Bareld's Lovehug blog
Four is Love
The story on heart - brain coherence and of the low frequency area of about 12 - 13 HzToday I'd like to speak on the circles of 10, the Feminine Spiral energy of 3-6-9 and the number 1, a masculine feature and the 13Hz of the feminine way. Besides what has been put on the Twitter post so far, this is an addition to that information. On the 13Hz In the micro level it starts on the 0,12-0,13 Hz level. Why, because Source is the full circle and every 10th tone, or circle is a level of the octave frequency a 10th circle “above", or, "below” the previous/next one. Everything moves in cycles and circles. The heart has a low frequency base beat which starts at 1.2-1.3 Hz. Translated that is 1.2 beats per second, or 72 beats average per minute. This is the slow base drum rhythm it starts with and it results in an average drum beat of about 72 beats per minute. It’s the drum of Life. The coherence with the brain and heart start at this frequency and is heard (read: translated) in our brain by the frequency of 12-13 Hz, a factor 10 of it, as described in the intro, this is the state when heart and brain coherently and lovingly work together as the science of the brain we know this to be the border frequency between the alpha and the beta state. These alpha and beta waves trigger different consciousness states. Why is this border frequency feminine? We know that the feminine brain acts as a more holistic way, it cycles, then the logic orientated left brained style of masculine, it focuses more on linearity. Holistic means combining of both brain halves, preferentially in unity with the inner heart. Sometimes women still find that last section the difficult part as well, because of old inner children. Because, who truly has been inside their inner heart's dimension? So, in essence females have an easier way of connecting heart and brain, to feel this coherence. It's also easy archived by men, if and when they choose to live and incorporate that holistic lifestyle as well. That is why that frequency is more a feminine way and style than the logical and linear masculine way. Why the border frequency of 12 and 13 Hz? To think linear and logical, you will not reach this circulation energy. The easy option is to activate the right side of your brain, become creative and holistic, together with your inner heart activation. A circle movement of energies between heart and brain creates coherence and this circular and holistic way is called the feminine way. It contains all. This is the feminine way of Source, it is inclusive. The look at it from a numerology perspective, we see that the number 1 represents this unity way of feeling and thinking. Oneness... The number two is of duality/polarity is the learning and the three represent the Father, Mother and Child unity. Together the form the Authentic love of Source. The Alpha brain waves start at 8-9 Hz, it’s where the Schumann is left to rest and spiral energy of the number 9 kicks IN. The number 9 is angelic and it's also feminine in style and movement. Spiral energy is feminine. Masculine is arrow-like energy and even an arrow spirals, ha ha ;) The Alpha state ends at a drowsy sleepy state, coming from a theta meditative state. Meditation connects to that base heart frequency of 1,2-1,3 Hz. The Beta waves start and our body (or vessel) becomes conscious of its physical state. So, this border frequency of 9Hz, plus 3Hz ( which is a feminine sub tone of 9, in alignment with the trinity wave of Source) results in the transfusion energy of 12Hz to 13 Hz, and becomes an awakened state. Even men know when they are in that morning awakening state they tend to be more holistic and open. Just think about it...feel IN. (unless you slept badly, ha ha ;) ) Now, all of this only makes sense of we know how to go inner dimensionally through our heart. Only by doing mindfulness at brain level, ergo, combining left and right, we miss out on the heart - brain coherence. This third (3) dimension needs to be add in the circle... What is authenticity? Being authentic means that your heart - brain coherence is fully switched on! When your heart speaks, your brain listens and your thoughts and words align with what you know, speak and experience, you are being authentic. Other words that align with this energy is sincere and truthful. Source loves souls being within this alignment! So, the 13Hz is feminine way of flowing with this and it's easy. Remember this the next time you wake up... Conception, creation and birth...! The feminine holds the circle energy and provides the container for conception, creation and birth...3 energies in 1, again these numbers. The 3-6-9 energies... In my first E-book I have written a lot about the 3-6-9 energies and the importance of it all. Today let's add an extra dimension to that, shall we? The Feminine gives birth to life! From embryo to a fetus, I will bring this forth now, we will speak of conception first, remember, I spoke of 3 energies being feminine. These three come into play. But first things first! In my second E-book, which no one has read yet, but me, I have a section dedicated to my trip to Source itself and what Source IS. Well, Source is the Heart of everything! But I'll tell another little secret here in this blog post. Source is in love with its feminine energies! It loves to say: '...I am the Oneness in the Three...' remember this, as you will read on. Source is literally the Heart of All that IS. When we, as humans, in the likeness of Source, the first Heart that ever beat, first we are a fetus. In development. 3-6-9, from embryo to fetus, in 10 weeks! We become first a cell, we divide, become two, become four etc...a pool of partions. The embryo in the 3rd week, develops a heart with tunes. It first has two... then three chambers...for it does not breath yet with its lungs. It lives in a watery environment..again, a feminine element of water there. At 6th week till the 7th week we start to see a heart with 4 9 weeks...a four chambered fully functioning Heart. These numbers are no coincidence it the cycle, or spiral, of the feminine creation cycle, flowing its way. Life begins...and yes, Tesla was right there in this knowledge too. Life IS Love. Love IS Life. At the 10th week, representing the first full circle, we become a fetus, emerging from the 3-6-9 embryo cycle! Creation flows in the 3-6-9 cycle, a feminine cycle. Creation Life! The Golden Way. Source is very proud of this Feminine cycle. Oh yeah, for all females out there, you all know the importance of the weeks behind the 3rd, 6th and 9th month of this Creation Cycle! 