Today I would like to present you a blissful way to come into contact with what I call: True Heartfulness.
The Intent is to know how to be in inner heart and how to stay and live there, I call it: BEing. The Way let's you BE, in direct contact with your higher self and soul. This calls for a couple of steps to follow every day and needs to be repeated every day, so it will become your new lifestyle. Feel into this before you contact me, for you will be a different person once we have done this "training".
Now I have also seen a new wave emerge on the Internet, a trend based on the mindfulness training and way, which is a clever addition to the mindfulness and heartfulness training courses to provide income, for some needed for 3D life circumstances. And I respect money as well, as a tool, not a way of life. It always remains a simple tool. Let's be clear on that too. This is not the heartfulness I speak of here, for the heartfulness system I teach based on only four aspects and ways to feel/be in. Mindfulness is not the way of being IN your inner heart. Let's be clear about one thing upfront.
I cheer on this mind and heart awakening that is going on within people of Earth, for sure, it's lovely, let's keep it going and heartfulness training is a good way to begin too. But, I also state this. Does "training for the heart" have to cost so much money? In truth, you know already, your heart, your soul and its knowledge, it is and has always been free, and already inside you, from Source, and it's cost need to charge anything, I will only awaken it, show it and awaken you! If you do feel you should try the heartfulness way people offer on the Internet, you should go ahead and do it, spend your money there, that is free will, as the heart honors and respects that too.
Heartfulness on the Internet is based on four aspects of feeling, which I also cheer on, to begin with, for this is also what we need to BE, but we can only BE these four aspects, or as the Chinese once said, these virtues, if we are in our inner being, our inner heart. The mind only needs to follow and work with the heart, not the other way around, as for many souls is the case still. However, we can make the change very quickly, if we put our hearts to it.
What are the the four aspect this heartfulness trainings are based upon and what is the difference between heartfulness (BEing and practicing it) and just being IN heart.
The four aspects of training, as four is love:
1. Kindness (metta) 2. Compassion (karuna) 3. Collective Joy, or, Cooperative Joy (mudita) 4. Equanimity or Generosity (upekkha)
Do these four aspects of reflect the complete virtues of jade? Are the Buddhistic teachings?
Yes and no. Of course the teachings of the Buddha can be brought forward, but there are for this training new Star family energies factored in.
At least we can say, that these four Ways, that they contribute to the feeling and flowing towards the entering of the inner heart and the opening of the three heart chakras, yes you read right, three heart chakras! We all have heard of mindfulness and clears lots of the mind noising you may have. This is very good training indeed, respect to this training of course, but is it worth spending between € 200 to € 900 on? Remember that and mindfulness is based upon Buddhism, which already available to us all. Heartfulness training by me is bringing the Inner Heart knowledge in practice and costs absolutely nothing, in fact, you will train yourself, truly!
Let us focus on the aspects mentioned as kindness is feels into opening to well being of oneself and others. Compassion gives us the ability to feel into other, to be/feel IN-volved with their feelings, to BE feeling IN. Also the Cooperative Joy means to feel happy for and with others as they make perhaps a beautiful breakthrough in their old energies, which may be still of negativity. Be Joyfully happy for them and work with them. Equanimity means the be unconditionally open with ones own heart, towards other souls, to be frank, but without hurting them, with compassion, kindness and in joy.
Mindfulness, or even Heartfulness, are beautiful and good things, do not get me wrong here, it is a way to learn all these four aspects, but is compassion, kindness, joy and generosity about collecting money? I leave you to feel into that one. I don't feel so...
So what can I offer you for free?
I will show you a way IN, if you like, via personal training, also free, to help you go inner heart. First you need to have done a few steps before doing that.
I don't do clearings from spirits that block your pathway, clear dark energies away from you or clear your old karmic inner energies, etc., that is your own pathway to clear and there are many light-workers that specialize in doing that kind of thing for you and with you. My training is for the heart training, a full shining inner heart and a Heart Star awakenend! Clearing and cleansing is your own path to follow and besides, it would take too much time anyway to get to where this true heartfulness state needs to be in. I wish to work with souls already on their path, passed their clearings and cleanings.
True Heartfulness is for free souls of any kind of energy and that feel to connect higher, more inner and wish to bring this into practice. I will guide you towards steps to do, first via emails and questions you may have, if you still feel in need, of help, about this than email me and we may be able to do a Skype session, on appointment.
Things to do and steps to take, before contacting me:
1. You have done a path of clearing and cleaning already, even if you are unaware of such things, especially if you are just beginning!
It is better if you have reached a certain degree of training, and also know some of the teachings / knowledge on this website and ground works (basics) of other energy work. See point 7.
2. You had basic trainings on other levels, like reiki, light-work, shaman, or any other kind of work with spirit and Source.
3. Come unconditionally, old baggage and pre-conceptions means clearing is not done.
4. Where a Mountain Crystal every day
5. If you are Star-seed, Indigo, or Star-child, blessed is your way to me
6. Be Love, Light and Free.
7. You have read the practices on this website and are ready to take them into practice real-time or have been trying to do so.
True Heart-fullness will let us practice what comes from the Inner Heart, an bring this in to a 3D reality.
Let us's is time and way overdue...yet, right on time... Oh the humour of time, which is one of the greates illusions out there... ;)