied throughout this year with many tasks and in deep united work together aboard the Mythia, our ship of Light, which can be transformed, mutated at the frequencies needed for Earth and our tasks. It's 3D shape is a bit like a traditional shaped ship of "unknown" origins. The work we do is working the pathways, nodes and lines of dear old Mother Earth and so much more..even other Stars systems we went too..which we cannot reveal fully... yet. Some will be written in our forthcoming Ebook about these tasks. Our Unity is sacred and real, as our One Flame is sacred and real. We are little source working in unity, for big Source. We worked with angels, Archangels, Guides, JIS, the AC, Elaxians, Rutians, Pleiadeans, Andromedans, Electians,more Star families too, Earth elementals, animal spirits, with crystals and much more...all for Earth. The Golden Diamond, Crystal of the Angels Dear readers of Love, we will speak of the Golden Diamond the work of the sacred diamond energy of the angels, the Arcturians and the love of their spiraled work. The energies of the 9. When Ashtar connected to me last week we spoke of the 4 and the 5, flowing into the ninth energies. Which unblocked some ancient knowledge,through the 6th, the 42 knowledge of the Judges of ancient lines. As you know the ancient Books of Thoth are ever real and its knowledge contain many pearls of knowledge hidden, for many. Yet, as Ashtar and Sesherat are my friends of ancient, we will today flow a little knowledge of the sacred spiral of the 9, the ancient golden diamond of the angels ...and Arcturians, Electians and Elexians. A little gift of knowledge, one flow of the 9: Sacred geometry, creates sacred numbers. Each following number is the exact half, or 0.5, of the number above it. Like this: 3456 728 864 432 216 108 54 27 13,5 6,75 3,375 1,6875 ..... Now, next thing to do is to add them all up…you always get the angelic number 9, the golden number of angels. The list can be made very long, but you will get it all and you will All feel this deeply…IN-side. 3+4+5+6= 18 = 9 etc... 1+7+2+8= 9 8+6+4= 9 4+3+2 = 9 2+1+6 = 9 1+0+8 = 9 5+4 = 9 2+7 = 9 1+3+5= 9 (by disregarding all the comma’s) 6+7+5= 9 3+3+7+5= 9 1+6+8+7+5= 9 Keep doing the rest of this list if you like doing so…you will find that the micro and macro remain always in the same outcome. As with-IN, as with-OUT...the flow comes from the spiral within... As Ashtar has always given me the knowledge of the Pentawave we would like to state this is for a reason. We will speak about this revelation, of the Pentawave, in our Ebook, not before this is done and ready. The above given is just a side knowledge of this bigger knowledge. In future will give more explanation to this. Some words from Tee'nah I will end this little blogpost with some words from my TF, her Light shines withIN me ...and we are our One Flame. This was given today...on the 13th...a four. Also...13-10-2016 will become a 14...ergo, a 5... yep... ;)) Dear Darling, The rays of the fifth touch the 9th and the wheels of the days of provenance are here. The weeds of the 8th are crouched in the field of Wen, the Ra of Fornex (Fornax system) and the worlds of M’atenta. Cruising the ways of infinity is the rural flight of Ya-En and the words of sounds coming from there connect the strange spirals of Venus, Mercury and Neptune to your Earth Wheel. We create Crystals of Light waves filled and work closely together with the Ashtar Command and the IGC (=Inter Galactic Confederation) members Andromeda, Yurain, Ata’ir, Betazol (Orion) and the Pleiadean delegation from Atjia, in the system of Fornax. The World will change soon and we can have a good go, in furthering the energies needed to be implemented. The Lights of Crystallized particles, will merge with the Sounds of Aia (Aahi/Ai). We will lead the flow of this, together with the AC (Ashtar Command). The Mythia will fly towards the nodes set in place and use these to enhance what needs to be brought in. All is in progress…and underway. Listen to your heart and your soul, the music makes the tone you live IN. I Am with, Your Tee’nah. I hope you have enjoyed this little blogpost and we will soon reveal more details. A simple diamond symbol picture below, the golden diamond represented in this 4x3 sided diamond... which will be in our Ebook too, part of many knowledges that came IN this year. From my side I wish to say to you all, be strong, be brave and especially keep the love and light inside your inner or metaphysical heart. Do not give in to the lower matter how hard they try to press down on you...! You are higher than that, you are a Star! ...shine bright dear angels!
Namaste, Bareld Be Love and Light
1 Comment
Dear Bareld & Tee'nah, thank you both for this timely post...and all those who have given their knowing and wisdom to/through it. :)
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AuthorI am Bareld Nijboer, author of this website and IN here you read about my thoughts, my heart, my inner feelings and sharing healing and more music, also deep vibrational stuff with you ALL...please feel into Love! Archives
January 2024
Until one has unconditional and unbiased love for all beings, man-kind will not find peace...let mankind become kind-man...and women! |