From the Higher Dimensions
Channelings from B.Nijboer
On this blessed Saturday of 13th of March I received another message from Source, a bit personal, but also for you all.
Enjoy the read: Son, the lessons of the Ramaji, which is you, are inclusive in the life's you lived within the following life's .... (left this personal part out, for privacy reasons and too much Earth implications, I consciously choose to remain humble in this life...) ... these resemble the life's of Buddha and Jesus. They struck a cord within the Rays of Source... yet, many connected to this thread, or cord of consciousness... Your Science needs to develop conscienceness... which is a conscious Source connected way of research, with Source leading their thoughts, not ego... all inspiration flows through me, the great I Am... Knowledge of ME, is love, knowledge of small me is to be done through ME... No one is one being, all is shared consciousness, no one is alone, none, for all is connected through ME. Each "individual" feels alone, when not connected through ME within his/her heart, and that is the Way to go about your life. Connected, not disconnected, for the path to disconnectedness is a much longer and harder one, to return to ME. I Am Nameless, formless, in many forms, and form the formless, through connecting the disconnections. Speak this to all who want to hear: " is the Way, and if you don't want to follow this path, then your Way to ME will take longer... the Love must be lived sacredly, within your heart and soul, so I will feel your trust, your intent and genuine authentic being to be serving the WE of ME... I Am forever here, and forever I already was, ever excistent and omnipresent. I Am all that IS, WAS and What is to BECOME. Embrace ME inside you and WE shall live forever and ever. In the past many gave ME Names, to subdue souls for a certain Way of Life, yet, Life is Love, nothing less or more, to be given joyment. Listen to my voice, and know that to many I speak differently, for each path is different towards ME, but all have on thing in common: it can only be done through unconditional love for ME. Call me your friend, united in a Father/Mother energy and I will give you grandous love in return. Children of my creation, I am your first and so shall I be your last. I AM..." Enjoy a blessed weekend and my gratitude for reading and listening to Source is with you B.
Channeled messages from B. NijboerOn the left one can see changelings that have come through and were received by me. Rest assured I will post every once in a while the right energies for all in here from guides speaking through me. Messages Archives
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