Hearts United Group
Why creating this website?
Well that's very simple, when you look at it from love, life and an energetic perspective. For Love IS Life and Life IS Love. That is, if you can. From 11-11-11 the gate of love energy has been opened and if you haven't felt some change around that time you probably mist out on something. It was one of the final gates / portals to open, the final 12-12-12 has been opened IN that year. Also two other syllables have come to pass already (13-13-13, 14-14-14, 15-15-15 etc, yet to be truly felt). For more on these numbers feel inspired to get our e-book on the 9 Sacred Angel numbers and the Four IS Love. If this sounds strange to you, you might want to leave your "idea" of "time" behind. Time is a linear and specified perception within 3D. If you truly feel that last one, you truly have become more aware. Time is non-existent when it comes to heart, energy, space, sensing and feeling. Also other (light) beings in other star systems, use different measurements of "time", than us Earthlings. Even on Earth we have different measurements. Some more smaller energy waves and gates have opened up, for further openings to our bodies too, in this expanse between 2012 en 2016, but are enhancement of the previous big ones. Even sooner than these gates, you could have already been feeling these increasing love vibrations inside your body and being. We are living since end of 2012 in a in-between state, which will eventually flow into a new way, you can imagine this as a in-between tunnel state, which will lead up to a series of events, leading into a big Event. A lot of old template ways will die out in this tunnel-state or the in-between time state. The years of 2014 and 2015 saw big changes, on a personal and on a united consciousness scale, which we are beginning to see and feel even more of through this new coming years of 2016 to 2021! Also Star-families are implementing from "time-to-time" new energies, like the recent Cetian and Pleiadean installments, or the new Orion, Sirius and Arcturian installed grid energies. We will keep building this new grid! So, I/we know, that deep INside all of you that you also know, that these new energy waves that have been sent to us, in waves, in the NOW, and future nows, for us to open our (inner) heart and our heart's centers to this new love energy, but also the lower energy chakra's that need transforming. This energy vibrates at higher level then we have felt for at least 13.000 years, the time of the last Atlantis Islands. If you open up to it and integrate it into your inner heart and your energetic system, you may become more enlightened, or feel enlightenment, for this is what a piece of enlightenment feels like, to loose some of the older energies and be more IN the real YOU, without the older attachments. Now there is a way to do it and we will put all knowledge about it on-line and for free. For money is quite obsolete in such matters, as many measure happiness to money still. Nothing could be further from the truth and from love. Money is just a tool. Because God gives love freely and we should all do the same. Neither does God or Source, judge, for Source is simply not of that energy and flow. We ALL should have the possibility to be in this state of absolute freedom and to be full of love and express ourself in a higher state then we are BEing, in the now. From 2012 onward we have been living in an in-between phase, a phase where the fate of HU-man-kind will be decided, therefore, which way things will shift. 2016 will see this come to fruition even more. We will have more and deeper insights of the truths and also INto the deceit that has been played before all of us. Do also realize that Source has also set decrees for this time-frame, which will come to pass and which will BE! Nothing will prevent this from happening, no matter how hard it will be resisted. All will be, as it is meant to BE, it is only a matter of time and space. The Ascending of HU-man kind will eventually be and come to pass. The sooner we begin to align with this, the easier it will become, the more we wait and resist, the harder life on Earth will become for us all... The only thing we need to do is be truly at heart, learn peace, virtues of meaningful unified ethics and peaceful coexistence and combine true spiritual knowledge, with true science. Only then truth will be. Our hearts, combine both areas of knowing. At LOVE HUG and its website, help is given for free and IN peaceful energies of the heart. Because Source gives freely and so should we all give. Our own inner source, within our inner space of the heart, should be in resonance with that Love guideline of Source. For those who have done wrong things in the past of Earth and still are doing these stuff still in the name of something they believe in, we ask you to stop the resistance and join the alignments of love. We truly love you and we ask you too, to become and grow beyond your shame of what you have been doing and maybe still are doing. Forgiveness is truly a blissful space. Now forgive yourselves, but never forget what you were, so you will learn from your past and learn to be new in the now. Center yourselves to this new way. Love IS Life, Life IS Love, and everything IS, Source Namaste |