3 Months = 12 weeks 6 months = 24 weeks 9 months = 36 weeks At 12 - 13 weeks, where have we seen this before ?, I am sending 12-13Hz brainwaves here to you all, lol, we are ready to tell our close ones that we are pregnant! At 24 weeks your baby is viable to be alive (when birthed prematurely )and doctors will do anything to safe your baby, if it were actually to be born prematurely! At 36 weeks, yes the time has come to go into its birthing phase...the beginning of life coming forth from the womb, this can take a little longer than 36 weeks though, but then it will go into the last 3 weeks. You get the picture why this 3-6-9 spiral is feminine. Even the 12-24-36 weeks are 3-6-9 when numbers are added up. 1+2=3 2+4=6 3+6=9 Quite a double in your face standard there! Like Source is saying to us here, you see, I really do love my Feminine side...ha ha What about Masculine, are they not needed? Well of course they are needed, because they provide the seeding. The One seed that is needed for conception. Hence the number One. 1+3 = 4 and four means Love, Unity too. The Union of the Spiral (Feminine) and of the Arrow (Masculine)...forming a Circle energy. Atlantis... The Atlanteans had a symbol for this energy I speak of here, a circle with a cross inside it, dividing the circle in four sacred parts! This is the Union love. It goes wider than this alone, but this is one part of its meaning. Here's a drawing I made, of it's basic or essential symbol. There are other forms of this type. This is the basic one. This is why Heart based being is essential for our society on Earth to flow into, consciously. Now we can bring in Heart - Brain coherence, as the next level. The Heart
The Heart has four chambers, and as a fetus we go from the heart being 1 to 2, to 3, and finally to a 4 chambered heart! I could write a full blog post on the heart and the number 4, but will leave it at that for now. Next, the sacred breath! Activation of the first slow movement of your MerKaBa is done in 4 simple steps, with four in-breaths... As Source is One, not a separate being of either male or female, but a merged being of Oneness, I will show you the four steps of the old "as above, so below" way. Meaning honoring it still in the "separate" Father and Mother energies. The new way is done easier. For now I will show you the 13 way, meaning 3 + 1 in-breath way. The sacred in-breathing, with 4 sacred in-breaths: First ground yourself, feet first on ground and feel a firm connection to the Mother Gaia energy and her inner crystal core (read: heart). Then as you are ready to do in-breaths...take three in-breaths from crown chakra inward down the ki/chi channel all the way down to your root chakra, inhaling white energy (Mother/Feminine healing energy) , when the in-breath is in your root chakra...hold and think or speak your full first name and birth date! (This settles you in your baby energies, your birth mode, where all cells still replenish easiest). The white energy heals also your birth energies, if you still experience old hurt energies from birth. It is re-setting energies by the Mother energies of Source, and three (trinity) provides the three main energy centers in your body of healing too. After three in-breaths and three birth connecting healing, we bring in one seeding male aspect in-breath, or Father energies. Bring in the fourth in-breath of golden energy, same way, from crown chakra to root chakra. When all four in-breath energies are in your root chakra, settling LIFE restoring energy there, before we bring it back up into the Heart chakra. I will explain it now in a kundalini way style. Merge the white and golden energies into a merged ball, within the root chakra, let it settle there, become fully merged, watch this forming proces, feel it too. Next we let the "winged-serpent" energy fly upward, "yin" going one way and "yang" going through other. Both are the same (as they are both golden/white) but it is for old school energy workers easier (I think) to see/feel it this way still. Bring both swirls up into the sacral chakra. Let it settle there a bit. Until you are ready to go up again. Next swirl and stop is the solar plexus. Wait again. Feel...until you are ready to go to your heart chakra, swirl it up and IN. When you are at the heart chakra. Let it settle and let the energies merge into a complete ball again. When you are ready. Blow this ball up, like balloon, going through all your cells, your body and through your aura fields, keep envisioning this golden/white merged energy. Keep it 1,5m to 2m around you, like a big ball around you. Hold it for 1 minute. For now. After on minute let it go smaller again, until it us in your Heart chakra again, like that first small merged ball of energy. Keep it there. It can do no harm to keep it there. Use it elsewhere if you need to. But keep it mostly as a reserve energy. Then thank the Father/Mother energies of Source. Go about your day... Second way of doing this is in a fully merged style already. Also four in-breaths. Only the kundalini is brought upward from root in a straight line upward, pillar style. No swirling. Both styles can be done...see what feels good to you. This last one is a more masculine style of doing it. Four is Love. Remember this, as the Atlanteans knew it. Also know that many Atlanteans are here again, incarnated, like myself I was once there, in a couple of lifetimes, to assist in this now again. The number 4 contains the trinity energy and uses it in a unity style way. It is Feminine plus Masculine. Let's remember that Source is All, and that its Feminine side shows us Ways we need to learn as well. We have seen the masculine ways, for more than 5000 years now, it's time to learn from the Feminine Way! In that way we truly will become authentic and connected in balance with Source, through a Law of Heart-Brain coherence! The 12 to 14 Hz border frequencies (waves) within our brains gives us insights, especially the 13Hz, which is the 1 (Oneness) and 3 (Trinity) combined, giving us a solid 4. Be open, within the space of the inner Heart and reside in the Open wave frequencies of the brain, which are smack between the alpha and beta waves, ergo, 13Hz. Love is a 4 way system. I love you All :) A dia du and Namaste Be Love and Light
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AuthorI am Bareld Nijboer, author of this website and IN here you read about my thoughts, my heart, my inner feelings and sharing healing and more music, also deep vibrational stuff with you ALL...please feel into Love! Archives
January 2024
Until one has unconditional and unbiased love for all beings, man-kind will not find peace...let mankind become kind-man...and women! |